That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 582 The world is like a chess game

Chapter 582 The world is like a chess game

The imperial capital, where King Mutang of the Liao Dynasty settled down.

Mu Tangzhi was awakened by the sound of footsteps outside the door, followed by a light knock on the door.

Mutangzhi sat up from the bed, his eyes were a little red, and he said a little irritably, "Come in."

The person outside the room who knocked lightly on the door got permission, pushed the door open and entered. It was a beautiful woman who said, "Your Highness, there is a visitor here, and the servants dare not make their own decisions, so I have to disturb Your Highness's rest."

Mu Tangzhi once went wrong when he was practicing in his early years. He had a hidden disease and had to go to bed every day, but his sleep was extremely shallow, and he would wake up with a start at the slightest sign of disturbance, and he was very angry when he woke up, even after he set foot in the fairyland of the earth. Therefore, when His Royal Highness King Liao fell asleep, there was no one within a hundred feet, and he did not dare to disturb him with idle matters.

After a while, Mutangzhi suppressed his anger and asked coldly, "Where is that person now?"

The woman replied softly: "It is in front of the hall."

Mu Tangzhi hummed, and ordered: "Please wait a moment, the king will come soon."

The woman responded softly and stepped back slowly.

Another pretty maid walked into the room gently and began to help her prince change clothes.

Not long after, Shi Shiran of Mutang, dressed in gorgeous brocade clothes, came to the main hall.

At this time, sitting in the main hall was a beautiful woman with a graceful figure, dressed in white clothes and black gauze outside, with a refined appearance, which made people feel a little bit excited when they saw it.

After Mutangzhi crossed the threshold, he said with a smile: "Who am I, it turns out to be the famous Jade Guanyin, why don't you sit in Jiangdu for Murong Xuanyin in Jiangdu, what are you doing here in the imperial capital?"

Yuguanyin got up and bowed to Mutangzhi, and said softly, "I have seen His Royal Highness King Liao."

Mu Tangzhi smiled and pressed his hand down, motioning for her to sit down, then he pulled a chair and sat opposite the woman.

Yu Guanyin said softly: "I am here to see the prince by the order of the leader."

Mu Tangzhi hummed, but didn't speak.

Yu Guanyin continued: "The leader asked me to ask Your Highness, do you still remember the original plan?"

Mu Tangzhi looked at the woman sitting across from him, his eyes wandered up and down unscrupulously, his eyes were playful and full of interest, and he answered the wrong question: "Jade Fairy's beautiful face and beautiful appearance really moved my heart."

The woman didn't speak, her face was expressionless, but her eyes were suddenly cold.

Mu Tangzhi didn't take it seriously at all, and simply admired her figure openly, "One point more will make you fat, and one point less will make you thin. Neither fat nor thin is just right. Murong Xuanyin is willing to give this king such a big gift." ?”

Hearing Mu Tangzhi's flamboyant and rambunctious words, Yu Guanyin's face paled, a look of hatred flashed in his eyes, and he subconsciously turned his head away.

Mu Tangzhi waved his hand, and the maids standing beside him understood, and hurriedly retreated, not daring to disturb the "good thing" of the prince.

When there were only two people left in the hall, Mu Tangzhi put his hands on his knees, and said with a light smile, "But the heartbeat is the heartbeat, this king won't take advantage of people's danger like that."

Yuguanyin's complexion improved slightly, and she remained silent.

Mutangzhi continued: "This king is the only king with a different surname in the current dynasty. Not only is he under one person, but he is above tens of thousands of people, and he is also hereditary. He will live forever in Liaodong. Give me a reason, why should I follow you?" You rebellious officials and thieves are planning so-called big things together?"

Yu Guanyin said softly: "People have long-term concerns without near-term worries, and they must have long-term concerns. It is not obvious now, but after more than ten years, the reduction of the vassal is bound to be the general trend. Even the vassal king with the surname of Xiao can't escape this catastrophe, let alone Your Highness. The king with a different surname is probably the first to bear the brunt, and cannot escape the fate of his ancestors' foundation turned into flying ashes."

Mutang is noncommittal.

Yu Guanyin stood up slowly, "Please give me a clear answer, Your Highness, so that I can deal with the matter."

Mutangzhi stretched out his hand to grab a piece of Jade Guanyin's sleeve, and pulled it lightly. The great master of the earth fairy realm didn't make any resistance, and sat in Mutangzhi's arms. , but his face was still calm as usual, one hand went around Yu Guanyin's snow-white neck, lifted her chin, and said with a smile: "It depends on what you want."

Jade Guanyin seemed to accept her fate, she lowered her head, unable to see the expression on her face clearly.

Mutangzhi hugged the beauty in his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder, and whispered in her ear at the same time: "This king's patience is limited."

Yu Guanyin was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled, and said in a low voice: "This matter is a matter of life and death. Is it too childish for His Highness to tie it to a woman?"

Mu Tangzhi smiled lightly and said, "It's not child's play, what you say doesn't count."


Inside the White Tiger Hall of the Dark Guard Mansion.

Fu Zhongtian's two palms, which seemed to be carved from jade, lightly pressed on the sandalwood table in front of him, and slowly stroked along the lines on the table. Chen Moling stood behind him holding his breath.

Fu Zhongtian couldn't remember how long he hadn't made a move. How long had it been since these white palms were stained with blood.

This time he failed to make it to the list of secrets, not to say that he was much weaker than Zhao Qing, after all, Zhao Qing still had the advantage of age, if Zhao Qing was at his age, he would definitely not be his opponent.

Fu Zhongtian was hailed as the master of the Dark Guard Mansion, who was in charge of monk affairs. If he had no real skills, the name of the Dark Guard Mansion would not be able to frighten those lawless monks.

Fu Zhongtian asked, "How is the matter going?"

Chen Moling, who was standing behind him, replied respectfully: "The net has already been cast down, just wait for the fish to hit it by itself."

Fu Zhongtian withdrew his palm and smiled, "Don't be careless. This time, they are all wild carps that come out of the big river. They are ferocious and arrogant. If you are not careful, you will die. What are the other movements?"

Chen Moling said: "Still watching, maybe it's an idea to fish in troubled waters."

Fu Zhongtian just nodded.

Chen Moling hesitated to speak.

Fu Zhongtian didn't turn his head back and said, "Ask."

Chen Moling asked doubts in his heart: "Master, is there really someone who dares to go against the law?"

Fu Zhongtian smiled and said: "There is nothing in this world that people dare not do."


In an inch-by-inch luxurious attic deep in the imperial city, purple smoke curled up from the incense burner. Zhao Wou-ki lay on the soft couch, stretched out his palm, watched the smoke swirl around his palm, and lightly inhaled the fragrance of dragon birth. It was actually lighted with a faint luster, which looked magical and weird.

Hearing someone knock on the door, Zhao Wuji's eyes still stayed on the purple smoke in the room, and said lightly: "Come in."

Wei Wuji in casual clothes walked into the attic and said softly, "The matter has been arranged."

Zhao Wuji sat up from the soft couch, smiled lightly and said: "Thank you, Zhao has this in mind."

Wei Wuji said in a deep voice, "It's all for His Majesty, so there's no need to say thank you."

Zhao Wuji still smiled lightly, and said slowly: "After this incident, there should be many positions vacant, most of us old fellows will move their positions, and they should all be level-headed. If you have been in the center for a long time, you should know it well and make plans early."

Wei Wuji thanked him, took his leave and left.

After only one person remained, Zhao Wuji lowered his head and stared at his palm, dazed.

After a while, he turned his palms over and muttered to himself: "Turn your hands to make clouds and hands to make rain?"

Then he laughed to himself.

They're just pieces on a chessboard.

(End of this chapter)

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