Chapter 572
Xu Beiyou hummed.

Not long after, Eldest Aunt Mo Shu walked out of Feishuang Hall slowly, met Zhang Baisui's eyes, then looked at Xu Beiyou, "Follow me."

Xu Beiyou hummed again, and silently followed Mo Shu through the only path to Feishuang Palace.

Coming to Feishuang Hall, Xu Beiyou was once again amazed by the ingenious design of the Queen's Hall.

This hall is an independent hall, imitating the pattern of Tianchi and Taoist halls in the Xuandu of Taoism. A platform is built on the lake, and a hall is built on the platform. At first glance, he thought that the lake water surrounded the main hall like a moat, but in fact the whole main hall floated. On the lake, covering most of the lake, it is even more difficult to build than the Liuli Pavilion in the East Lake Courtyard.

The base of the entire hall should be made of jade, supplemented by Taoist talisman seals, which can insulate moisture and keep it warm in winter and cool in summer.

Fifty years ago, Xiao Huang, who had just ascended the throne as emperor, specially invited three Taoist masters to build this hall in order to let the seriously ill queen recover well. There is no one who lives forever, so it was changed to "Feishuang Palace".

There are koi swimming in the lake, and even some koi jump out of the lake occasionally. If they can jump the entire imperial road, it is called "carp jumping over the dragon's gate".

Xu Beiyou stepped over the threshold and entered the hall. At this time, the emperor had already left, leaving only the empress with the same surname as him.

Empress Xu sat on the main seat and signaled Mo Shu and the maids to step down.

After there were only two people left in the hall, she slowly got up and walked in front of Xu Beiyou.

This is the first time Xu Beiyou has seen this Empress Empress. Somewhat beyond his expectation, she is extremely beautiful, but she is not similar to Xiao Zhinan and Xiao Bai, nor is she similar in spirit. Both Bai and Xiao Zhinan resembled His Majesty the Emperor.

In fact, the face shape of this empress and Xu Beiyou is somewhat similar. When she is not smiling, she is a little cold, but when she is funny, she melts away.In Xu Beiyou's view, this future mother-in-law is a little more graceful and gentle than her unmarried wife, but this gentleness has been replaced by majesty at this time, and she is still constantly examining this "Mao" head son-in-law".

For this son-in-law, Empress Xu was dissatisfied from the bottom of her heart, dissatisfied with her daughter's self-assertion, dissatisfied with her husband's arbitrariness, and dissatisfied that he disrupted her overall plan.

There was even a bit of surprise that she didn't want to put into words, why did Han Xuan give this young man the surname Xu?

Xu Beiyou saluted respectfully and called Empress Empress.

Because the emperor came here specially for this matter, Empress Xu couldn't really give this son-in-law a cold face, she nodded slightly and said, "Xu Beiyou, Xu Nangui."

Xu Beiyou didn't speak.

Empress Xu sat back on the throne, and said plainly: "I've heard about you. The adopted son of Mr. Han Ge, the disciple of Gongsun Zhongmou, Mr. Xu of Jiangdu, the young master of Jianzong, is indeed young and handsome."

Xu Beiyou said softly, "Don't dare."

Empress Xu chuckled, without concealing her sarcasm, "Don't dare? You dare to kill Zhang Zhaonu, you dare to be hostile to the Daoist sect, you dare to beat Duanmuyu to death in Qiutai, you dare to marry my daughter, you dare What else is there not to dare?"

Xu Beiyou remained silent again.

Of course, Empress Xu would not simply regard this young man who was in Jiangdu as a child. A child could not be Mr. Xu in Jiangdu, nor could he marry the princess of Daqi, so she regarded this young man as a half-rival and faced Xu Beiyou She decided to go straight to the point, "If you think about it, you know that I am against this marriage, but Han Ge personally asked for it, and His Majesty is not good at refusing, so I will marry Zhinan to you."

Xu Beiyou nodded.

Empress Xu calmly said: "Since it's done, I should have accepted you as a son-in-law, but I didn't. Do you know why?"

Xu Beiyou spoke again, still in two words, "I don't know."

"Okay, I'll tell you now, because purely from a mother's point of view, you are not a good match." Queen Xu's tone was calm, and she faintly revealed an edge hidden under the calm, just like a shark under the sea. , "Yesterday I met with the eldest princess, and she also meant the same."

Xu Beiyou was silent.

The eldest princess, Xiao Yuyi, was the last queen of the former Dazheng Dynasty and the second princess of Daqi, and the sister of the current emperor Xiao Xuan.

Her meaning to Xiao Zhinan is very different. In a sense, she is more like Xiao Zhinan's mother, and her status is also very special. Even the current emperor has to give way.

Empress Xu's tone gradually became colder, and she continued: "Even if you count from the 20th year of Taiping, you and Zhinan have only known each other for two years, and you still get together less and leave more in the middle. What is unforgettable, in the final analysis, it is just that you have taken a fancy to Zhinan's princess status, and you hope to enter the temple as the emperor's son-in-law, and at the same time, you can use this to make friends with the king of Qi, and finally realize your ambitions, people like you , I've seen a lot."

Xu Beiyou lowered his head slightly, unable to see his expression clearly.

Empress Xu said indifferently: "It's not a bad thing for a man to be ambitious. After all, it can be said to be aggressive, but it's a bit low-key to climb up through a woman, but it's true, you poor people, if you have a chance, you have to grab it." Let’s face it, I want to stand out wholeheartedly, I don’t care about morality, benevolence and righteousness, I don’t care about being inferior, I really don’t want the slightest bit of shame, as for why Zhinan chose you, it’s just because..."

"It's nothing more than nothing." Xu Beiyou, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, interrupting Empress Xu's words, "Zhinan chose me only because I'm better than Duanmuyu, that's all."

Empress Xu narrowed her eyes and looked at the young man in surprise, as if she didn't expect him to dare to refute her.

Xu Beiyou said softly: "As your mother said, Zhinan and I met two years ago. At that time, I was just a poor boy, and no matter how you looked at it, I was not suitable for Her Royal Highness. On the other hand, what about Duanmuyu? Duanmu Ruisheng's Son, Mr. Pianpian, no matter how you look at it, you are a match made in heaven."

Xu Beiyou let out a breath, and said calmly: "But you high-ranking big shots never expected that in the blink of an eye for two years, that little guy with mud legs, who you didn't even bother to look at, would be able to sit on an equal footing with you, you can't figure it out , I can’t get out of this, and I just can’t help but have this muddy leg, so I find this muddy leg more and more distasteful.”

Empress Xu's complexion changed slightly, and she said sharply, "Presumptuous."

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Father told me not to talk nonsense, but I really want to say something for him. It was in this Feishuang Palace that the Empress Dowager deposed my father as the second assistant, but what did my father do? Wrong? It’s just because he was born in white clothes and speaks for the common people, while Master Lan is a minister for many generations, and speaks for the officials, how can the aristocratic family and the poor family sit at the same table?”

"Shut up! Xu Beiyou, you are presumptuous!" Empress Xu almost flew into a rage.

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand and patted his sleeves lightly, then straightened his skirt, and bowed his hands respectfully to her.

Empress Xu's face turned slightly pale, she didn't know whether it was anger or anger, or both.

Xu Beiyou turned around and strode away from Feishuang Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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