Chapter 518

In the 20th year of Taiping, Gongsun Zhongmou once contracted a yard in the Jinyu Garden of Julu City, where the flowers and trees were lush, the vegetation was green, and it was quiet amidst the noise. After arriving in Jiangdu, he realized that the so-called courtyard in Julu City was nothing more than a minor disturbance, not as far away as Jiangnan.

Returning to Julu this time, Xu Beiyou went to Jinyuyuan after much deliberation. He didn't expect that Gongsun Zhongmou had leased that courtyard for a full ten years, and it was far from expired now, so he logically stayed here again. .

The yard was still the same, but things were different. Xu Beiyou was sitting on a grand master's chair under the porch in a daze, with his sword box standing quietly beside him. Qin Mumian stood in the courtyard with his hands behind his back, looking around, just like the small building facing the lake back then. .

After a while, Xu Beiyou came back to his senses, and he took out a copy of "Yi", the first of the Thirteen Confucian Classics, from the sword box, and began to read slowly. Confucian scholars have read it, and even many people with amazing memories can recite it fluently, just like the Taoist "Tao Te Ching", which directly points to the truth, but I have never heard of someone who can prove the truth with three thousand words of morality Soaring.

Qin Mumian glanced sideways, at first he didn't care, but after a while he became a little curious, and couldn't help but said, "You are a disciple of Jianzong, why do you think of reading Confucian classics? If you want to read, you should also read Taoist classics, Tianxiashu It is not an empty talk to learn how to get out of Taoism, and besides, the Dao of Sword is a family, and there are many similarities among them, which will be of great benefit to your cultivation."

Xu Beiyou raised his head from the book in his hand, and said: "The sword family is not fake, the immortal sword in my five major sword schools comes from the Taoist lineage, but after so many years, the sword school is not limited to the original Taoist family, but also Zeng Bo learned from the strengths of many families. Confucianism once said that a gentleman must wear a sword and respect himself to cultivate virtue. Therefore, the ancestor of my Jianzong learned the essence from it, and picked out the kingly sword and domineering sword from the battle between kings and hegemons. The holy way sword, together with the deceitful way sword, together build the five major sword ways that support the sword sect."

Qin Mumian asked, "What kind of swordsmanship are you now? Immortal sword? Holy sword?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "Neither of them. In terms of my current state, I still can't support these two great swordsmanship. Now I can be regarded as a half-king and half-dominant. I was lucky enough to experience the realm of Shangguan Shizu. The five great swordsmanships are gathered together and are invincible in the world. It is the ultimate domineering sword, and it is the ultimate kingly sword that looks at the world, and there is also the ultimate deceitful sword that kills the first with swordsmanship, but the other holy sword and immortal sword do not have much insight, maybe there was one at that time, Afterwards, it is quickly forgotten, just like the great dream of Nanke, which is unforgettable in the dream, and it is clear when I wake up."

Qin Mumian said contemptuously: "To put it bluntly, isn't it half a bucket of water? You kid is full of thoughts all day long about how to be a superior person. You don't have a half-hearted heart for the world. It is a ghost to be able to practice the Immortal Sword and the Holy Sword."

Xu Beiyou said helplessly: "Although this is an obvious fact, I still ask Aunt Qin not to speak so bluntly. I also want to save face."

Qin Mumian sneered: "How much face do you have?"

Xu Beiyou smiled wryly and was speechless.

Qin Mumian said: "But then again, there is no conflict between having the world in your heart and being a master. You must have the world in your heart because you want to change the world. If you want to change the world, you can't just be a small person. You have to be yourself." Hold a high position, only in this way can you have enough strength to change the world, sometimes the power of a single person is poor, but the power of many people can overcome the sky."

Xu Beiyou was thoughtful.

Qin Mumian picked up the jasper gourd and took a sip of wine, then said: "The Confucian sages have a saying that a gentleman cherishes virtue, a villain cherishes soil, a gentleman cherishes punishment, and a villain cherishes benefits. It means that a gentleman can aim everywhere for morality, benevolence and righteousness. Instead of confining oneself only to the homeland, the petty man only cares about his hometown and does not know how to promote morality; the gentleman respects the rules and avoids being executed for violating the principles and rules, but the petty man only considers whether it is profitable. Return to the South , I hope you can be a gentleman in the future."

Xu Beiyou said softly to himself: "A gentleman, sees clearly, listens wisely, looks warm, looks respectful, speaks loyally, does things respectfully, doubts and asks, anger thinks difficult, sees righteousness; a gentleman does not act rashly, moves surely. There is a way; a gentleman does not talk in vain, and his words must be reasonable; a gentleman does not demand too much, but what he seeks must be righteous; a gentleman does not act in vain, and his actions must be righteous."

While speaking, Xu Beiyou stretched out his fingers and drew in front of him.

The sword is full of energy.


In the Prince's Mansion of Lingwu County, Xiao Shilue finished reading the dossier that Xiao Mahe asked him to read, and his heart was complicated, and he couldn't tell whether it was shock or what.

He had vaguely heard Jiangdu Mr. Xu's words before, but he never took it seriously. After all, Jiangdu is far away from Julu City, and it has nothing to do with him no matter how much that Mr. Xu covers the sky with his hands in Jiangdu. But today, he suddenly discovered that this Mr. Xu actually has a lot to do with him.

From the perspective of the relationship between the two elders, they can be regarded as family friends, so Xiao Shilue and Xu Beiyou should have inherited the friendship between their fathers, but for various reasons, he and this young master Xu stood on the opposite side. Forget it, he doesn't care about this so-called family friend, the key is that Xu Beiyou has become a thing now, and he must not take it lightly.

First of all, this Mr. Xu is not only a disciple of Gongsun Zhongmou, but also the adopted son of Mr. Han Ge, the second assistant of the dynasty. Mr. Han Ge has no wife and no children. The person who dies is no different from a parent and child, and is not the same as the adopted son of an ordinary noble family. As for the weight of Han Ge's old man, there is no need to say too much.

Secondly, even without Mr. Han Ge, Xu Beiyou's power and status in Jiangdu is very good. After defeating Murong Xuanyin, Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun, and Zhang Zhaonu, with the support of the three Jiangdu Lafayettes, he once again fought with Murong. Xuanyin formed an alliance with Buddhism, expelled Du Haichan, a Daoist sect in the south of the Yangtze River, and made friends with Xie Suqing and Yu Kuang, interweaving a big net in Jiangdu that made Daoist sects afraid, and his power was even greater than that of some nominal vassal kings How many points.

In other words, unless Xiao Shilue can inherit the throne of Lingwu County King now, he doesn't have the capital to be equal to Xu Beiyou.

At this moment, someone from outside the door interrupted his thoughts, saying that the prince asked His Highness to come to his study.

Xiao Shilue came to Xiao Mahe's study with a confused head. After seeing the ceremony, Xiao Mahe asked straight to the point: "Before I asked you to think about whether your bet was wrong. Have you ever figured it out?"

Xiao Shilue thought about it for a while, and replied carefully: "It's the child's fault."

Xiao Mohe pointed to a secret letter on the table that had just been torn open, "You still have some self-knowledge, this is the news just sent from the imperial capital, you can read it for yourself."

Xiao Shi slightly stepped forward to pick up the secret letter in doubt, and then his face became extremely shocked. After he stabilized his mind, he asked softly: "Is this true!?"

Xiao Mohe said flatly: "This matter came from the clan mansion, so it should be close to ten. Zhang Baisui, the chief inspector of ceremonies, has personally passed the decree, ordering the clan mansion, the chief inspector of rites, and the Ministry of Rites to discuss it together. Regarding the princess’s wedding, the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau, the Scarf and Hat Bureau, the Needlework Bureau, and the Inner Weaving and Dyeing Bureau started to prepare the auspicious clothes and crowns for the princess and the emperor’s son-in-law, as well as dowry items, and at the same time, Qintian monitored the auspicious days and times for His Majesty’s choice.”

Xiao Shilue's face was gloomy and he didn't know what to say.

Xiao Mahe waved his hand and said, "What to do next is up to you to think about."

Xiao Shilue exited the study carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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