Chapter 494

The room is still the same as it was when Han Xuan left, with a central hall hanging on it, with the word "Taiping" written by Han Xuan himself, and a square table of huanghuali wood underneath.In all fairness, the furniture in the house is not bad. It was bought by Han Xuan when he first arrived in Xiaofangzhai. After all, at that time Han Xuan had just stepped down as the cabinet minister, and he had some money and was very rich.

However, Han Xuan, who has studied books all his life, can be said to be a master in both the practice of public affairs and the way of being an official, but he is in a mess when it comes to the most basic livelihood. After losing a lot of money, Xu Beiyou had to go out to fend for himself at a young age. In this regard, Xu Beiyou could straighten his back and say that he was more than ten times stronger than his husband.

After entering the room, the two sat down separately, Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "I went out for a trip some time ago, and I just came back, and there is no tea or water at home. I am rude, and I hope Brother Ding will be happy."

Ding Zeyuan hurriedly said: "Don't dare to bother Brother Xu, by the way, Brother Xu said that he just came back from a trip, where did he go?"

Xu Beiyou said: "The so-called traveling is to go from familiar places to unfamiliar places, to gain knowledge and expand the pattern. But, so I went to Jiangnan this time, saw the prosperous Jiangdu, and also visited Jiangzhou and Huzhou. Fight for the flow."

Ding Zeyuan saw that Xu Beiyou didn't seem to be bragging, so he believed it in his heart, and said fascinatedly: "Scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, where the essence of reading in the world is located, brother Xu can go there for a while, this trip is worthwhile, this trip is worthwhile. It’s not worth it.”

Xu Beiyou nodded in agreement and said, "This trip to the south of the Yangtze River has indeed benefited a lot."

Ding Zeyuan said with emotion: "One day I will follow Brother Xu's example and go to the south of the Yangtze River."

Xu Beiyou glanced at the bookcase placed by the scholar's feet, and suddenly laughed at himself.

Everyone travels with a backpack, but I travel with a sword. Along the way, I not only saw all the famous mountains and rivers, but also cut off a lot of bloody heads.

The wine entered the guts, but it failed to turn into a poem, but instead let out a sword spirit.

Back then, not everyone could imitate Taibai Sword Immortal Poetry, Wine, and Sword.

Next, Xu Beiyou and Ding Zeyuan talked about customs and geography, theories of famous scholars, and even the way of sages, and they had a good chat.

Xiaoxiang also read books with Han Xuan for a few days, and she half-understood. She only felt that the two of them were very good. She left once in the middle, and it was already noon when she came back. Perhaps Ding Zeyuan didn't quite understand the two white-faced buns, but Xu Beiyou knew how important these two white-faced buns represented in Xiaofangzhai. They could only eat white noodles and some sesame oil during festivals. Xiaoxiang took out two of them from home. A white-faced steamed bun may suffer a lot of harsh criticism and embarrassment.

After Xu Beiyou took the steamed steamed bun, he ate it seriously, and then smiled at the little girl, "It's delicious."

Immediately, two blushes appeared on the little girl's face.

Xiaofangzhai does not raise idlers, chopping firewood, lighting a fire, cooking, and doing laundry, there is endless work to do every day. Xiaoxiang is not like Mr. Lian who can idle around all day long. It is not easy for her to stay here for a whole morning. , I have to go home and work in the afternoon, so I can't stay long.

Xu Beiyou sent the little girl out, took out a silver nude and put it in her hand before she could say no, and said in an undeniable tone: "Take it, not because of this bun, but because of Beiyou." Brother You made a fortune outside, and I gave it to you."

The little girl took the silver and blushed again, not knowing what to say.

Xu Beiyou turned and left without looking back, waving his hands.

At this moment, the little girl suddenly felt that Brother Beiyou was indeed not the old Brother Beiyou.

She suddenly felt a little sad, for some reason, although this brother Beiyou now knows a lot, looks much better, and has a lot more skills, but she still misses the brother Beiyou in the past even more.

If the little girl had a chance to step out of this world and take a look at the vast world outside, she would know why she liked Xu Beiyou back then.

Because today's Xu Beiyou has too much sophistication, ambition, scheming, and even condescension that he himself didn't realize, but the original simplicity, or innocence, is missing.

Xu Beiyou failed to notice the slight changes in the little girl, and turned back to the yard. Ding Zeyuan took out a book from the bookcase at some point and was reading it slowly.

Xu Beiyou glanced at it, and it turned out to be the famous "Taishang Induction Chapter". Xu Beiyou had also read it, and it originated from Taoism's "Baopuzi", which was carried forward several times and circulated in the world. , down to the common people, published and disseminated by many people, and reached its peak in the Zheng Dynasty. The income among them belongs to the Taiqing Department.

Xu Beiyou can now recite a few lines from Bai Yunzi's "Taishang Induction Chapter Collected Notes", "The Supreme One is the title of the supreme Taoist, and this moves the other's feelings, and the other responds to this, and responds to good and evil." If you move the world, there will be retribution."

To put it bluntly, good people are rewarded with good rewards, and this is also the fundamental method of the Taoist Jishan School.

Can't you see that this scholar is still a person who has accumulated good deeds?
Xu Beiyou didn't jump to conclusions, and asked with a smile: "Brother Ding has a heart for Taoism?"

Ding Zeyuan, who was studying hard, raised his head and said with a wry smile: "Brother Xu, don't make fun of me. With my stupid talent, how can I dare to expect the freedom of Taoist immortals? It is already my life's wish to cultivate a bit of arrogance. .”

Xu Beiyou smiled, stood up and took out a pot of wine from the sword box, "The Northwest is cold and bitter, Xiheyuan is a cold and bitter place in the Northwest, and this small village under our feet is a poor village on the Xiheyuan. , few scholars come here, it is a great fate to meet brother Ding here, I also have a pot of Fen wine bought on the way back here, the authentic Shanzhou Laojiao, very strong, it is said to burn the throat, If Brother Ding doesn't mind, how many drinks should we have?"

Ding Zeyuan's eyes lit up, without being overly polite, he said with a smile: "It's better to obey than to be respectful, and Ding will be disrespectful."

Xu Beiyou took out two more small wine glasses and put them on the square table, each of them filled a glass.

Xu Beiyou picked up his wine glass and was about to speak when he suddenly looked out the door.

Ding Zeyuan was a little puzzled, and followed Xu Beiyou's line of sight to look out, his eyes widened suddenly.

I saw a black wolf smoke rising slowly from the far horizon. The whole smoke was straight and extremely black, no matter how the wind blew, it would not tilt halfway.

Ding Zeyuan murmured to himself: "The desert is solitary, and the long river is full of sun. Is this the wolf smoke that the book says? Is there a war in the frontier?"

Xu Beiyou's face was serious.

If there is smoke rising, there must be foreign enemies invading. Based on what he has seen and heard along the way, it is autumn, and the white disaster on the grassland is beginning to appear, so it is likely that the grassland cavalry went south to plunder.

It's just that this time it's a small-scale looting like in previous years, or a real army going south.

Xu Beiyou exhaled softly, and murmured: "War smoke rises from the northwest, ink dyes the blue sky."

(End of this chapter)

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