Chapter 505

To the north of Hanoi is Usiyuan, and further north of Usiyuan is the Prairie King’s Court. After passing the Prairie King’s Court, there is Daxue Mountain where Molun Temple is located.

A figure came from Daxue Mountain, wearing a loose robe, the face could not be seen clearly, only from the body shape, it could be vaguely seen that it was a woman, passing by Biluo Lake, passing by the Golden Tent King's Court, all the way to the south.

The winter on the grassland this year came very early, and the first light snow of this year had already fallen before last year's snow cover completely melted away, making the grassland not like a grassland, but more like a snowfield built later.

Along the way, there is no green, only pale eyes. Herdsmen everywhere are panic-stricken, praying to the Changshengtian, Buddha, and the king of the prairie, just asking for a "way to survive".

The woman stopped occasionally, but did nothing, and then continued southward.

Crossing Wusiyuan, crossing the Duolun River, and finally came to Xiaoqiuling.

Although there is a word "Ling" in the name of Xiaoqiuling, it has nothing to do with the mountain. To put it bluntly, it is also a grassland, but there is a gentle slope that is not too high in the middle, which is convenient for the cavalry to charge condescendingly. During grassland wars, most of the camps of the Chinese army will be set up here. In the past, Emperor Xiao used the name of "autumn hunting" to review the three armies here, and then officially became king, and went south to compete, which made Xiaoqiuling famous.

The woman didn't continue to go south, but stopped at Xiaoqiuling.

On the other side, Xu Beiyou and Qin Mumian also left Hanoi Mansion. With Zhang Wubing's warrant, they easily passed the border, went straight north, and entered the grassland boundary.

The grassland is vast and thousands of miles away, and the two of them are extremely insignificant when they walk in it. Perhaps Qin Mumian is in a good mood after vomiting out all the things that have been hidden in her heart for many years. The gourd signaled to Xu Beiyou, and Xu Beiyou glanced at Aunt Qin's lips, then shook his head to signal that he would not drink.

Qin Mumian pursed her lower lips lightly, with a playful smile in her eyes, and said softly, "Nan Gui, I am old enough to be your grandmother, do you still care about this?"

Xu Beiyou glanced at the face of the woman who was at most 26 or seven years old, but said nothing.

Qin Mumian didn't expect Xu Beiyou to say anything, and said to himself: "You were born in the first year of Taiping. I was already at the age of knowing my destiny in the first year of Taiping. Do you think I can be your grandmother? You just took over your grandson." Zhong Mou and Han Xuan are cheap, so I can call me Aunt Qin, but this is good, with a young man like you, you can make us three old women feel younger, don't look at the three of us who still retain our youth I don’t talk about other people, just say your teacher’s wife Zhang Xueyao, her mood is unstable and her temperament is unstable. I can't resist the passage of time, and besides you, although your hair is gray, you still have the heart of a young man, and you can still have the spirit of striving for progress, the state of vigorous vitality and the state of all things competing, which can be said to occupy the best time. "

Xu Beiyou finally opened his mouth and said, "The wind and rain can't last long, everyone will grow old."

Qin Mumian nodded in agreement and said, "That's true. Everyone will grow old. Even the immortals in the sky are not immortal. There is also a saying that the five declines of heaven and man. Back then, Daoist Master Mochen had a school that broke the five declines of heaven and man. Mysterious power, it can cut off the realm of ordinary earth immortals, which is very powerful. But then again, the so-called practice of Taoism is actually an act against the law of heaven. The law of heaven does not allow longevity. There are very few people who can achieve longevity, and looking at the world today, there is only one person who is expected to live forever."

Xu Beiyou became silent again. Looking at the ancestors of the Sword Sect, except for the founder of the sect, Shangqing Daojun, the rest of the ancestors, no matter how high they were, failed to achieve longevity, even the ancestor Shangguanxian who had already stepped into the realm of immortals Chen, still cannot escape death.

Qin Mumian hung the jasper gourd on his waist, and said slowly: "Originally, Xiao Yu was also expected to live forever, but he chose another road. He once told me in the early years that the great road is searched for thousands of years, and the time is dry; The former reincarnates for nine generations, and it is muddled. Confucianism seeks for the world and seeks peace for all generations, but how can it be achieved? Nothing is better than being the venerable for one life, with iron hooves, trampling across thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and seeing the picturesque scenery of the rivers and mountains. "

Xu Beiyou couldn't help but sincerely praised: "As expected of the founding emperor."

Qin Mumian said with emotion: "When I was young, I was a saintess of the Xuanjiao. Because I was at odds with the elders in the religion, I left Houjian and traveled all the way to Dongdu. I met Xiao Yu who was still in despair at that time. What do you think of him? If you want status but no status, if you want cultivation base but no cultivation base, you even had a mutual killing with him on Yujie Street. You may not believe me, but I almost killed Xiao who is king of the world. Later, he turned an enemy into a friend and left Dongdu together. At that time, I hoped that he could accompany me to Houjian, but he refused and went to the grassland with Lin Yinping. It’s because I don’t know how to praise, and I didn’t think too much about him when he climbed to the top step by step on the grassland.”

Qin Mumian sighed, "Until the change of the Eastern Capital, Shangguan Xianchen came to the west with ten thousand swords on his feet, and the old Taoist headmaster rode a dragon down the mountain. I was also in the Eastern Capital at that time, and was blocked by a hostile Xuanjiao elder. At that time, my cultivation base was low, I was not an opponent, and I was about to die. Xiao Yu, who had just personally killed Emperor Dazheng Shenzong, broke through the wall and rescued me. Only then did I suddenly realize that the one who was going to be protected by me The man in my life has been able to protect me in turn. From then on, I can't let go of him. Looking back at the beginning, I still feel a little unwilling. I often think, if I had been more determined, would he have stayed with me? After going to build it? So I can’t let go.”

Xu Beiyou smacked his mouth, hesitant to speak.

Qin Mumian smiled lightly: "Speak up when you have something to say, don't hide it."

Xu Beiyou thought about his words, and said softly: "I have always wondered, what kind of cultivation was Xiao Huangjian to be able to defeat Shangguan Shizu after beheading Mr. Fu? It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the No. As the king of the world, as the emperor, the power of the whole country is in his hands, and he has the luck of the emperor, how can he say that he will die when he dies?"

Qin Mumian didn't look too sad, and said calmly: "When he was invincible, he was just 30 years old, but he only started to practice Taoism when he reached the crown, but in ten years, there is no such thing as your Sword Sect Twelve The sword is not a great talent, so how can he become invincible in ten years? The so-called invincibility is borrowed from God, but since it is borrowed, it must be returned, and it is still profitable Li, what should I do if I can’t afford it? Then I can only die, and the debt will be wiped out.”

Xu Beiyou sighed, "Take half your life for half your glory."

Qin Mumian smiled and said: "In the past, I often wondered why Xiao Yu got to the top step by step? Later, I figured it out. He actually relied on the word 'gambling'. This guy just likes to gamble, although the word 'gambling' is very It doesn't sound good, but I can't find a more appropriate word to replace it. Every step is a big gamble. Everything is empty."

"It's a pity, a big gamble requires money. Xiao Yu borrowed money from God to gamble. Although he won the bet, he also lost his life."

(End of this chapter)

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