Chapter 58

After bidding farewell to Xu Beiyou, Taoist Qing traveled north all the way, instead of going to Julu City, he crossed the entire Xiulong Grassland in just a few hours and entered Wusiyuan, the core area of ​​the vast grassland.

This is the journey in the world of immortals in the morning and the sea and in the evening!
The end of the world is but a stone's throw away.

If it was Xu Beiyou who walked on foot, even if he traveled day and night and traveled a hundred miles a day, it would take more than a month to cross the Xiulong Grassland.

The center of Wusiyuan is where the Golden Tent of the Grassland Royal Court is located.

At this time, in the golden tent of the royal court, there is Khan Wang Linhan, and there is also Murong Xuanyin who is visiting here.

In Julu City, which is thousands of miles away from the Golden Tent of the Royal Court, the buildings are arranged very carefully, with strict levels and cumbersome rules, which cannot be surpassed by half a step.Located in the most central position is the former city lord's mansion, and now the Lingwu County prince's mansion. The Lingwu County prince's mansion here is not comparable to the other mansion in Dunhuang City. Because the emperor is far away, he occupies a full square of land, which is even more magnificent than some prince's mansions in the imperial capital city. The imperial palace in the capital, the palace in the central capital, and the residence of King Wei.

On the southeast corner of King Lingwu, there is a thirty-foot-high watchtower. Standing on it, you can overlook the situation outside the city. It stands out from the crowd in Julu City.

At this time, there were two people kneeling opposite each other in the watchtower.

One of them is a woman in gorgeous palace attire with a sense of desolation. She has a graceful body and a cold expression. When she kneels and sits, she shows the roundness of her thighs to the extreme. It is attractive but not slutty. Generally speaking, it should be She is a rich and noble woman who walked out of the prince's mansion where the bells and bells are ringing.

The other person is dressed in a black python robe, a crown inlaid with six oriental beads, and a jade belt around his waist. The years have taken away the youth of the old man, but it has also helped him create an aura that is not angry but powerful. It is this place The master is Xiao Mohe, the current King of Lingwu County.

The woman carried an arrogance that seemed to look down upon all living beings, even in the face of the King of Lingwu County, who was called the wind and rain in this place, she still did not restrain her arrogance at all, and said coldly: "Xiao Mahe, this time the Julu City Mutual Market, It was approved by the real person in charge and His Majesty the Emperor, and it was entrusted to you to supervise. Even the Lord of the Palace is only supervising from the sidelines, which can be said to be a heavy burden. I can't wear the county king's hat I wear anymore."

Xiao Mahe, who was called by the woman's name directly, didn't care, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty does not dislike the old man's decay, and entrusts him with a heavy responsibility. I will do my best to repay His Majesty, even if it is broken. I will not hesitate to do this. Fairy Lao is worried."

The woman sneered slightly, "In that case, then I will make it clear. This time, Gongsun Zhongmou must die. As for how I kill him in the Demon Town Palace, you don't have to worry about it, but if something goes wrong with you, Don't blame the Palace Master for being ruthless, even if you are the Lingwu County King of the imperial court, you are still regarded as a slave to the remnants of the Sword Sect, and you will not be pardoned immediately!"

Xiao Maha was threatened by such explicit words, but he remained calm and sarcastically said: "The Lord of the Town of Demons, what a great name, the world calls the Lord of the Town of Demons the Master of Black Clothes, which means that it can be compared with that of the master. Teach real people to stand shoulder to shoulder, but the world is ignorant, and you can't see through it? Is it because of the scenery of the past few years, or do you really think that you are a person? If you take the old man's life, the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Palace dare not say, The head teacher may not dare to say it, after all, I still have the surname Xiao, and the only one who can determine my life and death is the current Majesty who also has the surname Xiao."

The woman's face was gloomy, and after a moment of silence, she said three good words repeatedly, "What a King of Lingwu County, he is really strong, and I hope His Highness can be like this in the future."

Xiao Mohe looked at the woman calmly, and said with a smile: "If you want to kill Gongsun Zhongmou, then go ahead and kill him. Although the old man and Gongsun Zhongmou have some friendship, they are not close to life and death, so it is destined that the old man will just stand by and watch." , As for whether you can kill or not, it depends on your methods. I would like to give you a word of advice. Instead of bothering me, you might as well save your energy and think about how to kill Gongsun Zhongmou. After all, he is not from the pond. Small fish and small shrimps, it's up to you to control, but the dragon in the river, if you are not careful, even people and boats will capsize to the bottom of the river."

The woman said coldly: "Jiangzong is gone, what kind of waves can a mere bereaved dog, Gongsun Zhongmou, cause?"

Xiao Mahe laughed out loud, and still laughed mercilessly, "It's true that Jianzong has been destroyed, but it wasn't destroyed by your Demon Suppressing Hall. Shangguan Xianchen died in Tianzhu, and Jianzong The Qi Lingkong Hall was destroyed by Xiao Shen, the master of Jianfeng Peak, the Great Sword Slave died in the hands of the master of Tianji Peak, and the 36 islands including Jianzhong Island and Biyou Island were captured by the master of Yuheng Peak. Which one has a relationship with your Demon Suppressing Palace? For so many years, besides hunting down the remnants of the Sword Sect, what other achievements can your Suppressing Demon Palace have? "

Xiao Mohe chuckled and said: "Speaking of it, there is really one thing. In the battle of Helao Mountain, Master Qingchen almost wiped out half of the Demon Town Palace with his own power. The lesson from the past is right in front of us."

The woman suddenly raised her head, looked directly at the Lingwu County King, and said slowly: "Are you provoking the Town Demon Palace? Who do you think you are? Qingchen? Or Gongsun Zhongmou? The Temple of Demon Suppression takes it seriously, but it definitely does not include you, Xiao Maha."

Xiao Mohe said calmly: "Actually, you and I are both pawns, just like chess, pawns have different weights, an invincible rook is always worth more than a pawn who cannot turn back, but if it is for keeping the handsome, even It’s a car, so it can be discarded.”

The woman's face suddenly changed, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Mohe said flatly: "Just to remind you, Julu City is a chessboard. Although there is only one handsome guy left on Gongsun Zhongmou's side, he is a handsome guy who doesn't follow the rules. There is no limit of nine squares. It's not that easy for him, and you don't have many chess pieces left in the Demon Suppressing Hall. In front of you, don't be that pawn who can't turn back."

The woman was silent for a long time without speaking.

Xiao Mahe turned his head and looked outside the building, the sky was already covered with dark clouds, and there was a sign that the mountain rain was about to come.

He sighed slightly: "What an autumn rain."

The woman suddenly asked, "Where is Gongsun Zhongmou?"

Xiao Maha pointed his finger down and said softly: "It's in this city."

When the autumn wind blows, icy raindrops are wrapped in the wind, and the icy cold rain that has been brewing for a long time finally falls from the sky.

Wisps of raindrops hit the eaves, blue tiles, streets, and stone walls, splashing countless fine water splashes, and the entire Julu City seemed to be shrouded in a layer of white mist.

The bluestone streets that had been covered with a layer of dust turned dark blue after being soaked by the rain. The old man walked on this wet street with his sword box on his back, holding a yellowed oil-paper umbrella, walking at a leisurely pace. slow.

The autumn rain is far less intense than the summer rain. It just makes a rustling sound when it hits the umbrella surface, as if the autumn wind is blowing the dead leaves.

He stopped suddenly, reached out to catch a few raindrops, felt coolness in his palm, expressionless, and said to himself: "Autumn wind and autumn rain are good for killing people."

(End of this chapter)

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