Chapter 558

Xu Beiyou didn't speak for a long time, it was hard to accept.

According to what Xiao Jin said, today's world should be the world of the Cha family, with the country name Daxin, but now it is the Xiao family's world, and the country name is Daqi instead of Dazhou.

The fundamental reason why all this did not come true was that Xiao Huang did not lose the grassland army, but defeated Xu Lin's army, captured the northwest, occupied the central capital, and became the king of the northwest who looked at the Central Plains as a tiger.

Is Wei Wang Xiaojin talking nonsense, or is there a change in destiny?
A thin and dense cold autumn rain came unexpectedly outside the house.

The night wind with a strong sense of autumn passed through the hall, bringing a chill.

Han Xuan casually poured out the cold tea in his hand, tightened the official robe around his body, and said slowly, "However, the late Emperor also said something, which I have never understood. He said that Xiao Jin shouldn't exist in this world."

Xu Beiyou got up and closed the door, blocking the bitter wind and rain, turned around and said, "If the master is still alive, he might know."

Han Xuan felt warmer, and sighed: "It's a pity, Shangguan Xianchen and Zichen are no longer alive, and the former emperor and queen mother have also passed away one after another. Apart from Xiao Jin himself, I'm afraid only Qiuye knows about this. In detail, other people, whether I, Sapphire, or even Dazheng Qingchen, know what's going on and don't know why."

Xu Beiyou took the lower seat of Han Xuan, "It seems that I am doomed to find it difficult to touch the insider truth."

Han Xuan suddenly said, "Xiao Jin should have met Qiu Ye."

Xu Beiyou wasn't too surprised, but said slightly bitterly: "Jiangdu is only across the sea from Wei State, if King Wei and the Daoist sect have some plans together, Jiangdu might be overthrown."

Han Xuan nodded and said: "If Xiao Jin really has the heart of disobedience, he will definitely choose Jiangdu to fight. At that time, Lin Han will lead the grassland army to the south of the central capital of Shanzhou. Beacon flames."

Xu Beiyou, who had already guessed about this, could only smile helplessly.

Han Xuan continued: "In just two years, you first went from the northwest to the south of the Yangtze River, and then from the capital of Jiangdu to the north of the capital of God, all alone. I am afraid that only you know the bitterness and suffering in your heart. Others say we are Father and son, but as a father, I really have some shortcomings, I hope you don't blame me."

Xu Beiyou said with a smile: "A man who attains the crown is an adult. There is no reason to take shelter under the wings of his parents all day long. When a man is born, he should lift a three-foot sword and make an indelible feat. Wasn't Emperor Xiao at my age?" Going to the grassland alone, this is how Daqi is today's eternal foundation."

Han Xuan stretched out his thumb and said with a big smile, "As expected of my son Han Xuan, he has ambition."

Xu Beiyou got up again, and not long after, he personally brought over a pot of hot tea and refilled the empty teacup.

Han Xuan narrowed his eyes, looked at the steam rising from the teacup, and said softly, "This time the kings came to Beijing, a large part of the reason is also for your marriage. According to the rules, after we accept the royal family, the royal family If we want to entertain our in-laws, if there is only one King Zhao to accompany us, it will be too cold and shabby, but if we add the five vassal kings, it will be almost the same."

Xu Beiyou smiled, "In addition to King Zhao who is in Beijing, there are six kings, and there are two emperors and empresses. This is really a big scene."

Han Xuan laughed and said, "Let's see again, if all the kings also bring their concubines, they will probably have to be divided into two seats. The queen's side will have a separate banquet for the women's relatives and His Royal Highness, and there will be another seat for His Majesty's side."

Xu Beiyou nodded to mark it down.

Han Xuan took a sip of hot tea and said calmly: "Six kings, four princes, and two county kings. Among the four princes, Qi Wang Xiaobai's position has been confirmed, and the only thing left is the status of the crown prince on the surface. ;Liao Wang Mutang is a king with a different surname, not counting the Xiao family; Zhao Wang Xiaoqi has been in Beijing all year round and has no military power or fiefdom. After all, only Xiao Li is the real vassal king of the Xiao family. Sufficient and capable enough, but too selfish, often attracting criticism because of excessive methods.

Xu Beiyou asked, "Where are the two county kings?"

Han Xuan smiled lightly and said, "Since Liangwu County King Xiao Gongyu and Lingwu County King Xiao Shu passed away one after another, the two county kings have been in decline. The current Lingwu County King Xiao Mohe is fine, but his son Xiao Shilue is still The difference is too much, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to provoke the leader of Lingwu County King. As for Xiao Quji, who is on the side of Liangwu County King, whether he is unappreciated or not, it is doomed that it will be difficult to reach the level of Xiao Gongyu in the past 20 years. It doesn't matter how high it is."

Xu Beiyou frowned.

Han Xuan saw through his thoughts, and said with a smile: "Do you feel that you are at a loss in befriending these two feudal lords? In fact, the account is not calculated like this. Nan Gui, if you want to revive the Sword Sect, you must not just think about it. It must be a century-old plan. After all, revival of the sect is not a one-time event. In order to return to the top position of the sect in the world, the Taoist sect made a thousand-year plan. It is the diligent accumulation of six generations of head teachers, and this is how the survivors of Qiuye Fen VI made the Daoist sect shock the world and ascended to the world."

Xu Beiyou also took a sip of tea.

Han Xuan said with a smile: "The major sects seem to be detached from the outside world, but in fact they are closely related to the world. Just now we have mentioned Xiao Jin's prophecy, and directly named the Northeast Mu family as disobedient, but why did the late emperor entrust them to him?" A king with a different surname from the Mu family in the Northeast? One was because of the situation at that time, and the decisive battle with Lu Qian in the south of the Yangtze River was imminent, so there was no time to be distracted by the Mu family. A king with a different surname will not be tolerated."

Xu Beiyou asked: "Cutting down the feudal clan?"

Han Xuan shook his head and said: "It's still too early to talk about cutting down the vassals. At least we have to wait until there are no foreign enemies before we can take action against these vassal kings who are protecting the four directions. Generally speaking, it is to secure the inside, fight against the outside, and then secure the inside. Now Well, Lan Yu and I have not yet decided the winner in the court, and His Majesty's New Deal has not been effective, so we should mainly appease these vassal kings. As for the future, we will be beating and appeasing. If the fight is gone, there is no need to coax, and at that time, whether it is the prince or the county king, life or death will all be at the emperor's word."

Xu Beiyou asked: "If you ignore King Wei, which vassal king will His Majesty attack first?"

Han Xuan said straightforwardly: "First the King of Liao in the Northeast, then the King of Yan, and then the King of Qi doesn't need to exist anymore, just go directly to Beijing to be the prince."

Xu Beiyou nodded, and asked again: "If Jianzong is regarded as a bargaining chip, who should I bet on?"

Han Xuan said flatly: "Since you want to marry Xiao Zhinan, you are destined to be on Xiao Bai's boat. Back then, the Taoist school helped the first emperor of the dragon, and after the first emperor established the country, the Taoist school flourished. Now you follow the old Taoist affairs and choose to support the dragon and Xiao Bai. Wait until you After this brother-in-law became the emperor, the sword sect will naturally rise."

Xu Beiyou looked at the teacup in his hand, thoughtfully.

Han Xuan got up and stretched a little, and said softly: "It's getting late, there is an early morning tomorrow, I have to go to rest."

Xu Beiyou also stood up.

After sending Han Xuan away, Xu Beiyou reopened the door of the main hall, sat alone in the hall, staring at the lingering autumn rain outside in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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