Chapter 496

Of course, the term horse thieves is not accurate, because these people are not necessarily horse thieves, but grassland people who came to the Northwest as horse thieves.

As for the scholar, it was Ding Zeyuan who had just separated from Xu Beiyou, a scholar who claimed to have come from Yuzhou to study, but was called a master by the grassland people.

You must know the word Guru, but it is the exclusive title of the monks of Molun Temple, similar to the title of real person in Taoism, and it cannot be given to anyone who is not in the realm of immortality.There is also the title of Ming Wang on it, which is equivalent to the title of Daoist Daoist, and it cannot be awarded unless it is in the realm of the earth and immortality.

In this way, this "Brother Ding" is still a master of the Molun Temple, but it also makes sense in terms of reason. The grassland and the Northwest will always send spies to spy on each other before the war. They have always been the two arms of the Prairie Khan, and it is reasonable for them to be the ones.

Ding Zeyuan, who looks exactly like a native of the Central Plains, doesn't speak much. After sending out the map, he has been sitting by the campfire and eating mutton slowly. He said that he is a Yuzhou scholar, which is not bad. He was indeed a few decades ago. A younger brother from a small family in Yuzhou, he also studied hard to obtain a scholarly title, and also had a wife who was destined for life.

It's just that poor and lowly couples are sad about everything, and women are ruthless and want to change when they see differences. They would rather be the concubine of a rich and powerful son than accompany him to continue to suffer. After he knew this, he drank some wine and used his strength to break into Go, kill the dog and man who are having sex with one knife, and then escape out of the city alone overnight, go north all the way, and go out to the grassland.

After coming to the grassland, he first mixed into a caravan to do some chores, and wanted to follow the caravan to the grassland king's court. He never thought that he would meet a horse thief on the way, so he immediately surrendered to the horse thief. He insisted on persuading the leader of the horse thieves not to kill him, so he became a horse thief again, specially advising the leader. Later, these horse thieves accidentally offended a king of Molun Temple, and he was undoubtedly killed by the king of the earth fairy realm. King Ming beheaded all of them, but he was lucky enough to be taken back to Molun Temple by that King Ming because of his talent.

The ranks in the Molun Temple are strict, and ordinary disciples are almost no different from slaves and cattle. He gritted his teeth and endured for more than ten years, and finally made it through. He was ordered to return to the northwest, spy on the military situation in the northwest, and draw a map. If he could make great contributions to King Khan, then he might be able to go one step further and become another Ming King of Molun Temple.

At that time, he will be able to further practice the "Blessing Sutra of Great Vairocana Becoming a Buddha and Divine Transformation", and achieve the Dharmakaya of the Great Sun, which is extremely powerful.

Ding Zeyuan recalled the various experiences of the previous decades, with mixed feelings. When he escaped from Yuzhou in embarrassment, he never thought that he would have today. The family of the rich and powerful son was killed.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered that the scholar surnamed Xu he just met today, no matter how he talked or behaved, he didn't look like a private school gentleman from a remote village. Could it be someone from the Dark Guard Mansion?

Thinking of this, his face suddenly became more serious, thinking in his heart whether he should go back to find out his details?If he is really a member of the Dark Guard Mansion, then he can kill the grass and roots as soon as possible to avoid future troubles.

At this time, the gloomy man suddenly said: "We came here early this time, and we can be regarded as a vanguard. Why can't we go back empty-handed, why don't we go a little further? How many villages are there over there?" , get a vote."

The other tall and strong man said in a low voice: "That's not bad, maybe there are still a few girls in the village, these days are going to be exhausted."

The leader of the prairie frowned and reprimanded: "Retrieving the map this time is the most important thing. If the Northwest Army is alarmed and the King Khan's event is ruined, we will all lose our heads! I warn you, whoever dares to make his own decisions , don't blame my scimitar for not recognizing friends!"

The gloomy man suddenly stopped making a sound, but the tall man said carelessly: "Isn't there a guru here, what are you afraid of!"

Ding Zeyuan coughed lightly, and said slowly: "It's better to be careful this time. On the way here, I met a young man named Xu, who gave me a strange feeling. Maybe he is a secretive master of the secret guard house." , if the gang of mad dogs from the Dark Guard Mansion take over, things will be a little tricky."

The prairie man said with a gloomy face, "Then the master meant..."

Ding Zeyuan smiled, "What I mean is very simple, the dead are the safest."

The prairie man nodded, and the tall man became even more interested. He stretched out his hand to hold the long-handled battle axe, and asked, "Master, where is the dog thief in the Dark Guard Mansion? Let me kill him with one ax later." .”

At this moment, a calm voice sounded, "I don't bother you to find it, I'm here by myself."

The three of them looked like a formidable enemy in an instant, the one with the machete, the one with the simple knife, and the one with the long-handled battle ax got up almost at the same time and looked at the uninvited guest without hiding their killing intent.

Only Ding Zeyuan didn't get up, put one hand on the bookcase beside him, turned his back to the visitor and said softly: "I really mean Brother Xu, Brother Xu will be here soon, I don't know if this is fate or not."

"Forget it, of course it's fate. I like to form a good relationship with people the most."

The person who came was Xu Beiyou, he smiled and said: "Forge a good relationship, and we will meet again in the next life."

Ding Zeyuan said calmly: "The next life? Brother Xu is very proud!"

Xu Beiyou raised the sheathed Tianlan in his hand, "Whether the tone is serious or not, you can tell by asking about my sword."

The tall man holding a long-handled battle ax sneered, and he jumped up, and the pitch-black ax pierced through the air.

Although the tall man is only in the first-rank realm, but because of his natural divine power, this ax is enough to hurt ordinary ghosts and immortals. In his opinion, even if this kid is a real ghost and fairy, he can block his axe , but I am not alone, there are two companions and an unfathomable guru behind me, this kid will die here no matter what.

The tall man thought that this kid would choose to avoid the sharp edge of his axe, but he didn't expect that this guy would not dodge or dodge, he just raised the sword in his hand to block it.

Can this kind of flamboyant airs used by frail scholars be able to withstand my own axe?
The tall man didn't believe it at all, and directly used [-]% of his strength to chop Huashan down with a hard blow.

The next moment, his pupils shrank sharply, and he wanted to stop, but suddenly realized that he was unable to move.

Earlier, Xu Beiyou raised his hand on the scabbard, with the sword in front of him. The tall man looked rough, but he also played a trick. He didn't strike the scabbard directly, but on the palm holding the scabbard. .

I saw that the palm was unharmed, but there were countless tiny cracks on the axe.

Xu Beiyou held the scabbard tightly with his five fingers and flicked his index finger. The man weighing more than 300 kilograms flew upside down and fell directly into the campfire, sparks flying everywhere.

After the tall man struggled a few times, he became silent.

Ding Zeyuan finally got up slowly, put the bookcase on his back, and then turned to look at Xu Beiyou, "Since Brother Xu came here alone, I think he is quite conceited about his own cultivation, thinking that one person and one sword are enough to clean up all four of us." People, I don’t know if Brother Xu has thought about it, how many young talents died because of the word ‘conceit’.”

Xu Beiyou feigned surprise and said, "Could it be that Brother Ding can give me another surprise?"

(End of this chapter)

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