Chapter 568

Princess House.

When His Royal Highness King Qi entered the mansion, everyone felt relieved.

Even if the emperor's son-in-law has already made a move in Qiutai, for everyone in the princess mansion, he is still inferior to His Royal Highness King Qi who has been sheltering the princess mansion for many years. How about it.

Although King Qi and Princess Qiyang both have the word "Qi" in their names, the meanings of the two are quite different. Regarded as the number one among all kings, Duanmu Ruisheng and the others may disregard a Princess Qiyang, but they will never dare to be disrespectful to the majestic King Qi, not to mention that the current King Qi is about to be formally established as the crown prince. The status of the monarch and ministers is determined, that is, the real one is under one person and above tens of thousands.

Wearing a cloak, Xiao Zhinan stood on the steps, looking at this heroic man in a black python robe, with a gentle and sincere smile.From childhood to adulthood, the father was busy with state affairs and had no time to take care of her, and the mother didn't like her. Only this elder brother loved her sincerely. In the vanity fair of right and wrong in the imperial capital, the two brothers and sisters have lived together for many years, and their relationship is far deeper than others. Ordinary siblings.

When she was about to get married, this elder brother finally rushed to the imperial capital.

The two brothers and sisters stood facing each other, Xiao Bai first asked: "How are you doing after returning to the imperial capital? Is there any trouble?"

Xiao Zhinan shook his head and said softly, "Everything is fine."

Xiao Bai smiled and said, "That's good."

Xiao Zhinan looked him up and down, and suddenly asked: "Look at your outfit, you probably haven't entered the palace yet, right?"

Xiao Bai also took a look at his clothes, it was a set of spring and autumn uniforms, it was indeed not suitable to wear when entering the palace for an audience, he couldn't help admiring his sister's meticulousness, he simply admitted with a smile: "I have already sent someone to send a message gone."

Xiao Zhinan joked: "If the queen mother knows that you came to me first, she won't be angry with you, but she will be angry with me."

Xiao Bai was slightly taken aback, then frowned, "Why is the queen mother angry with you?"

Xiao Zhinan knew he had made a slip of the tongue, so he changed the topic and said, "Let's talk in the room first."

Since they are brothers and sisters, Xiao Bai's thoughts are not much worse than Xiao Zhinan's, even worse, he still stood in the snow, waved his hands to push away the others, and said slowly: "Zhinan, please make it clear."

Xiao Zhinan looked around and said to him, "Taibai, have you seen Nan Gui? Now he is at the residence of Mr. Han Ge. If you are free, I will let him come to see you."

Xiao Bai said word by word: "Over the years, I have also heard some gossip that you and your mother are at odds. At first I just thought it was nonsense, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Xiao Zhinan lowered his eyes and didn't speak.

Xiao Bai walked in front of Xiao Zhinan, and asked softly, "You are mother and daughter, why are you making trouble like this?"

Xiao Zhinan turned his head away, "How would I know?"

Xiao Bai said helplessly: "Don't get angry."

Xiao Zhinan simply turned around and walked towards the main hall.

This king of Qi who was not known for being gentle, respectful and frugal was not even a little bit angry, he could only smile helplessly, and followed into the main hall.

Xiao Zhinan sat on the main seat, expressionless.

Xiao Bai simply sat down on the seat of her lower head, and said softly: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about Xu Beiyou, this is your chosen husband-in-law, how do you feel?"

Xiao Zhinan finally showed a sincere smile on his face, "Very good."

"What a good way? Just because of the Qiutai incident?" Xiao Bai was noncommittal.

Xiao Zhinan blinked, and asked, "Isn't it enough?"

Xiao Bai said flatly: "Of course not enough, what is a little Duanmuyu? If he really wants to get justice for you, he should take Xiao Lin's head."

Xiao Zhinan said softly: "Food has to be eaten bite by bite, and the road has to be walked step by step. Even the emperor's grandfather took ten years to reach the world. He is still young now, and it is not easy to reach this step. You can't be too hard on him."

Xiao Bairuo pointed out: "The difference between the young master of Jianzong and the suzerain of Jianzong is very different. The acting suzerain of Jianzong is still Zhang Xueyao."

Xiao Zhinan smiled slightly, and said: "He is not the master of Jianzong, and you are not the emperor of Daqi, this is just right."


While the siblings were talking to each other, Xu Beiyou was meeting an old man.

Duanmu Ruisheng, the governor of the Dark Guard Mansion's palm print.

The ground where the two met was also very strange, it was in a carriage.

When Xu Beiyou passed the corner of an alley earlier, he was stopped by a dark carriage, and then the governor of the Dark Guard House raised the curtain of the carriage and asked Xu Beiyou if he could take a step to speak.

Xu Beiyou did not refuse, boarded the carriage and sat opposite Duanmu Ruisheng.

This time, to show his sincerity, Duanmu Ruisheng didn't bring half a guard with him except for an old groom, so there were only Xu Beiyou and Duanmu Ruicheng in the carriage at this time.

This is also the first time for Xu Beiyou to look at the head of the Duanmu family at close range. He has a six-point resemblance to Duanmuyu in both appearance and spirit. Steady, this is the calmness that can only be obtained when you are used to strong winds and waves. He is simply sitting in the carriage, and he doesn't even have the cultivation base of the earthly fairyland, but he can surpass Xu Beiyou in terms of momentum.

Xu Beiyou didn't get angry with his sword, and asked calmly, "I don't know what Duanmu Duanmu wants to do?"

Duanmu Ruisheng answered the wrong question: "Xu Beiyou, born in the first year of Taiping, worshiped Gongsun Zhongmou as his teacher in the tenth year of Taiping, met Princess Qiyang in the 20th year of Taiping, and left Danxia Village for Zhongdu in the same year. He was also one of the few survivors of the Chonglongguan Incident. After Gongsun Zhongmou died, he went to the south of the Yangtze River alone. After the incident, he began to grasp the right to speak of Jianzong, and finally through the means of combining vertical and horizontal, he united Buddhism and Murong Xuanyin to expel Du Haichan, a Taoist sect in the south of the Yangtze River, occupied the Taoist workshop, and completely grasped the power of Jianzong. son."

Xu Beiyou smiled lightly and said, "The Governor Duanmu knows it very well."

Duanmu Ruisheng said flatly: "For a young man, being able to reach this stage can no longer be described as commendable, it is simply unbelievable. It is understandable that young people are somewhat sharp, but as someone who has experienced it, I still want to persuade you , have to forgive others and forgive others."

Xu Beiyou said in a soft voice, "Duanmu Duanmu said so bluntly."

Duanmu Ruicheng's eyes were cold, and the image of his whole body began to overlap with the powerful and gloomy governor of the Dark Guard's palm, and he said slowly: "You instinctively killed Duanmuyu directly, but you only planted a ray of Zhuxian sword energy in his body , thinking about it, I don’t want to do anything wrong, so I want to make a deal with you.”

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "Please tell me."

Duanmu Ruisheng said in a deep voice: "I heard that you are looking for Wu Lezhi from Kunshan, or the five-poison sword in Wu Lezhi's hand. If you are willing to take out the Qi of Zhuxian Sword from the child's body, then the old man will tell you Wu Lezhi's whereabouts." .”

"It's just the whereabouts of Wu Lezhi?" Xu Beiyou smiled playfully, "I'm not interested in that Kunshan military division. As the governor said, I only want the Five Poison Sword."

Duanmu Ruisheng slightly narrowed his eyes, "You can't trust me?"

Xu Beiyou said calmly, "Stop the car."

Duanmu Ruisheng stared at Xu Beiyou, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Stop."

The carriage that was going forward stopped abruptly.

Xu Beiyou raised the curtain and got out of the carriage, "Commander Duanmu, Mr. Duanmu is seriously ill, I'm afraid time is running out."

Duanmu Ruisheng smiled brightly, but his tone was flat, "Thank you, Mr. Xu, to remind you."

(End of this chapter)

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