Chapter 52

Xu Beiyou's master and apprentice did not enter the heavily guarded Anyuan City, but bypassed this important town in Xiliang and went straight to Xiulong Grassland.

Xiliang Prefecture and Xiulong Grassland are bounded by the Wujia River, a tributary of the Qinghe River, filled with moisture, and you can feel the slight humidity from a long distance away.

The three of them headed northeast along the Wuga River, and they lived near the water whenever they stopped for a rest. After walking for about a day, they finally found a ferry, where sheepskin rafts sent guests across the river.

The raft was an old man, his face was full of wrinkles, his hands were fleshless, and the veins were bulging under his dark and vicissitudes of skin. There was also a child beside him, also dressed in shabby clothes. It seemed that he was a grandfather and grandson.

Seeing the three people, the old man greeted the business familiarly, "Do you want to cross the river? If you are willing to wait for the crowd to be full before sailing, it will cost two yuan per person. If you cross the river now, you will pay ten yuan for the boat."

Xu Beiyou counted out ten elders from his wallet and handed them to the old man, "Don't wait, let's cross the river now."

The old man received the money, a smile appeared on his old face, and he turned to untie the rope that tied the raft.

The three of them got on the sheepskin raft, the child sat on the bow with his back to the river, Zhiyun was arranged to sit in the middle, Xu Beiyou and Gongsun Zhongmou sat on the two sides respectively, and the old man stood at the stern and punted the boat.

After leaving Dunhuang, Zhiyun no longer wore the big cloak, showing his true face, and sat opposite to the child at this time, the child looked at this fairy-like sister, and his swarthy little face blushed involuntarily.

Zhiyun found it interesting, so he teased him, "What's your name?"

The child glanced at Zhiyun, quickly lowered his head, and said, "My name is Shuisheng, because my mother gave birth to me on the boat, so I am called Shuisheng."

Zhiyun reached out and touched Shuisheng's little head.

Shui Sheng's little face turned even redder, and he summoned up his courage and said, "Sister is so pretty."

Zhiyun was taken aback, then subconsciously glanced at Xu Beiyou who was sitting next to him, and said softly, "You're the first one to say I'm pretty."

Shuisheng's small face was almost turning into a monkey's ass, it was hot, and he spoke in a nonsensical manner, "How come... my sister is so beautiful, there must be many people... like... like..."

Zhiyun smiled slightly, but in the middle of the smile, he suddenly became a little melancholy.

The long road is long and has an end. When it comes to the end, what should we do?

Seeing that Zhiyun fell silent, Shui Sheng thought he had said something wrong, so he didn't dare to say anything more.

The sheepskin raft soon reached the opposite side of the river, and the three got off the boat. Before leaving, Zhiyun touched Shuisheng's little head again, making the little guy who didn't know what the word meant blushed again.

Zhiyun glanced unintentionally at the man beside him, and found that Xu Beiyou seemed to be out of his mind, completely turning a blind eye to this, and a faint gloomy flashed across his face.

Gongsun Zhongmou looked at this scene and shook his head, but he didn't speak. He probably felt that his apprentice was really rotten in this respect, and he didn't want to waste that effort anymore.

That's all, let's go.

Xu Beiyou is indeed out of mind, and now he is practicing the majestic Sword Thirteen. In all fairness, without Gongsun Zhongmou's guidance, Xu Beiyou may not be able to grasp the essence of it after several years of hard training.

On the way of cultivating the Tao, it has been difficult to find a wise teacher since ancient times. No matter how good the root character is, no matter how powerful the practice method is, there is always a person who can answer questions.On this point, even a Confucian sage who is known as "the sky does not give birth to Zhongni, and the ages are like a long night", would inevitably ask Daozu when he was young.

From the ninth rank to the first rank, the realm of the first rank is a huge threshold. If there is no master to guide the way, most of the warriors in the secular world can only stop at the second rank. The bottleneck realm of turbidity is almost innate, so it is hoped that the realm of the five immortals after the first-rank realm.

In the eyes of many orthodox Taoists, the realm of ghosts and immortals is only for practitioners, and human immortals are nothing but cultivators. Only the realm of earth immortals can be regarded as truly stepping into the threshold of immortals. For example, if you climb the ladder to the sky, you have completed the road to longevity after reaching the top, but you have not completed the journey to the sky. If you want to climb to the sky, you have to climb the nine heavens in order to see the boundless mystery above the nine heavens. The supreme celestial being who has achieved immortality, immortality, immortality, and immortality.

The so-called Taishang Daozu, the so-called Infinite Lightshou Buddha, and the so-called extraterrestrial demons are all like this.

To use an inappropriate analogy, cultivating the Tao is like doing business with God. Ghosts and immortals are just peddlers carrying burdens and walking around the streets, human immortals are just hawkers with a fixed stall, and earth immortals have a decent storefront. The size varies according to the level of cultivation, but in the final analysis, the three of them all depend on the face of heaven. Only when they become immortals, like a wealthy businessman, can they barely have the capital to bargain.

As for the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he is already a wealthy businessman, and the Taoists and disciples and grandchildren left behind are like a fleet of cavalry from south to north.

Xu Beiyou carefully calculated the wealth he had accumulated in his heart.

The so-called belongings, of course, are not things outside the body such as money, but things that are actually grasped in the hands, kept in the heart, and can be used for one's own use.

The dragon and tiger alchemy modified by the master is just getting started, it can be regarded as the first glimpse of the door, and there is still some distance before entering the hall.

Sword 36, the first twelve swords have been memorized, and it stops at sword thirteen.

A piece of Tianlan can absorb two-thirds of the sword energy and spirit, and the boundary of the realm has been faintly loosened, and it is just around the corner to reach the second-rank realm.

Many classics in the rucksack have been read "Xiliangzhou Chronicles", "Nanhua Jing", "Wu Bei Ji Yao", "Shu Jing Zhi Jie" and "Di Jian Tu Shuo", and now I am reading "Taiping "Huan Yu Ji", "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing" and "Shaking the Dragon Sutra".

In addition, I went to Longnan and the small half of Xiliang, and saw countless customs and customs.

Learning is both a pleasure and a hardship, but Xu Beiyou didn't feel that he had suffered much, he only felt that he had enjoyed a great blessing.

Compared with those who want to climb up but can't find a way, Xu Beiyou feels that he is very lucky.

Reading thousands of books is a good thing, but it is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. If someone can accompany you to read and travel together, it is a good thing among good things.Xu Beiyou has such a mentality now, if he is allowed to travel thousands of miles alone, he may not be able to persevere, but with two more companions, Master and Zhiyun, it will become much easier.

Most of the time spent on the road is used by the master to preach and teach, teaching him how to move the sword energy in the body, how to balance the dragon and the tiger.In all fairness, this is a great opportunity. No matter which sect you are in, unless you are your own son, there are very few masters who can teach by precepts and deeds, especially for a great master like Gongsun Zhongmou. As for the disciple's lecture, as for whether he understands it or not, it all depends on the disciple's understanding. If he knows it, he will naturally know it, and if he doesn't, he won't. How can he be like Gongsun Zhongmou, who is so detailed and answer every question, so I say this is Xu Beiyou's big chance.

The second is the method of cultivating Taoism. Whether it is the Dragon and Tiger Alchemy or the Sword 36, it is also a first-class secret in the Taoism. Xu Beiyou, this is also a great opportunity.

In his spare time, Xu Beiyou would read various classics in his luggage. Whenever he read the illustrations of Emperor Jian, Zhiyun would come over to look at the exquisite illustrations inside. In the evening, there was no stove and bottle, and the little nun beside her seemed to be underdeveloped, but in any case, this largely satisfied Xu Beiyou's fantasies about scholarly beauties.

Until a long time later, when Xu Beiyou really became a master, he still couldn't forget this scene.

At the foot is an endless grassland, with half a person's tall grass and gazelle hidden in it, behind is the shadowy foothills, with an ancient city full of vicissitudes and armored soldiers on the mountain, a young swordsman who wants to become a master, The rucksack is full of books, the master with the sword box has white hair, and the little Taoist nun who always shouts tired, wrinkled her small face, but smiled so touchingly.

(End of this chapter)

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