Chapter 555

Not long after Xu Beiyou left the Princess Mansion, another person came to visit.

The visitor was a woman, and in terms of appearance alone, she was inferior to Xiao Zhinan and Wu Yu among the women, but her big eyes were full of aura, and her personality was very lively, so she was quiet and indifferent on weekdays. The princess's house was full of laughter and laughter, which caused a lot of laughter from the women, and made them a little more angry.

Now among the three girls in the princess mansion, Xiao Zhinan is the oldest, and Xiao Yuanying is the youngest. This girl happens to be between them. She is half a year old, and she is gradually shedding her girlish innocence. She is not as flat as Xiao Yuanying. The sharp corners have been exposed, and a little more women should be charming.

At this time, in a small pavilion near the lake, Xiao Zhinan was sitting casually on the couch, with a little sweat remaining on the tip of his nose. He was obviously very tired after playing around. Two women were sitting on the opposite couch. The older woman hugged Xiao Yuanying in her arms, resting her chin on the top of the little girl's head, "I haven't seen you in a few years, and Xiao Yuanying is just this big. I remember that when she came here last time, she was as young as me." Half the height, it almost reaches my chest now, I think in a few years, it will be almost as tall as me."

Xiao Yuanying moved restlessly in her arms a few times, and after adjusting to a more comfortable position, he hummed softly: "When I reach your age, I will definitely be taller than you, and by then you will be our The shortest of the sisters."

The woman straightened up, held Xiao Yuanying's two bun heads with both hands, and threatened: "Yuanying, what did you say? I didn't hear clearly, please say it again."

Xiao Yuanying hastily stretched out his hand to block it, but at the same time said firmly: "I said you will definitely not be taller than me in the future."

"Well, you Xiao Yuanying, it seems that you will not give up until you reach Qinghe, and you will not look back until you hit the south wall. Today I have to show you how good I am at capturing dragons and controlling cranes." Goofing off on the top of your head.

Of course Xiao Yuanying didn't agree, she was a martial arts monk in the realm of human immortality after all, she turned over and threw the woman down on the couch, a pair of small hands began to attack in all directions uneasily, leaving the woman at a loss, and soon retreated steadily.

Xiao Zhinan looked at the two younger sisters who were fighting together, and felt that his heart was peaceful and peaceful. Although she was not very close to her parents, and even had a lot of estrangement from her mother, the brothers and sisters were still very close. The relationship is very good, and it can be regarded as the mulberry elm that was lost in the east.However, there is also a layer of worry in her heart now, the current imperial capital is full of wind and rain, and it may not be a good thing for her cousin to come to the imperial capital at this time.

After the quarrel between the two came to an end, Xiao Zhinan asked, "Jinxiu, why did you come to the Imperial Capital at this time? I remember you wrote to me in the 21st year of Taiping saying that you were going to the Imperial Capital, but I didn't see it after waiting for more than half a year." It's been 22 years since Taiping, and you just came here, what did you do in the middle year?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Lin Jinxiu, who was arranging his clothes, immediately made a bitter face, "I sneaked out with Grandpa Yan last time, and I have already passed Xilingkou. When I was about to arrive at the imperial capital, I killed a Morgan on the way. The stinky monk from Lun Temple kidnapped me. If Lao Xu hadn’t come forward to save me, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to see me today. After this incident, Grandpa Yan refused to go to the imperial capital and insisted on sending me back to the grassland. I have no choice but to wait until this year to come to the imperial capital."

Xiao Zhinan asked doubtfully, "Who is Old Xu?"

When the word "Old Xu" was mentioned, Lin Jinxiu looked a little sad, and said sadly: "Old Xu is Lao Xu. He carries a big long box on his back all day. It is very precious. He never shows it to others. He said he would go Qizhou, from Qizhou to Jiangnan, I don’t know if I’ve arrived or how I’m doing there.”

Xiao Zhinan and Xiao Yuanying looked at each other, Xiao Zhinan was fine, but Xiao Yuanying inevitably showed a bit of surprise, but fortunately she turned her back to Lin Jinxiu, Lin Jinxiu didn't notice the clue.

Xiao Zhinan said calmly: "It's a coincidence, my father has just arranged a marriage for me recently, and my husband's surname is also Xu."

Lin Jinxiu's eyes widened suddenly, and she asked in surprise, "Sister, are you getting married?"

Xiao Zhinan hummed, with a faint smile on his face, "It's the son of Han Ge's hometown, Xu Beiyou."

Lin Jinxiu couldn't help asking curiously: "Why is Han Ge's son Xu? Shouldn't he be named Han?"

Xiao Zhinan explained: "Mr. Han Ge has no children. He only has an adopted son who was raised by him personally. But for some unknown reason, Mr. Han Ge did not give him the surname Han, but Xu."

Lin Jinxiu became more and more curious, "What about others, when will you let me meet?"

Xiao Zhinan said with a smile: "Of course he is at the residence of Mr. Han Ge. It is not convenient now. After the engagement is over, there will be opportunities for you to meet him."


Engagement is divided into "Xiao Ding" and "Da Ding". The elder female in the relatives should come forward for Xiao Ding. However, because Zhang Xueyao's three-year mourning period for her husband, Gongsun Zhongmou, is not over, it is not very easy for Zhang Xueyao to participate in this matter, so she simply did not come. , and Han Xuan didn't have any relatives here, so after several discussions, he decided to skip the "Little Ding" and directly prepare for the "Da Ding".

The so-called Dading, also known as the ceremony of acceptance, because it involves the royal family, so it has its own rules. First, the clan of the clan's mansion makes an announcement, and after the emperor's son-in-law accepts the order, the emperor's family chooses an auspicious day to perform the ceremony , which is the so-called "Da Ding", in contrast, the day before the princess gets married, the clan mansion will also send the princess's dowry to the emperor's mansion.The next day after Na Cai, the emperor held a banquet in Weiyang Palace to entertain his son-in-law and his clan.The emperor's son-in-law first went to Feishuang Palace to salute the queen, then to Ganquan Palace to salute the emperor, and finally followed the emperor to Weiyang Palace for a banquet.Originally, according to the rules, the emperor and the empress were to entertain the male and female clan members of the emperor's son-in-law respectively, but because the two families were too weak, they had no choice but to cooperate with each other for one banquet.

Now it is almost the end of September, and it will be the end of the new year, so Han Xuan entered the palace today to discuss the date of "Dading", and finally set the day of Nacai in mid-October, and there will be about a month's work after the ceremony of Nacai will be officially married.

Since it was a wedding ceremony with the Tian family, the gift of accepting the gift naturally couldn't be vague, let alone shabby. Fortunately, Xu Beiyou had already made preparations in Jiangdu. The Grand Canal Hebei God Capital, and then Han Xuan will check and fill in the gaps. Counting the days, Feng Lang and the dowry will soon arrive in the Imperial Capital.

In addition, after the emperor set the date, Han Xuan would then discuss many etiquette rules with the clan mansion, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ritual Supervisor.

The reason why it is so complicated is because when the first two princesses got married, Daqi had not yet established a country, and the two women were not princesses at that time, and the titles of princesses were granted later, and it was during the war, and there was a land staring at Jiangnan. Modesty, it is far from the time when the world is at peace, so when we get married, everything is kept simple and there are not so many complicated rules, but now the Daqi is sitting in the world, the Xiao family is thin, and women are more expensive than men Well, the emperor's own daughter is the most expensive among the nobles. It may take decades to have such a grand royal event, so naturally it must be held extremely grandly.

From this aspect, Xu Beiyou was the first son-in-law to formally marry Princess Daqi.

(End of this chapter)

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