Chapter 521

Murong Xuanyin personally intercepted Wanyan Beiyue. It was not a whim, but a decision made after careful consideration. As far as Wanyan Beiyue has the advantage of the deity, he is still slightly better, but he is not completely powerless to fight back. If he handles it properly, there is also the possibility of turning back. It's just that Wanyan Beiyue has acted cautiously for so many years. It's just a chance for him to take advantage of it.

In this fight, Xu Murong Xuanyin certainly didn't have the intention to take advantage of the situation and kill Wanyan Beiyue, nor did he want to turn against the guest to prove his way and ascend, but it was more because of Xu Beiyou, who was related to the Xuanjiao's plan, and there was no room for any mistakes. At least this was the case before Hailu was completely in his hands. Wanyan Beiyue, as a variable capable of disrupting the entire layout, was naturally worthy of Murong Xuanyin's personal action.

After Wanyan Beiyue took the first step, she took the second and third steps, came to Murong Xuanyin in three steps, lightly patted Murong Xuanyin's shoulder, It's like greeting an acquaintance.

Murong Xuanyin's clothes rippled in a circle, swelled endlessly, and after repeating this three times, it gradually stopped.

Murong Xuanyin raised his hand and patted Wanyan Beiyue's palm on his shoulder away, and said calmly, "Wanyan Beiyue, is this what you can do after breaking free from the cage?"

Wanyan Beiyue said indifferently: "Then you look after it."

He reached out and grabbed at the sky.

The next moment, the world shook!
First, countless black lead clouds gathered, and then the entire sky began to slowly descend with a loud rumbling sound.

Black clouds overwhelmed the city, trying to destroy it, and the entire sky seemed to be pulled to the ground by Wanyan Beiyue.

The world's so-called gods and supernatural powers are nothing more than that.

Just now Wanyan Beiyue patted Murong Xuanyin's shoulder with a palm, in fact, he pressed the small thousand world he created with his own cultivation on Murong Xuanyin's body, but Murong Xuanyin didn't make a move, but used his The immortal golden body bears the entire weight of a small thousand worlds, the immortal golden body shattered three times in an instant, and recovered three times in an instant, in the eyes of onlookers, it was Murong Xuanyin's clothes that bulged three times.

This time Murong Xuanyin didn't dare to use his body to resist, because after he shattered the small world with his hands, Wanyan Beiyue resolutely chose to resonate with the world and use the power of the world to oppress him.

Being able to achieve this step of heaven and earth resonance means that Wanyan Beiyue is only half a step away from the peak of the world, and fighting with the power of heaven and earth is naturally invincible.

I saw the continuously lowering sky slowly stop ten feet above Wanyan Beiyue's head, and then his figure suddenly rose nearly a hundred feet, breaking through the cloud curtain and standing between the sky and the earth, like a god standing upright.

Wanyan Beiyue took a palm shot.

An incomparably huge handprint appeared on the sky, breaking through the layers of clouds and mist, and slowly pressing down, the palm prints were clearly visible, covering a radius of tens of miles, as if to include the entire Julu City.

Under this palm, Murong Xuanyin is as small as a grain of rice black spot, almost nothing.

Xu Beiyou looked up and said in shock, "Is this the legendary Baizhang Dharma Body? The Molun Temple masters I met a while ago can only transform into a Dharma Body that is [-] feet tall. The difference is not just the difference between cloud and mud?"

But after all, he was on good terms with Murong Xuanyin, and he couldn't talk about friendship with the late founding master who had never met before, so he still leaned towards Murong Xuanyin, and couldn't help asking: "Aunt Qin, can Murong Xuanyin block this attack?" One palm?"

Qin Mumian said solemnly: "Murong Xuanyin protects himself, but it is difficult to win."

Xu Beiyou rubbed his chin, "I remember that Murong Xuanyin has a supernatural power. He opened a vertical eye between his brows, which can make his cultivation level skyrocket. Back then, he relied on this method to take me away from Biyou Island. With the current situation Look, he should use it."

as predicted.

Murong Xuanyin stretched out a finger, and cut a deep blood groove on the bright red area between his brows, no fresh blood flowed out, instead, blood glistened everywhere.

It's like a blood red vertical eye.

At this moment, the sea of ​​blood under Murong Xuanyin's feet was churning, and in the sea of ​​blood, more bewitching purple lotuses emerged, making his whole figure blurry and hazy, not like a mortal body.

Xuanjiao has a method called Ming Tong, which can absorb other people's cultivation and turn it into one's own use, so that one's own realm can rise rapidly, so it is denounced by other sects as a "magic skill". In fact, the real Ming Tong is not used for one's own cultivation , but to store the cultivation base of others that is absorbed in the weekdays in the center of the eyebrows, cut through the eyebrows at critical moments to release it, and condense it into a vertical eye. All kinds of magical effects such as spirit and soul.

Murong Xuanyin and Wanyan Beiyue are one body, so he is naturally a master of Xuanjiao, and unlike Wanyan Beiyue who focuses on the majestic avenue, he prefers to delve into this kind of rugged path. to the extreme.

Murong Xuanyin stretched out his hands, as if raising fire to the sky.

Then he used his own hands to support the huge palm that was pressing down from top to bottom.

However, the Julu City below was not so lucky. There were cracks and gullies on the ground, the walls collapsed, and even the towering watchtowers were overwhelmed and directly collapsed into ruins.

The direct confrontation between the two Earth Immortals on the [-]th floor made even a mighty city unbearable.

At this moment, there was a heavy cold hum in the sky, as if it was thunder.

For a moment, Xu Beiyou felt that his three dantians were in turmoil, his qi mechanism was chaotic and boiling, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The huge palm that originally covered the entire sky slowly dissipated, and Wanyan Beiyue, who seemed like a god descending to earth, suddenly stood still.

The pale-faced Murong Xuanyin formed a strange handprint with both hands.

The thin white lines formed by countless air mechanisms extended from all directions, as if a huge fishing net had landed on Wanyan Beiyue's body, immobilizing him while crazily absorbing his cultivation.

But even so, Wanyan Beiyue's aura still didn't weaken in the slightest, instead she showed a sneer and said loudly, "Murong Xuanyin, is this your method?"

The next moment, Wanyan Beiyue reached out and tore off the densely entwined thin threads on her body, and regained her freedom.

Murong Xuanyin seemed to have expected this long ago, put his hands together on his chest and made a heart-holding gesture.

I didn't share my heart, but I held out a round of rising moon.

The moon appears in the daytime, and the bright moon occupies almost half of the entire sky.

The light between the sky and the earth suddenly dimmed, unlike the previous dark clouds covering the sun, but directly changing from day to night.

This is a change of time.

Wanyan Beiyue said expressionlessly: "Murong Xuanyin, don't forget my name, the word 'month' belongs to me, not to you."

The sound was extremely magnificent, like rolling thunder echoing between heaven and earth.

With a wave of Wanyan Beiyue's hand, the clouds and mist cleared away, revealing the Baizhang Dharma Body, without any cloud or mist to cover it.

Murong Xuanyin, who was full of blood and purple energy, stretched out five fingers, the moonlight flowed between the fingers, and said with a smile: "You and I are one body, just like the moon is the moon."

After the words fell, the moonlight in his palm flowed slowly like water, gradually changing into the shape of a sword.

Murong Xuanyin grasped the sword and threw it viciously.

Pierce directly between the eyebrows of Baizhang Dharma Body.

Wanyan Beiyue's dharma body froze suddenly and trembled, a crack appeared between her brows, and the brilliance scattered and fluttered.

But Murong Xuanyin was also on the verge of falling.

The late founder of the country calmly said: "Murong Xuanyin, it hurts the enemy eight hundred and hurts oneself a thousand, but is it worth it?"

Murong Xuanyin smiled softly: "As long as it allows you to leave this place early, it's worth it."

Wanyan Beiyue's Baizhang dharma body began to dissipate slowly, and said calmly, "I'll be waiting for you in the imperial capital."

(End of this chapter)

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