Chapter 490
After entering the city, Xu Beiyou and the swordsman surnamed Meng found a very ordinary restaurant. The two ordered some food, mainly wine. He was very caring, and he also brought a plate of boiled peanuts to accompany the wine.

The two sat opposite each other across the table. Xu Beiyou was still wearing the same clothes as when he saw Zhang Wubing. Wu Yu personally chose this clothes for him. From the crown to the belt to the boots, everything has a saying. Although Mengjiao, who has been wandering outside for many years, can't be said to be famous for these things, he can be sure that this outfit will never be bought without a few hundred taels of silver. Ordinary people will not be able to earn this outfit for a lifetime.

In fact, Meng Jiao still guessed less. This tailor-made and time-consuming clothes took up to three months. It cost Xu Beiyou 500 taels of silver, which is enough to buy a single-family house in Jiangdu City. The house is gone.

Sometimes the world is so absurd. Xu Beiyou’s dream of the first 20 years was easily realized in the next two years, and quickly became worthless. Maybe a life-and-death struggle could completely destroy this luxurious costume. Go, the money that he was asked to accumulate for a penny, a penny, and a tael was really just a number to Xu Beiyou now.

In fact, Meng Jiao also has his own thoughts in his heart. No matter whether Brother Xu is a son-in-law or not, he is undoubtedly different from what he used to be. After all, he is getting old, and he will find another job as a swordsman soon. On the other hand, if he climbed into a rich family, became a nursing home or a teacher, and didn't have to suffer from the wind and rain, it would be a good thing.

The two of them exchanged cups and quickly finished the jar of wine. Meng Jiao was already feeling a little tipsy. Xu Beiyou helped him out of the wine shop, and said, "Brother Meng is not young, he always The job of being a swordsman is not a long-term solution, and it is time to live a stable life."

Meng Jiao smiled wryly, "That's the truth, but Lao Meng has spent his whole life wielding knives, and he has no other skills other than that. It's not easy to make a living again."

Xu Beiyou didn't mind helping him, and said with a smile, "To be honest, I have some small businesses in the south of the Yangtze River, and a few fellows from the northwest are also there. I wonder if Brother Meng would like to go there?"

Meng Jiao came to his senses all of a sudden, and carefully scrutinized Xu Beiyou's expression. It didn't look like a joke, but he still couldn't help asking, "Brother Xu, are you serious?"

Xu Beiyou nodded and said: "Of course I'm serious, I'm just afraid that Brother Meng will never leave his homeland, and he doesn't want to leave his hometown and go to the south of the Yangtze River."

Meng Jiao laughed loudly, "Why is it so hard to leave your homeland? Lao Meng is alone with nothing to worry about. The world is so big that he can't go anywhere?"

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "Brother Meng is good. Where is it not home? Where is it not to bury people? The place where the heart is at ease is my hometown."

Meng Jiao couldn't help but praised: "Brother Xu's statement is really good."

Xu Beiyou waved his hand and said, "Since Brother Meng has this intention, I will write you a handwritten letter later, and you take it to Jiangdu to find a woman named Wu Yu, and then tell her that Xu Nangui asked you to come. "

Meng Jiao subconsciously rubbed the handle of the knife at his waist, and hummed.

Xu south to return, the northerners to return to the south?

Wu Yu?Could it be that lady of the family who took a fancy to brother Xu?

Meng Jiao didn't ask any further questions, but he still felt that he should go to Jiangnan to have a look. Anyway, he was poor, and even if he had a low life, he was not afraid of being cheated by others.

A few months later, Mengjiao actually arrived in the bustling Jiangdu, met the astonishing "Poppy" and saw the "small business" that Xu's brother called "small business". He has a prominent status, and the wife's family that he wants to claim to be dependent on is the largest family in the world.


Xu Beiyou borrowed a pen and paper from a fortune teller's stall by the roadside, wrote a handwritten letter and handed it to Meng Jiao, and the two said goodbye.

Since Mengjiao decided to go to the south of the Yangtze River, he must deal with the matter at hand from beginning to end. He might not be able to get away for a while, while Xu Beiyou was walking alone in Danxia Village, walking through the streets he had walked through. Finally, at the entrance of a remote alley, I saw a very lush old locust tree. Although it has entered autumn, there are still a lot of leaves left. The afternoon sun shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves. On the ground, pieces of fine golden spots were formed, and there was a large smooth bluestone under the locust tree, and the place where people often sat was already dark in color.

After seeing this locust tree, many past memories came to Xu Beiyou's mind.

Xu Beiyou came to Danxia Village very early to ask for a living, but he couldn't afford a house in Danxia Village, so he could only come here in the morning light, and then go back in the twilight, and rest in the shade under the big pagoda tree at noon , By the way, gnaw off the steamed bun that I brought with me.

The cold and hard buns fall apart as soon as they are bitten, and they are hard to swallow no matter how much they chew. In winter, they are like stones, and their teeth hurt. By the way, he is not here in winter, but sheltered from the wind in an old doorway .

It's not a bad day like that, but it's not even a good day either.

Xu Beiyou sat on the big bluestone, and recalled that one year, when he went to cut firewood on a small slope not far from the village, he accidentally fell and broke his leg. He had no choice but to endure the excruciating pain and crawled back to Xiaofangzhai little by little. His hands were dripping with blood. Later, he lay on the bed for three months, and he could only walk with a limp for a long time. Even worse than being chased and killed several times later.

There was also that girl, she just got a sudden illness, and she was gone. For the high-ranking young lady, even if she died of illness, she would have to stay in bed for several years. But for poor families, death from illness is just a matter of one night.

Maybe a living human life is not as valuable as those so-called precious medicinal herbs, which is absurd and ridiculous.

Xu Beiyou laughed at himself, "No wonder it is said that poor and lowly couples are sad for everything."

There was a bleak wind, and some dead leaves fell from the branches.

Xu Beiyou reached out to catch one piece, held it in the palm of his hand, got up and left, and continued on his way.

Going deeper, more and more memories also appeared in Xu Beiyou's mind, both sweet and bitter.

But it seems that it is still more bitter, because Xu Beiyou doesn't want to go back to the past at all and be a mediocre little person.

What does not admire glory and profit, what regards money as dung, what glory and wealth are just passing by, this kind of realm is too high, Xu Beiyou can't understand it, let alone take it up, being a Xu who can spend 500 taels to buy clothes Young master, a young master Xu who can call the wind and rain in Jiangdu city, a young master Xu who can be friends with powerful and powerful people, and a young master Xu who can marry the princess of Daqi, it is very good.

It was ten million times better than that Xu Beiyou who could barely eat enough.

Immortals who come and go say that they don't want glory and wealth because they are already above the glory and wealth of the world. If their morals are abolished and the dust is knocked down, do you think they want it?

Great Confucian scholars say they don't want glory and wealth, because what they want is fame. If no one praises their stinky feet, do you think they want it?
This reasoning is very vulgar, but very true.

Xu Beiyou let go of his palm, and the fallen leaf went away with the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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