Chapter 515

After the imperial capital abolished the square city system, it was divided into the imperial city, the inner city, and the outer city, with the central axis as the boundary, showing a symmetrical trend.

The main gate of the imperial city is the Chengtian Gate, which means "inheritance from the heavens and destiny from the sky". After the Chengtian Gate, there is a huge white jade square surrounded by walls on three sides. There is another gate at the southernmost end of the square. This gate is also called "the Imperial City The first gate is a symbol of the national gate. It was called Dazheng Gate in the Dazheng Dynasty, and it was renamed Daqi Gate after the founding of Daqi. Luanjia would pass through this gate, and as for the queen, she could only enter the imperial city through this gate when she was married.

As the "gate of the country", Daqi Gate is magnificent. There are three gates in the middle of five sills facing south, with single eaves and resting mountains, and black tile roofs with flying eaves and heavy ridges. There are stone lions and steles on the left and right sides of the gate. , the left side of the Yulu Road is "Sky Street", which looks like a chessboard, which means "a game of chess for the emperor's wealth and wealth, and there will be times when they gather and disperse and lose". Named after the time.

The thousand-step corridor is surrounded by a two-foot-tall palace wall. Most of the imperial government’s government offices are concentrated on both sides of the wall. Outside are the Dadu Dufu, the Criminal Department, the Inspector, Dali Temple and other yamen, while the Anwei Mansion is within the Daqimen, outside the Chengtianmen, and separated from the six yamen.

From the Thousand Steps Corridor to the west, at a distance of about thirty miles, there is a building that stretches for several miles and occupies a whole street.

However, although the building is large, there is no noise and hustle and bustle. It is as quiet and elegant as a mansion of a famous official, bringing out a sense of tranquility and simplicity.

This place is called Autumn Terrace, and it is the first-class gold-selling cave in the imperial capital.

Of course, since this place occupies such a large area, it will not be full of fireworks. Most of the princes and grandsons will choose this place for banquets. If they bring female relatives, it will definitely be cleaner than the place of Buddhism.

The autumn terraces are connected to each other, and the buildings are set on each other. From time to time, maids with trays come in and out, with upright manners and light steps, which is pleasing to the eye.

It's just that Xu Yi didn't have time to appreciate these things. The reason why he came here today was to wait for someone, but that person didn't arrive, which made him wait a little anxiously.

Xu Yi took out a pocket watch from her bosom, looked at the time, it happened to be noon, and thought in her heart that it was time to arrive.

The two families are family friends, and the man and him are regarded as children, and their friendship is very good. Although his grandfather was frustrated in the officialdom because of some old events, he was only one step away from the position of governor at the peak of his prosperity. , The foundation is deep.Later, that kid joined the army to climb up under the will of his parents. He had the family shadow, and his journey went smoothly. Three years ago, he went to southern Xinjiang with the governor Wei Jin. He gained countless military exploits. Now he is in charge of three thousand soldiers. From the rank three leader, he can be regarded as a real young talent.

Xu Yi couldn't help recalling some things about the two of them when they were young. At that time, they were regarded as the most powerful in the capital. They went shopping at the building when they were only 13 years old. They often brought their servants and soldiers to fight with other imperial dudes because of jealousy. He used to provoke Xiao Bai out of self-control, and was beaten black and blue by Xiao Bai. These absurd things didn't come to an end until that kid went to the army.

Looking back now, Xu Yi really misses those days.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs outside the door, and Wei Yuanyi pushed the door in after a while. She looked around and saw Xu Yi sitting here alone, and asked, "Is Min Chun here yet?"

Xu Yi put away her pocket watch and said with a smile, "It should be soon, are you hungry? How about serving some pastries first?"

Wei Yuanyi shook his head, "Forget it, let's wait for the real master, my grandfather will return to Beijing at the end of this year, but I have heard his old man mention this Min Chun more than once, this time I finally met the real person, I want to see What a hero."

Xu Yi's heart moved, the governor Wei Jin will also return to Beijing?Coupled with those vassal kings who have entered Beijing, this year's imperial capital will be very lively.

While talking, Xu Yi caught a glimpse of a figure through the window from the corner of her eye, stood up and said, "The Lord is here, you just happen to be able to do both."

As soon as the words fell, there was a rush of footsteps on the stairs, followed by a young general in military uniform pushing the door and entering.

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Your boy is finally here, I've been waiting so hard."

The young general was tall and handsome, and he was Min Chun, the eldest grandson of Min Hang.

The family placed high hopes on him, and he also lived up to expectations, living up to the expectations of the elders in the family, and seemed to have the momentum to revive the Min family.

Xu Yi then introduced to Min Chun: "This is Wei Yuanyi, Miss Wei."

Min Chun smiled and said, "I heard that she is the granddaughter of the governor."

Wei Yuanyi didn't speak, but silently looked at the young commander who had been mentioned by his grandfather several times.

After the three of them sat down, Min Chun cut to the chase and said, "Old Xu, I heard that you were bullied a while ago?"

Xu Yi didn't care too much about face in front of her buddies, and said with a wry smile, "Have you heard about it?"

Min Chun talked freely, "I heard it when I first entered the imperial capital. It said that you and Duanmuyu were planted in the south of the Yangtze River. What's the situation? Tell me."

Xu Yi sighed, "Actually, Duanmuyu and I were defeated by the same person."

"Is there such a person in the south of the Yangtze River? Who is so powerful that even the son of Duanmu Duanmu and the nephew of the queen's empress are not in his eyes." Min Chun asked curiously.

Xu Yi said with a slightly strange expression, "Have you never heard of Mr. Xu from Jiangdu?"

"I was in the southern border army, and I fought against those barbarians all day long. How can I know what happened in the south of the Yangtze River? Who is this Jiangdu Mr. Xu? Hearing your tone, it seems that he has a lot of background." Min Chun was completely shocked. Curiosity was aroused. Although he had been in the army for the past two years, he hadn't participated in these dandy fights much, but after all, he was only a young man, and it was still difficult for him to be truly detached.

Xu Yi said helplessly: "Mr. Xu Beiyou of Jiangdu, the adopted son of the current assistant Han Ge, the direct disciple of Sun Zhongmou, the master of Jianzong, and the first disciple of Jianzong. Cover the sky with one hand."

"That's it?" Min Chun rubbed his chin, "Although the family background is scary, how can it be better than King Qi? Back then, we were not even afraid of King Qi. Old Xu, are you scared?"

Xu Yi said softly: "If I told you that he also defeated the Daomen Town Demon Palace, trapped Jiangbei's No. 1 Zhang Zhaonu, and even drove Du Haichan out of Jiangducheng to dominate the Taoist workshop, what would you think? "

Min Chun's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in shock, "Old Xu, are you serious?"

Xu Yi glanced at Wei Yuanyi who was beside her. The daughter of the Wei family nodded and said, "It's absolutely true, there is absolutely no falsehood."

Min Chun couldn't help sighing: "In this way, Mr. Xu is really not an ordinary person. Even our fathers may not dare to provoke him."

Xu Yidao: "Recently there is news from the palace that His Majesty is going to give Xu Beiyou a marriage. He will soon go to the capital of God and become the third son-in-law of Daqi."

Min Chun was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously scolded his mother, and said with emotion: "His Royal Highness is going to get married?"

Xu Yi smiled knowingly.

The reason why Xiao Bai was offended back then, in the final analysis, was because of Min Chun. That time they met two brothers and sisters who were traveling in incognito clothes. After Min Chun saw Xiao Zhinan, he was immediately shocked, before Xu Yi opened his mouth to speak. , he had already gone up to strike up a conversation, but he didn't say a word, somehow offended Xiao Bai, but was beaten half to death by Xiao Bai.

The two felt a little melancholy at the same time.

That stunning woman back then is about to marry a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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