That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 55 The Unknown Swordsman Kills the Horse Thief

Chapter 55 The Unknown Swordsman Kills the Horse Thief
A huge change that affects the entire situation in the Northwest slowly unfolded between the two old men's few words.

The change of old and new emperors, the biggest local emperor in the northwest, means that both the officialdom and the military will usher in an earthquake. If Zhang Wubing can really return to the court and secure his position as the left commander of the Northwest Army, that will also mean that Xu Beiyou's master and apprentice spent most of their thoughts on him, but most of them would return in vain.

I'm afraid Xu Beiyou would never have imagined that a few months ago, he was still a small person at the bottom of the Northwest. A few months later, he had inadvertently met the big shot who was about to become the new owner of the Northwest.

It's just that there are two kinds of people in this world, one is who I am and what I have done.The other kind of person is who I am and who I know.

Xu Beiyou didn't want to be the second type of person. He didn't want the world to say that this was Xu Beiyou, Gongsun Zhongmou's apprentice when they mentioned him.He hoped that others would say that, this is Gongsun Zhongmou, Xu Beiyou's master.

In the first 30 years, watch the father respect the son.

For the next 30 years, watch your son and respect your father.

When Xu Beiyou was reading the Huayan Sutra, he once saw a Buddhist gatha: If you want to be a Buddha, a dragon, or an elephant, you must first be a sentient being, a horse and an ox.

Just when Lan Yu arrived in Zhongdu, a few small things happened on the Xiulong Grassland, which was not too far away from Zhongdu.

Recently, due to the surge in the number of people going to Julu City, there have been many horse thieves coming and going like the wind on the Xiulong grassland. These horse thieves dare not attack those big caravans with powerful backers, and they specifically pick out those who have no backing Small caravans and even some single warriors were not spared. For a while, corpses could be seen everywhere in the grass nests of Xiulong Grassland.

But in the past few days, these harmful horse thieves finally received their retribution. Several groups of horse thieves were slaughtered by a single sword by an unknown swordsman. Their heads were all chopped off and hung on wooden stakes. Many merchants who have suffered from horse thieves are full of praise.They all speculated which gods these horse thieves had offended. Some said they were Taoist disciples, some said they were lay disciples of Buddhism, and some even swore that they were the sons of a family from Wei.

But no one with a discerning eye would believe these rumors. If it was really a disciple from a great sect who was acting, why would he still use such a cover-up?He had revealed his name a long time ago, so that he could take advantage of Julu City to gain a chivalrous reputation, and then through word of mouth with the help of friends, he would become a well-known young hero in time.

The autumn night is cold, and the chill in the middle of the grassland night is even more bone-chilling.

In the lee of a small hillside, there was a bonfire flickering. Around the bonfire, a dozen tall and strong men with sullen expressions were sitting, eating two roasted yellow sheep.More than a dozen horses were tied not far away, but there were no carriages and goods. Needless to say, these people were definitely not serious businessmen, but horse thieves who specialized in plundering for a living.

A figure with a negative sword appeared on the high slope, looking down at the dozen or so people coldly, without any extra emotion in his eyes, as if looking at a group of dead people.

Early autumn is a good time to kill people. The weeds on the grassland have grown to the height of half a person. If you throw the corpses inside, you can't see the slightest trace. Moreover, these corpses will be eaten by wild wolves that come out for food in a short time. Even the effort of digging holes and burying people is saved.

A leader at the head held the handle of the knife, looked up at the swordsman on the hillside, and said with a sneer, "You are the recent unknown swordsman who specializes in killing horse thieves? Young man, each profession has its own rules. If you break the rules, someone will give you gold." I bought your head for 500 taels, and today it was knocked into the hands of our brother, it is considered unlucky for you, the reason why I told you this is to let you not be a fool when you meet the King of Hades, so that you can be a sensible person in the next life."

The young swordsman who covered his face with a black scarf did not speak, but slowly pulled out the sword carried on his back. Under the moonlight, the sword shone like a lake.

Twelve robbers who did not seem to be ordinary horse thieves slowly got up, and the twelve giant blades were bloody and cold under the moonlight.

They have a common name, Twelve Wolf Bandits. They don't do business in robbing houses, but specialize in using people's money to eliminate disasters for others. A well-behaved unknown swordsman came to his death.

The head leader, nicknamed the wolf head, stared at the unknown swordsman with cold eyes, without carelessness, and without too much extra attention.Although this young man killed a lot of horse thieves, he was more or less heavy, and he was not careless because he was afraid of capsizing in the gutter, but in the end, those who died were ordinary horse thieves, which were very different from their twelve wolf thieves. The wolf head did not believe this young man They can pull out the sky from the palms of their 12 brothers.

The unknown swordsman is Xu Beiyou who practiced sword.

The few unlucky horse thieves before were the targets arranged for him by his master Gongsun Zhongmou. Although these horse thieves come and go like the wind, and their traces are hard to find, there is no such thing as concealment in front of Gongsun Zhongmou. , let Xu Beiyou use them to practice swords.

Although these horse thieves have never learned any orthodox martial arts, and most of their realm strengths are only around the fifth and sixth ranks, but all their abilities are obtained through fighting again and again. Moreover, there are so many people, and the horses can even be compared to the charge of a small cavalry. It is most suitable for beginners like Xu Beiyou who have not been stained with much blood to hone their swordsmanship.

It has to be said that before stepping into the realm of the Five Immortals, life-and-death fighting is the best way to sharpen one's self-cultivation. Gongsun Zhongmou didn't follow the horse thief these few times, but just told Xu Beiyou a location and let him do it on his own , Xu Beiyou went there alone with a single sword, and after leaving a dozen deep scars on his body, he beheaded 87 horse thieves. Most of the hidden sword energy in the limbs and bones was absorbed during the fight, and finally he saw the second-rank realm. dawn.

Twelve Wolf Thieves is the last battle, but also the most critical battle.

Xu Beiyou held Tianlan tightly in his hand, and instead of retreating, he made great strides forward.

The wolf head and the other eleven wolf thieves were a little surprised, and the wolf claws and wolf eyes even sneered with disdain after being surprised.

This overwhelmed young man wants to play a pair of twelve?The Twelve Wolf Thieves are not fancy embroidered pillows. Everyone is above the third-rank realm, and the leader, the wolf leader, has even stepped into the second-rank realm. buy and sell.

The wolf's head winked, and the wolf's claws and tail came out side by side, running at the same speed. When it was a dozen steps away from the swordsman, it raised high the giant blade in its hand that looked like a recurved wolf's fang, and slashed fiercely. Down.

One is fast and the other is ruthless.

Xu Beiyou turned sideways slightly, and slanted his sword on the giant blade of the wolf's claw. The seemingly light sword pushed the wolf's claw back more than ten feet.After slanting it, he took advantage of the situation and slammed it down with the hilt of the sword, deflecting Langwei's knife, and then kicking Langwei's chest with his foot, kicking him flying.


Langshou's face became serious, and he raised his hand.

Including the slightly embarrassed wolf claws and wolf tail, all the wolf thieves raised their giant blades, centered on the wolf head, like a fan.

Xu Beiyou took a deep breath. Now that he has just stepped into the second-rank realm, fighting against a second-rank realm and eleven third-rank realms with his own strength, it sounds like the work of a desperate lunatic, but there is a saying As the saying goes, if you are not crazy, you cannot become a Buddha. If you want to be worshiped by hundreds of millions of people like the Buddha who lives in the bliss of the Western Heaven, you must have the madness to give up your life.

Xu Beiyou raised his sword and continued to sweep forward.

The wolf head squinted at the masked swordsman, twitched the corner of his mouth, and struck himself off with a single blow.

This knife seems to be straightforward and unremarkable, but in fact, there is a knife aura in an instant, and it is unparalleled in sharpness. This is the unique skill of the wolf's head. Down capsize.

Xu Beiyou was neither frightened nor frightened, he stretched out a sword in his hand, Zhongzheng was peaceful, no matter how false or true you are like the water of impermanence, I will not move like a mountain.

This is the sword Wuyi sword, don't move.

To achieve the ultimate, you can make a sword out of a sword and become a sword mountain, like a towering mountain.

Swords intersect.

The sound of gold and stone exploded, and the strong wind blew towards the surroundings, causing the surrounding weeds to fall back together, pushing forward layer by layer, creating a wonderful spectacle.

(End of this chapter)

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