Chapter 507

They all said they didn't know if they didn't see it, but they were shocked when they saw it.

The current Xu Beiyou is a bit like this. The last time he went south, he was too hasty, and because he was not in a high position at that time, he didn't have access to so many inside stories, so he didn't feel much. But this time he went north, not only let him see After seeing the profound background of the Daqi court, I also saw the dangers behind Taiping.

There is the State of Wei in the East China Sea, the grasslands in the northwest, and a Liao king of the opposite sex who has guarded for generations in the northeast, coupled with the unclear post-jian and Xuanjiao, the Taoist sect that seems to be in harmony with the gods, the ghost palace that appears and disappears, and the not-so-clean Buddhist gate, The key point is that the imperial court itself is still infighting, and Xu Beiyou feels that if he is the emperor of Daqi, he will really worry about death.

Of course, Xu Beiyou doesn't have the emperor's order, and he doesn't have to worry about these "major affairs of the country". He still has to focus on his "little family affairs" now.

According to Xu Beiyou's plan, after going to Xiaoqiuling, there is no need to continue to go deep into the grassland, and then turn to Julu City, and finally enter Yanzhou from Julu City.

It's just that now he has an extra companion, so he still has to ask Aunt Qin what she means.

Fortunately, Qin Mumian has no objection to this, and doesn't mind walking a little longer with him.

The two of them did not use the supernatural powers of flying to the sky to hurry, but walked over step by step. Qin Mumian was usually very cold in Jiangdu City, but this time he left Jiangdu and came to the Northwest Great Wall. Perhaps because of his open mind, his words suddenly Added to the fact that she can't leave her hand with alcohol, and after being a little drunk, she can say anything and dare to say anything. Earlier, she told Xu Beiyou about the old things between her and Xiao Huang, and this time she talked about them again. Enmity between women.

Women's grievances are things that no one can tell clearly. If these women's identities are extraordinary, it will lead to many unreasonable speculations.

The grievances between Qin Mumian and these women have lasted for ten years. In addition, these women's family backgrounds and husbands are all top figures in the world, so it is even more legendary and spread widely in the world.

Generally speaking, these women can be divided into two groups, one group is headed by the Empress Dowager Lin Yinping and the head teacher's wife Murong Xuan, and the other group is headed by Qin Mumian and Zhang Xueyao.

Women's grievances are mostly caused by men, and these women are also unavoidable, such as the marriage contract between Zhang Xueyao and Qiu Ye, and the relationship between Qin Mumian and Xiao Yu.

Xu Beiyou had also heard about this, but it was not easy to ask too many questions because of the taboo of the elders.

Qin Mumian was still carrying the jasper gourd today, drinking while walking, and said drunkenly: "The reason why Lin Yinping and I have a grudge is because we fought for a man. This is the end. As for why I have a grudge with Murong Xuan, that's a long story."

Xu Beiyou glanced at the jasper gourd in Qin Mumian's hand, feeling a little envious. It was a good thing. Like the sword box behind him, it had the magic of hiding mustard seeds. I don't know how much wine it contained. Aunt Qin drank it along the way. There was no sign of bottoming out for a long time.

Qin Mumian hiccupped indecently, spewed out a strong smell of alcohol, stuffed the jasper gourd and hung it on his waist again, and said, "I don't know who my biological parents are. Dabai Mountain Qingming Palace practiced, and became the so-called Xuanjiao saint in that year. It sounds like a saint, doesn't it seem very powerful? For ordinary Xuanjia disciples, this so-called saint is indeed unattainable, but For those elders, she is actually the concubine of the next leader. As for Murong Xuan, she comes from the Murong family. Her father, Murong Yuan, is Murong Yan's half-brother and the current head of the Murong family. His family background is much higher than mine. , I was sent to Buddhism to practice cultivation since I was a child, and I am very happy. No matter how you look at it, the two of us are not from the same world."

Xu Beiyou suddenly realized that it was no wonder that this Aunt Qin later betrayed Xuanjiao, she would rather live under the fence of others than be that saint.At the same time, he didn't expect that Qin Mumian's situation was similar to his own, they were both poor people who didn't know who their parents were.

Xu Beiyou couldn't help guessing secretly in his heart, could it be that Aunt Qin spoke so much of his heart to him because of his sympathy for each other?
Qin Mumian said to himself: "Later, the so-called four beauties were selected by someone with good deeds, namely Murong Xuan, me, Zhang Xueyao, and Lin Yinping. In terms of appearance alone, the four of us may not be unparalleled in the world. In the final analysis, it is because of us. The four of them have extraordinary identities, Murong Xuan is the daughter of the Murong family, Zhang Xueyao is the daughter of the Zhang family, Lin Yinping is even more extraordinary, she is the daughter of King Khan of the Grassland, and the princess conferred by Emperor Dazheng, and I am the lowest of the four. Yes, it can barely be regarded as a make-up number."

Xu Beiyou suddenly smiled, looked at Aunt Qin, who was more like a high-class woman than his teacher's wife, and said softly: "When I first met Xiao Zhinan, she said a sentence in a history book, which I have always remembered. , do princes and generals care about each other?"

Qin Mumian took another jasper gourd from his waist and took a sip of wine.

Xu Beiyou said: "Aunt Qin, in all fairness, you and I are people all the way. We suffered hardships in the early years and worked hard in the middle ages. Isn't it for the comfort of a later age? Those old things are in the past, why bother to disturb the mind?"

Qin Mumian was noncommittal, and slowly said: "Because Houjian destroyed Dachu, Xuanjiao, who was born in Houjian, was scolded as a demon religion. At that time, I was often compared with Murong Xuan. One was a Buddhist fairy, and the other was a It is clear at a glance who is superior and who is inferior, so there are naturally many praises for Murong Xuan, but I mostly use derogatory words, saying that I seduce men to harvest yang and replenish yin, which is very ugly."

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Why should Aunt Qin have the same knowledge as those young people?"

Qin Mumian murmured: "At that time, I was just a little girl who had just given birth, young and vigorous, so it was easier said than done."

Xu Beiyou stopped talking.

Qin Mumian said calmly: "Later, Murong Xuan went to Daliang City for something. The two of us met on a narrow road. We had resentment in our hearts, and we didn't agree with each other. In the end, we fought over a disagreement. In the end, she looked down on me, the world. The demon girl in my mouth, I also despise her fake and noble attitude, and this quarrel was formed. Later, she and Zhang Xueyao had a falling out because of an autumn leaf, and Lin Yinping and I regarded each other because of a Xiao Yu. Qiu Kou, plus Zhang Xueyao's grudge against Lin Yinping who almost killed Lin Yinping on the Daxue Mountain, an enemy's enemy is a friend, we are naturally divided into two factions, because of our respective positions, and even the positions of the three husbands, we fight and entangle each other, It has continued to this day.”

Xu Beiyou shook his head and sighed.

No wonder it is said that women hold grudges. In fact, now, these women are no longer based on the cause of the past, but the prejudice has been deep and irreparable.

He suddenly felt that Qin Mumian was a little pitiful.

The other three women already had a home no matter what, and she was the only one alone. As for the so-called concubine title, it might be more humiliating to her, so it's worth not mentioning it.

At this time, Qin Mumian was half drunk, his eyes gradually became blurred, and he said softly: "Xiao Beiyou, your Bei God wants to marry Xiao Xuan's daughter Xiao Zhinan this time. Although she is Lin Yinping's granddaughter, I still want to marry her." To be fair, whether you like her or not, since you decide to marry her, you must take up your own responsibility and don't let her follow the old path of us people."

(End of this chapter)

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