Chapter 535

Compared with many handsome young people, Xu Beiyou is really not a decent person, otherwise there would be no rumors that "Crouching tigers are lustful, young qis take power".In many people's eyes, this Mr. Xu of Jiangdu acted cruelly, played tricks, made friends with powerful people and eradicated dissidents in Jiangdu, especially after trapping and killing Zhang Zhaonu and expelling Jiangnan Daomen, many people felt jealous of him and felt that this Rending is a gloomy figure who looks gentle like a spring breeze on the surface, but is actually as cold as a severe winter.

This statement is indeed not wrong, even when it is applied to the past lords of the Sword Sect. Needless to say, Xu Lin and Shangguan Xianchen's master and apprentice, the two masters and apprentices teamed up in the early years to set off a bloody storm. Many immortals died in it, and even many sect masters were not spared.

Then there is Gongsun Zhongmou. In fact, he only appears amiable in front of Xu Beiyou. From his early days when he fought against Emperor Xiao on the grassland, and later set up a scheme against Qiuye and Chenye, it can be seen that this Gongsun family The patriarch of the family is definitely not just a simple swordsman, otherwise how could he be hailed as "everyone in the world does not know the king"?If there is no such scheming, how can he be the master of the family?
Therefore, Xu Beiyou's change of mind is both inevitable and inherited in one continuous line.

The so-called innocence, the one who can maintain the innocence in the turbid world is a saint, but Xu Beiyou is not a saint, nor can he be a saint, not even a gentleman.

Qin Mumian hoped that Xu Beiyou could be a gentleman, but Xu Beiyou knew he couldn't do it, at least not yet.

After the two of them entered the territory of Yanzhou, they didn't encounter any accidents. There were no gods fighting here, and there was no old incense that Xu Beiyou needed to visit. The journey was uneventful.

Along the way, the two get along very well. Qin Mumian is like an elder who is not much older. "Convincing people with strength" doesn't look like an old man who is about to turn [-], but a young woman who is about the same age as Xu Beiyou. Only after drinking, she chatters about the old things hidden in her heart It was only when things happened in the old days that Xu Beiyou suddenly realized that if it wasn't for her cultivation in the Earth Immortal realm, she would already be in the twilight years of the world.

Along the way, Xu Beiyou was still practicing swordsmanship. Whenever this happened, Qin Mumian would point and comment, with little encouragement and a lot of ridicule, saying that Xu Beiyou's swordsmanship was 36 blocks worse than Shangguan Xianchen's. Compared with Gongsun Zhongmou, it is also eighteen blocks behind. Don’t think that being named No.1 of the younger generation by Lan Yu is so powerful. On the other hand, she was dumped eighteen blocks by him, and now she can't even hit a small green leaf. A few decades ago, she could hit three green leaves with one hand.

Xu Beiyou couldn't tell whether Qin Mumian was bragging or was telling the truth, but seeing the look of disappointment on her beautiful face when she was drinking alone, he suddenly felt that she was actually a little pitiful.

After noticing Xu Beiyou's gaze, Qin Mumian quickly restrained his disappointment, and said with a smile, "What are you looking at? Why do I have flowers on my face? Practice your sword."

So Xu Beiyou withdrew his gaze, and continued to exercise his Qi machine to practice his sword.

After getting along for a long time, Xu Beiyou was also willing to tell this Aunt Qin some of his past events. Although it was not as magnificent as Qin Mumian, Qin Mumian listened with great interest, and then ruthlessly laughed at Xu Beiyou about something.

She never showed her gentle side in front of Xu Beiyou, spoke harshly, was moody, and seemed heartless, like a bad friend.

Perhaps her remaining tenderness was exhausted in the Taiqing Palace decades ago.

Or maybe, if she hadn't been taken to Xuanjiao at a young age, but was born in an ordinary family, she would not be like this at this time.

Xu Beiyou has always believed in what he heard from an old woman in Xiaofangzhai when he was a child, what kind of eyes are what kind of nature, so peach blossom eyes must be passionate, and red phoenix eyes must be strong, so Xu Beiyou does not believe that a woman born with almond eyes will With a cold nature, she will be a witch in the world.

After getting drunk once, Qin Mumian joked, "Xiao Beiyou, if you had been born decades earlier, maybe you wouldn't have had anything to do with Xiao Yu."

Sure enough, she was still an elderly woman with no taboos.

Xu Beiyou didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, Qin Mumian just said it casually, and then turned to ask: "Nan Gui, tell Aunt Qin the truth, do you like the girl of the Xiao family?"

Xu Beiyou was a little uncertain about Qin Mumian's position in asking this question. Was he an opponent of Queen Mother Lin?Or the empress dowager of the Xiao family?If it's the latter, Xiao Zhinan is also considered her granddaughter, so this question is a bit like a mother's family.

In the end, Xu Beiyou decided to tell the truth: "I definitely like her if I like her. After all, she is very attractive and extremely intelligent. It is very difficult for a man to be indifferent to her. I am not a sage who cuts off love and desire, and naturally is no exception." , It’s just that liking is one thing, how deeply you like it is another, and it’s the same with her, the most we can do is to appreciate each other, not to mention how unforgettable it will be.”

Qin Mumian asked softly: "I remember you had a good relationship with a little girl named Zhiyun before you went to Jiangdu."

Xu Beiyou nodded in acknowledgment.

Qin Mumian then asked, "What about her?"

Xu Beiyou said softly: "I went to Taoism and worshiped Qiu Ye as my teacher."

Qin Mumian sighed softly, and didn't continue to ask. I don't know whether it was disappointment or disappointment, "You and the girl from the Xiao family are both smart people and people along the way. I wish you husband and wife can make great achievements in the future, and don't let down today. a lot of thought"

The atmosphere was suddenly cold, and Xu Beiyou remained silent.

The two continued to move forward and walked for three days. When they were about to leave Yanzhou, Qin Mumian suddenly stopped and asked, "After you enter the imperial capital, will you go to Han Xuan's mansion first?"

Xu Beiyou was slightly taken aback, then nodded and said, "Yes, I will live in Mr.'s residence."

At dusk, the woman turned her head and looked in the direction of the imperial capital. With her skirts fluttering, she said softly, "We're almost in Zhili Prefecture, so let's say goodbye here."

Xu Beiyou asked suspiciously, "Aunt Qin, where are you going?"

Qin Mumian asked back, "You really don't know?"

Xu Beiyou was taken aback, and asked tentatively, "Are you going to Meishan?"

Qin Mumian raised his hand to hit, "If you know it, ask!"

Xu Beiyou didn't dodge, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect to guess correctly."

Qin Mumian's raised hand never fell, and even took it back after a moment of hesitation, and said softly: "I made an oath back then, as long as I came to the imperial capital, I would go see him once."

Xu Beiyou nodded.

"Let's go." Qin Mumian turned around and waved with his back to Xu Beiyou.

Then the figure disappeared in a flash.

Xu Beiyou stopped at the spot with the sword box on his back, looked in the direction Qin Mumian was leaving, and sighed.

Then he tightened the rope buckle of the sword box on his chest, laughed loudly and ran away in another direction.

Just at this time, there was a sudden autumn wind, and Xu Beiyou opened his hands. Although he was carrying the sword box, his body was as light as a feather.

A real person can walk against the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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