That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 528 Green landscape outside the imperial capital

Chapter 528 Green landscape outside the imperial capital

Zhu Xian turned into a stream of light and went straight back to the sword box.

A blood flower bloomed on Aoba's chest, and countless blood droplets splattered in all directions.

Although it is said that after the Earth Immortal Realm is opened to the upper Dantian Zifu, even if it is pierced by a sword, it will not be fatal, but this sword is Zhu Xian after all, even if Qingye has the realm of the Earth Immortal Fifteenth Floor, he is still bloody and embarrassed .

But this is not enough to scare Aoba. What really shocked him was that the sword energy of Zhu Xian took root and sprouted in his wound, and even had a tendency to spread outward. In the realm of the fifteenth floor of the immortal, the body will die and the dao will disappear.

At that time, his uncle Wuchen Dazheng received a sword from Shangguan Xianchen. Even though the old head teacher personally protected the dharma, he was still invaded by the sword energy of Zhuxian. Although he saved his life, his cultivation level plummeted and he fell More than that, he abruptly changed from a sixteenth-floor earth fairy who transcended the mundane world to an unreliable ghost fairy realm, and finally died at the age of one hundred. , has been regarded as "died young".

Qingye was horrified in his heart, but also felt a little bit unbelievable, the head disciple of the Sword Sect was only in the realm of the fifth floor of the earth immortal, how could he forcefully envoy Zhu Xian?Especially the dragon-slaying sword, if Zhang Xueyao used it instead, he could barely accept it, but even if that young man got all the true biography of Gongsun Zhongmou, he shouldn't be so shocking.

But now there is no time for him to continue to think deeply, no matter how much Xu Beiyou's realm is worse than that of Shangguan Xianchen back then, Zhu Xian is still the one that made Master Wuchen fall more than once, and it is right to return to Xuandu as soon as possible.

At this time, Qin Mumian finally got rid of the flying sword that hurt the soul, put her hands together in front of her chest, and two blood-colored thunder lights turned into wings behind her. With a light flap, the unparalleled lightning flashed and moved towards the blue sky. Ye hurried over.

Qin Mumian's learning is extremely complex, with Xuanjiao as the main and Daoism as the supplement. This method is the secret art of Xuanjiao Blood Sacrifice to Lightning Light. As the name suggests, it burns one's own blood to turn into Lightning Lightning, and Lightning Lightning can transform into wings, capable of attacking and defending.

I saw that Qin Mumian's face was slightly pale due to the sudden loss of essence and blood. Under the reflection of the purple gauze dress, it was cold and seductive, and it was extremely beautiful.

However, Aoba had no intention of admiring this terrestrial scene, and didn't dare to stay any longer. She gritted her teeth, then shook out a golden talisman from her sleeve, crushed the golden talisman directly with two fingers, and transformed into a human Be a golden light, fleeting for thousands of miles.

Qin Mumian sighed softly, it's a pity, if this Daoist Daoist didn't have this golden light escape talisman, then she and Xu Beiyou could really keep him in Julu City forever by joining forces.

Qin Mumian looked back at the direction where Qingye disappeared, and the thunder wings behind him vibrated, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

The next moment, she appeared in front of Xiao Mahe and Xu Beiyou.

At this time, Xu Beiyou was in a state of distress, sitting on the ground covered in blood, bleeding from his seven orifices.

Qin Mumian put away the Blood Sacrifice Thunder Light and Ziyun Yan Luoyi, his eyes gradually returned to normal black and white, and silently injected a breath into him.

Xu Beiyou's complexion suddenly improved a lot, his hands formed a sword seal, stabilized his body and spirit, and calmed down his energy.

Fortunately, he has achieved success in cultivating the supreme sword body. This method of physical cultivation complements Zhu Xian's. One of the reasons for the Three Swords.

As for other reasons, I have to mention the bequest left to him by the ancestor Shangguan Xianchen, which allowed him to get a glimpse of the true meaning of Jian 36, and at the same time made Zhu Xian feel naturally close to him. For reasons beyond Qingye's expectation, if Qingye knew that Xu Beiyou had such a great opportunity early, he would never dare to generalize him with the ordinary monks of the fifth floor of the Immortal.

A moment later, Xu Beiyou let out a long breath of foul air, wiped the blood off his face with his sleeve, and struggled to get up.

Qin Mumian said softly: "Nangui, very good."

Xu Beiyou patted the sword box beside him, and said with a smile, "Thanks to this old man for saving face."

The sword box trembled slightly, as if in response to Xu Beiyou.


Qingye has never been so embarrassed. He has never experienced the time when the Taoist sect collapsed. When he went down the mountain for the first time, the Taoist sect had been revived again. He has reached the realm of the [-]th floor of the Earth Immortal, and he is confident that he will use another sixty years to reach the top of the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal to seek a way of ascension.

It's just that he never expected that he almost died in Julu City, and almost let a sixty-year-old Taoism disappear in smoke.

At this time, Qingye was shocked and angry, and there was also a trace of fear that he himself did not want to admit. The road to eternal life is long and difficult, and many amazing and beautiful people died on the way, and there are even some exiled immortals who are destined to ascend to heaven Dacai, it is a great blessing to be a human being for the rest of your life. If you can become a god and get rid of birth, old age, sickness and death, it will be a blessing among blessings. If you accidentally miss it, you will be punished by heaven.

After the golden escape came out of Julu City, it went all the way south, and in an instant, it came to the territory of Zhili Prefecture, all the way to the outside of the imperial capital, but did not dare to enter the imperial capital, but landed in a Taoist temple.

This Taoist temple has been around for some years. At first glance, there is nothing unusual about it. It is late autumn, when everything is dying and there are few people, which makes this Taoist temple look very deserted. That is, this Taoist temple is located on Meishan Mountain, more than ten miles outside the imperial capital, not far from Emperor Xiao's mausoleum.

As the saying goes, people should not be judged by their appearance, and the same is true for Taoist temples. This humble Taoist temple is actually very famous, and its reputation is so great that it ranks among the four Taoist temples of Taoism.

Green leaves fell in front of the Taoist temple gate, looked up at the three characters "Qingjing" on the Taoist temple gate, and after a little hesitation, stepped forward.

The little Taoist boy guarding the door immediately changed his color when he saw the black Taoist robe on Qingye, and hurried to the temple to report.

Not long after, under the guidance of Xiaodaotong, Aoba came down to the main hall of Guannei. At this time, the sky was already dark, and only two candles were lit in the hall.

On the futon in front of the Taoist statue, there is an old Taoist sitting cross-legged, facing the Taoist statue, with his back to Qingye.

After Xiaodaotong retreated, Qingye bowed respectfully to the old Taoist: "Master."


Qingye is of the same generation as Qiuye, the real person in charge of the teaching, and to be called a master by him must be the few remaining Dazheng of the dust generation.

Looking at the entire Taoist sect, even counting Qing Chen who has already betrayed the sect, there are no more than two masters of Chen's generation.

The old man didn't turn around, let alone get up, but said flatly, "Sit down."

Aoba respectfully agreed, and sat on the futon beside the old Taoist, but the old Taoist was facing the Taoist statue, while Qingye was facing the profile of the old Taoist.

The old Taoist didn't look at Qingye, and sighed softly: "Zhuxian Jianqi, you went to provoke the people of Jianzong? It's just that Gongsun Zhongmou and Shangguan Qinghong are both dead. Did you provoke that girl Zhang Xueyao?"

Qingye said shyly, "It's Gongsun Zhongmou's disciple."

The old Taoist was startled slightly, then shook his head and said, "It's true that the more you live, the more you go back, is that junior very powerful?"

Qingye said in a deep voice: "He used the dragon-slaying sword."

The old man suddenly turned his head to look at Aoba.

(End of this chapter)

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