Chapter 551
Xu Beiyou, born in the first year of Taiping, 22 years old, his ancestral home is considered Northwest for the time being, his place of birth is unknown, if counted according to the place where Han Xuan picked him up, it is also Northwest. The prime minister's adoptive father, Han Xuan, has a master, Gongsun Zhongmou, who "everyone in the world does not know the king", which made him famous in just two years. .

The greater the ability, the higher the status, the greater the responsibility.

Xu Beiyou relied on his father's legacy to get to where he is today, so he must shoulder the expectations his father gave him, so he planned his way forward strictly according to the wishes of his elders. According to the expectations of the master, and the master's plan, he came to the imperial capital.

Xiao Zhinan, the same age as Xu Beiyou, is 22 years old. Her ancestral home is in the imperial capital, and she was born in the imperial capital. She was born in the imperial capital. It can be said to be extremely honorable, so from the day she was born, she has been one of the most honorable women in the world.

Born in a heavenly family, I can't help myself.

Xiao Zhinan is honorable because of her family background, but also uncomfortable because of her family background. She doesn't want to repeat the tragic past of her aunt Xiao Yuyi, and she doesn't want to blatantly disobey the family's wishes. Traveling around the world, when she met Xu Beiyou three times in a row, she decided to do her best to change everything and give herself the right to choose, and finally made an imperial capital agreement with Xu Beiyou when she was in the south of the Yangtze River.

The so-called covenant of the imperial capital is not too glamorous. Both of them are well aware of this. To put it bluntly, this is also a marriage. But fortunately, neither of them will be paranoid to think that the words of the matchmaker must be wrong, and the two are not blindly married, and they even have a good impression of each other, which makes this marriage very difficult for the two. As far as their elders and their elders are concerned, it can be regarded as a happy event.

In Xiao Zhinan's view, Xu Beiyou is undoubtedly excellent. Even with the support of his family background, it is not easy to get to this point in two years. But the reason why Xiao Zhinan made up his mind to choose him was not his excellence, but The persistence in him that is willing to shoulder the burden.

A man, living in the world, what is romantic, what is chic, what is domineering, what is out of the dust, these are all icing on the cake, the real root lies in persistence and responsibility, a real man has the courage to take responsibility, that is what makes a woman truly something to rely on.

After Gongsun Zhongmou's death, Xu Beiyou did not choose to follow Han Xuan to the imperial capital to become the second assistant son, but followed his master's last wish to go to Jiangnan alone. The difficulties and obstacles along the way will not be because you are Gongsun Zhongmou's disciple His adopted son would be merciful, and it would be even more fatal, but Xu Beiyou did not back down halfway, and still went resolutely.

So when Xiao Zhinan saw Xu Beiyou again in the south of the Yangtze River, he finally made up his mind. This man might not like her, maybe he only wanted to marry her because of his status as a princess, but as long as he married her, he would definitely do his best. The responsibility of a husband.

Such a couple is also very good to think about.

At the same time, she is very fortunate that Xu Beiyou is far from reaching the real peak, and is still in a rising period, so the two of them can still be a couple sharing weal and woe, not a couple sharing wealth.

The moment Xu Beiyou hugged her into his arms, Xiao Zhinan's mind was blank for a moment. There are many rules in the royal family. Even his father Xiao Xuan and brother Xiao Bai had never been so close to her. Ever since she could remember, this It was the first man who was so close to her.

Xiao Zhinan, who had never experienced a relationship before, felt a little flustered at this moment, not knowing how to deal with it, whether to push him away or cater to him?

In the end, it was Xiao Zhinan who let go of his femininity and fell into the arms of this young man.

The two depended on each other quietly, silently feeling the tranquility of this moment.

Xiao Zhinan gently closed his eyes, and said in a low voice, "No one has ever hugged me like this before."

Xu Beiyou sniffed the fragrance of the few strands of hair under the tip of his nose, and said softly, "Isn't there any empress?"

"No, at least as long as I can remember, my mother doesn't like me, and even hates me a little bit. Although she never showed it, even my brother didn't know it, but I just know it. After all, we are mother and daughter. Things are coming together.”

Xiao Zhinan's voice revealed a bit of sadness, "She only cares about her brother Xiao Bai, she doesn't care much about my daughter who is destined to marry, even because of her grandmother, she has always been resentful, my brother has always thought that we The relationship between mother and daughter is very good, so I pretended to be very good, and often frightened him to sue him in front of his mother, but he would not know that, in fact, my mother would not believe my words."

Xu Beiyou didn't speak, but hugged her tightly.

They used to communicate with each other, and Xu Beiyou gradually knew Xiao Zhinan's dissatisfaction, saying that she was favored by the emperor. In fact, the talented and generous Xiao Xuan didn't pay much attention to his daughter. Although they lived in the same city, father and daughter saw each other all year round. In less than a few times, the mother, Empress Xu, had a lot of free time, but she didn't like her daughter, and she never let her stay in the palace even if it was the Mid-Autumn Festival.The only people who really cared about her were her aunt Xiao Yuyi and her elder brother Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai was far away in Qizhou.

So she doesn't like the city of the imperial capital.

Sometimes, the most unreasonable unfairness in the world is the partiality of parents.

Xiao Zhinan was always envious of his elder brother, his father wanted to leave him a world of peace, and his mother always cared about him, but why did she marry that bastard Duanmuyu?Is it true that women are as cheap as grass?Can that bastard who has raised eight outhouses before getting married really give her happiness and stability?
Xiao Zhinan didn't believe it at all.

She never thought that she was the woman who could turn the prodigal son back, so she only wanted to find a man who was not a prodigal son. As for the prodigal sons, let the female heroes and fairies who have this ability subdue them.

Xu Beiyou suddenly said: "Actually, it's also the first time I've hugged someone else, so you won't suffer."


"It's true."

"Then... what about Zhiyun and Wu Yu?"



"It's true."

"Nangui, I'm not a magnanimous woman."

"There are no magnanimous women in this world, only women who have to pretend to be magnanimous."

"So, Nangui, you must not have the thoughts of Ehuang Nvying, that is absolutely impossible."

"I know, it's fair to have a couple for life."

"Am I going a little too far?"

"There is nothing that is not too much."

"People say that no matter how delicious something is, you can't eat it for a lifetime, and you will get tired of eating it one day. Am I being too unreasonable?"

"Steamed buns and rice, these are things that you will eat for a lifetime. It's not whether you get tired of it, but whether you need it or not."

"Thank you."

"Thanks for what?"

Xiao Zhinan said softly, "Thank you for coming to the capital to find me."

Xu Beiyou said softly, "I will be with you from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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