That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 512 In terms of parallelism between father and son

Chapter 512 In terms of parallelism between father and son
After exchanging pleasantries, Xiao Mohe was about to return to Julu City, but Qin Mumian still wanted to walk around, but Xiao Mohe didn't force it, and said with a smile: "Then Xiao will sweep the couch in the palace and wait."

Xu Beiyou watched as the father and son got on their horses and slowly headed towards Julu City under the escort of several guards.

After the group walked away, Chief Xu Beiyou exhaled and said slowly: "Master once commented on this Lingwu County King, saying that he has the spirit of a hero, but in my opinion, the current Renxia of His Highness the County King I'm afraid that the qi has been almost exhausted, that is, in the big dye vat of the temple, who can be alone?"

Qin Mumian sneered and said: "During the Great Chu Dynasty, Mr. Linchuan, the leader of Confucianism, entered the court with the posture of a nearly perfect saint, but in the end he was still covered in mud, and almost lost his reputation for the rest of his life. During the Great Zheng Dynasty, the same He was the leader of the Confucian sect, Zhang Jiangling turned the tide and helped the building to collapse. He was the first prime minister of Zheng, but in the end he not only died, but was also charged with several crimes, stripped of his posthumous title and title, and almost died. His family was confiscated and his clan was wiped out, even if the head of the Confucian school is like this, let alone Xiao Maha."

Xu Beiyou sighed: "The temple is dangerous. I wonder if my husband and I can get out of it?"

Qin Mumian smiled, and said: "It depends on how determined Han Xuan is. If he just wants to beat Lan Yu and then retreat bravely, then he will definitely end well. It’s hard to say, Sapphire is a lesson from the past.”

Xu Beiyou asked: "Aunt Qin is saying that His Majesty has no room for people?"

Qin Mumian did not shy away, nodded and said: "Xiao Xuan is not an incompetent person, he can be regarded as a promising king, but he is still a little worse than his old man Xiao Yu, but it is no wonder that he, Xiao Yu is He was taught by Xiao Lie, but at the age of weak crown, he went to the grassland to create a great foundation by himself. Naturally, there is a pattern that is difficult for ordinary people, but Xiao Xuan is born in the hands of a woman in the deep palace. It’s reasonable to be less than that.”

Although Qin Mumian's words were relatively cryptic, Xu Beiyou still heard the "drunkard's intention not to drink" in it, and he said clearly what Xiao Xuan was doing, but the sentence "better than the hands of women in the deep palace" still pointed the finger at that The empress dowager who is no longer alive, after all, Xiaohuang only has one queen, even with Qin Mumian, there are only two people, and Qin Mumian has been living in Jiangdu for a long time, and she never set foot in the imperial capital when Xiaohuang was alive, so this "woman" Naturally, it refers to the empress dowager who personally raised the current emperor.

Sure enough, it is a woman who holds a grudge.

Xu Beiyou changed the subject and said, "Xiao Mahe is alright, but Xiao Shilue is a variable. Back then, I saw with my own eyes that he had a close relationship with Lu Chen, the governor of the Northwest Dark Guard Mansion, and I heard that he had a good relationship with Duanmuyu. Although there are rumors that he is starting to distance himself from Duanmuyu, it is hard to guarantee that it is not a deception, and now I am in the same situation as Duanmuyu, so I have to guard against Xiao Shilue, so as not to be disturbed by him at critical times."

Qin Mumian coldly made a movement of cutting with a knife.

Xu Beiyou waved his hand, shook his head and said, "Let's not say that I'm just skeptical now, even if it's true, I can't do this matter, otherwise, if the news leaks out, Xiao Mahe will be pushed to Duanmu's house instead. At this time, the weight of a Lingwu County King is still very important."

Qin Mumian said flatly: "Wealth and wealth are found in danger, and non-toxic is not a husband."

Xu Beiyou said quite emotionally: "That's the truth, but I always feel that in dealing with people, if you can't kill the enemy with one blow, then you still have to leave some room for maneuver. If you want to kill someone just because of suspicion, then I will How is it different from those suspicious emperors? Besides, a real man can't blindly use cunning means to establish a world, and if he loses his integrity, it will be difficult to achieve great things in the end."

Qin Mumian's eyes softened a little, and he said softly: "If you really wanted to kill just now, then I will be disappointed in you. Those who achieve great things must not be blindly forgiving, nor blindly cruel. Bad people cannot be heroes. A ruthless villain can't be a hero."

Xu Beiyou's eyes were complicated, and he said softly; "Yes, if killing people can solve everything, how simple would this world be?"


The father and son rode side by side. After all, this is Julu City, and Xiao Mahe was also from the army, with good cultivation, so the guards just stayed behind to give the father and son some space to talk.

Xiao Shilue carefully glanced at his father's expression, and asked tentatively, "Father, is this matter over?"

Xiao Mohe seemed to have expected it long ago, and asked calmly: "Otherwise? Did I tie up the concubine for my father, or did I kill you to make amends for the concubine?"

Xiao Shilue's face turned pale, and he forced a smile, "I just think that the concubine is too domineering, and she doesn't take the father seriously."

Xiao Mahe didn't break his son's mind, and said calmly: "I don't care about it as a father, what do you care about?"

Xiao Shi was stunned for a moment, and then said in a low voice: "The king is the guide for the ministers, and the father is the guide for the son. Since the king humiliates the ministers to death, then the father is humiliated, and the child, as the son of man, cannot be indifferent."

Xiao Mahe turned his head and glanced at him, and said slowly: "She has always had this temper, even in front of the late emperor, so what is it for her father? If she said something disrespectful today for her father, if the empress dowager It wasn’t that there was a big prairie as a dowry, so it might not be possible to compete with this concubine. Everyone in the world said that the late emperor was afraid of internal affairs and dared not accept a concubine alone. Only the current majesty’s son, but even so, the late emperor still canonized her as an imperial concubine. What is a noble concubine? She is higher than all the noble concubines and second only to the empress. According to the court law, the noble concubine only has the gold book but no gold treasure, but the imperial concubine can enjoy the gold book and gold treasure just like the queen. But, after the late emperor passed away, she was the imperial concubine, second only to the empress dowager. Now that the empress dowager has gone with the late emperor, she is the most honorable person in my Xiao family tree. Treat each other with courtesy."

Xiao Shilue hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Father taught me the right thing, the child knows his mistake."

Xiao Mohe hesitated for a moment, and finally pointed out his son's little thought, "It's very lively in the imperial capital, you put the treasure on Duanmuyu, so naturally you can't understand Xu Beiyou who is disrupting the situation, but who is Xu Beiyou? Gongsun The successor Zhongmou and Han Xuan jointly trained, as well as the girls in Jiangdu all count on him to be the leader. Now he can call Zhang Wubing, Yu Kuang and others brothers and sisters. The number one deacon, Taiyi, even failed to put him to death in saving Ku Tianzun, so how can Duanmuyu be compared?"

After being punctured by his father, Xiao Shilue's expression was a bit ugly, and at the same time, he was mixed with unspeakable shock.

Gongsun Zhongmou, Han Xuan, Zhang Wubing, Yu Kuang, Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun, plus a concubine Qin Mumian, all of the thunderous names are related to that white-headed young man! ?
Could it be that he made a mistake and made a foolish move?
Xiao Mohe went on to say: "There is a dossier about Xu Beiyou on my father's desk, you can take it and read it carefully later, and see how this Mr. Xu from Jiangdu made his fortune, and also see how big this Mr. Xu is. weight, and then weigh whether your bet is right or not."

Xiao Shilue's heart sank, and he said respectfully, "Yes, father."

(End of this chapter)

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