Chapter 537

In the morning light, Xu Beiyou walked slowly along the wide post road with his sword box on his back. When he was about to leave the border of Yanzhou, a horse galloped from the direction of Zhili Prefecture. The knight was dressed in white and had a sword at his waist. He got off his horse three feet in front, knelt down on one knee, and said in a deep voice, "See Eldest Young Master."

Only outsiders would call Xu Beiyou "Mr. Xu", and most people in Jianzong would call him "Young Master", while the people on Han Xuan's side removed the slightly unfamiliar "Xu" and replaced it with "Xu". The word "big" means that if Han Xuan is old and strong, and can crush a begonia with a pear tree, he will naturally have the second and third sons.

After Han Xuan returned to the imperial capital, in addition to the old department, there were also many casual cultivators who joined the sect and became guest servants. Not to mention how loyal they were, but they were a support after all.Xu Beiyou chuckled lightly and said, "You belong to Mr.? Do you have a message for me?"

There was no one around, the swordsman quickly pulled out a sealed letter from his sleeve, and presented it with both hands.

Xu Beiyou took the envelope and did not rush to open it, but asked, "How is the old man?"

"Back to the Eldest Young Master, Master Xiang felt a cold a few days ago, but he has recovered and is fine now." The swordsman said softly.

Xu Beiyou nodded and asked, "By the way, what's your name?"

The swordsman said respectfully, "Meng Li."

This Meng Li is not an ordinary character either. The peak realm of ghost immortality is only one step away from the realm of human immortality. He used to be a casual cultivator attached to Kunshan. After Zhang Zhaonu's death, Kunshan was in chaos, so he simply left Kunshan for the imperial capital. , After several twists and turns, he became a disciple of Han Xuan, the second assistant of the dynasty, and became a disciple.

After all, Xu Beiyou's identity as the adopted son of Mr. Han can make people extremely fearful. Just imagine what kind of towering tree Mr. Han himself should be?
Since he is a monk, he has a bit of arrogance. Although he is a disciple, there is no need to be too humble when facing the master's family. It is enough to treat each other equally. If Xu Beiyou is a dude, the white-clothed swordsman will not So, it's just that the reputation of this eldest son is too great, not to mention other things, the cultivation base of the imposing five-fold building realm really makes him have no confidence to talk about pride, even if there is no relationship between this level of disciples, it is the same .

Xu Beiyou let out a sigh, opened the secret letter in his hand and read it carefully, then said: "After you go back, send a letter to the old man, I will arrive in Beijing in about half a month, please rest assured."

Meng Li saluted again, turned around, got on his horse and galloped away.

At dusk, Xu Beiyou entered the territory of Hejian Mansion. The black and blue city walls stood tall. After entering the city through the deep gate hole, he found that this place was worthy of being under the feet of the emperor of Zebei Wanmin. Whether it was the atmosphere in the city or the atmosphere of the people, They are all subtly different from those in the other places. Most of the passers-by are smiling, and there is no sign of sadness or sorrow.

The number of good fields in Zhili Prefecture ranks among the top three in the world, but the taxation ranks at the bottom. It can be seen that the imperial court favors Zhili Prefecture. Because of this, whenever there is a natural disaster, refugees will go to Zhili. In fact, this is helpless This move is to keep the refugees out of the imperial capital, and it is also a necessary means to whitewash the peace.

Since Han Xuan took office as the second assistant of the cabinet, he has been in charge of the household department. In order to make up for the shortfall in the national treasury, he has to put some thought into Zhili Prefecture, so Xu Beiyou knows the inside story.

Xu Beiyou stopped on a noisy street, picked a lively restaurant, stepped in, and ordered some food and good wine.

It happened that an old gentleman in the restaurant was drinking slowly, surrounded by people, as if he was listening to the old man's teachings.

The old man was dressed in a green shirt and a square scarf. He was obviously not an ordinary person, but at least he was a scholar with a reputation. The accent of the imperial capital said: "The six ministries of the imperial court, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Industry, now there are four cabinet scholars in the temple. The Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry, and the other two cabinet elders are in charge of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment, and the power is obvious at a glance, and it is Lan Xiangye and Han Xiangye who are in the cabinet."

The old man gave his thumbs up, and then said: "It is said that snakes have no heads, but no matter whether it is a boa constrictor or Zhuyeqing, there is no such thing as two heads. In my opinion, Mr. Lan and Mr. Han will be separated after all. In the event of a match, whoever loses will pack up their bags and return home, and the rest will be prime ministers worthy of the name."

Xu Beiyou poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip, and waited for the next article.

Someone asked: "Old Ye, tell me, which of these two prime ministers can win?"

Before the old man could speak, he said again humanely: "I think it's Lord Lan. After all, Lord Lan has been the Prime Minister for so many years, and he is also the teacher of His Majesty the Emperor. How could he lose?"

The previous person immediately retorted: "That's not certain, Prime Minister Lan has been the prime minister for so many years, he must have made countless contributions. In the drama, it is often said that the master of merit is high, and I think Master Lan is not far behind. "

The old man picked up the wine bowl and drank slowly. After the two of them stopped talking, he said unhurriedly: "The two masters are fighting. Your Majesty is the key now. After all, this world is still the old Xiao's world. , Your Majesty is the master of the world today, if he says a word, the cabinet dispute will almost be settled."

Speaking of this, the old man subconsciously lowered his voice a little bit, and said softly: "Now Your Majesty has an only daughter who has been doted on and spoiled since she was a child, and she is named Princess Qiyang. Now this Princess has reached the age of marriage. They all think about the Lord, but Her Royal Highness is not so easy to marry, and Her Majesty needs to personally approve it. Recently, news came out from the imperial capital that Her Royal Highness’s marriage has been finalized.”

Seeing everyone in the middle raised their ears, the old man kept silent and kept his mouth shut until the people around him got a little impatient, then he drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp and said with satisfaction: "I want you to know that this The candidate selected by His Majesty next time is the son of Han Xiangye's family, after the marriage, that son will be the third son-in-law of Daqi, after the later Jianguozhu and the former Emperor Ai."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the restaurant.

"Doesn't that mean that Master Han is going to win?"

"I don't think it's far from ten."

"They are all made into relatives, and the prime minister must be Han Xiangye."

Everyone knows that His Majesty the Emperor has only one daughter, and they all say that things are rare and precious. Naturally, His Majesty loves this Princess very much. It is impossible to marry her far away, let alone marry her to someone who is about to lose power. The chancellor's family, so if Mr. Han's son can marry His Royal Highness back home, it means that Mr. Han's favor is not fading, and Jane is in the emperor's heart.

A young scholar sighed and said with a Jiangnan accent: "I heard that Mr. Han Xiangye's son is not a good person. Relying on Han Xiangye's power, he searched for money in Jiangdu, made friends with dignitaries, and saved money. He is a doorman who kills people at every turn, even the governors of the whole place are afraid of him, and some people even say that he is the king of Jiangdu."

The old man was noncommittal.

There was another uproar in the restaurant.

Mostly because of pity for the misfortune of Her Majesty the Princess, and moreover she hated the abhorrentness of these dandies, incidentally, even Xiangye Han also hated him.

Xu Beiyou still ate and drank as usual, he turned a deaf ear to the noise in the building, and his expression was still as calm as water.

After finishing the meal, Xu Beiyou checked out and left neatly.

Walking out of the restaurant, just a round of sunset, leaving a ray of light on the edge of the sky.

Xu Beiyou sighed softly, and silently said a gentleman.

(End of this chapter)

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