That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 591 Not Buddha, Not Demon, Not Immortal

Chapter 591 Not Buddha, Not Demon, Not Immortal

Everything can be turned into a sword, this is the unique method of the sect master, when Zi Chen, the old Taoist sect master, fought with Shangguan Xianchen in the Eastern Capital, he used thousands of snow swords to fight against the ten thousand swords that killed Shangguan Xianchen like a dragon , almost covering the sky above the entire Eastern Capital, but this matter is too long ago, and most of the people who have seen such a magnificent scene are no longer alive, and now there are only a few words left, making it impossible for people to understand the magnificence.

Another thing is that Qiu Ye, the current head teacher of Taoism, once used this method to attack the army of the whole city with this method when he was young. Thousands of swords swept through the sky. so it is.

Now Qi Xianyun made another move with this method, which was her last way to suppress the bottom of the box, and also reproduced the demeanor of the two generations of Daoist sect masters.

First, take advantage of the wind and snow, and then use the snow to melt thousands of swords.

There are also thousands of snow swords falling.

Zhao Qing did not go to the Dragon King Terrace to watch the battle, nor did he go to the imperial city to meet His Majesty the Emperor, but stayed in his courtyard, looking up at the falling snowflakes. He was one of the bystanders in Shangguan Xianchen's battle. Although he was at a lower level at that time and couldn't see through the mystery, he still couldn't forget the magnificent scene when the two fought.

Zhao Qing whispered to himself: "No wonder those people are planning to put you to death, Qi Xianyun. If you are given another few decades, maybe there will be a female head teacher in the Taoist sect."

He shook his head again and said with a smile: "However, Autumn Leaf's ascension is just around the corner. It will be difficult for another ten years, and it will be absolutely impossible for decades. Without the blessing of the teacher, life is very sad. I ended up being imprisoned in the Patriarch's Hall, if there hadn't been Daoist Tianchen who set things right and expelled Qingchen from the Daoist sect, there would be no invincible No.1 in the world today."

This time Qiu Ye could not stay in seclusion for a long time, and the three major disciples openly competed for the position of the first disciple. For many years, no matter who ascended to the position of head teacher, the other two would probably end up in the same fate. At this time, it was not only about power, but also about their own life and death.

The current situation inside the Taoist sect is darker and more difficult to understand than the temple. According to common sense, the head teacher Qiu Ye should pay more attention to the young apprentice Qi Xianyun, but Qi Xianyun is too immature, and there is still a long way to go to support the Taoist gate. With so much time waiting for her to really grow up, if she is the next best thing, it should be Tian Yun, the head of the twelve disciples.

As the saying goes, if there is a heir, there is a heir, and if there is no heir, there is an elder. Tian Yun is both the heir and the elder, and it is the most justifiable. It is stable, as long as the situation is stabilized, when Qiu Ye flies up, for the sake of the overall stability of the Taoist sect, he will also be established as the next Taoist sect head teacher.

On the contrary, Wuyunsou and Baiyunzi will make a dangerous move at this time, not only to completely disrupt the situation, but also the muddy the water, the better, so they will take the initiative to set off the so-called first-disciple dispute at this time, It's not really to fight for the position of the first apprentice, as long as the situation is disrupted, then after Qiu Ye ascends, there is hope of victory in the chaos, even if Qiu Ye really appoints Tian Yun as the head teacher, the people in the chaos They also have a chance to fight.

If it really comes to that point, the Daoist sect that is at its peak is not the weakened Sword Sect. The struggle involves a wide range, great influence, and deep involvement. Without Qiu Ye, it is definitely not just one or two people. Those who can easily control the situation, but in this kind of situation, Qi Xianyun, who is not yet [-] years old, has no prestige, no foundation, and no Qingchen and others' superb cultivation, what to fight for, and what to fight for? fight.

The so-called female head teacher is just a joke after all.

A woman in white, holding Yaoqin in her arms, walked slowly up to Tongxiantai.

At this time, the Tongxian Terrace had already left the platform, and His Majesty the Emperor and the four important ministers had already left this place after the snow fell, leaving only the ground covered with plain white.

The woman took off the jasper gourd around her waist, sat on the ground, and put the Yaoqin across her lap.

The whole body of the guqin is pitch black, and it looks like it has been around for a while, but the strings are newly replaced, which is somewhat uncoordinated.

This piano has been with her since she was a young girl, and it has been seventy years.

She reached out and plucked the strings lightly.

The sound of the zither made the falling snow all over the sky freeze suddenly.

Qi Xianyun was able to attract the heavy snow not because her cultivation could change the time of day. It was snowing in June. It was just that there was a heavy snow coming, and Qi Xianyun just took advantage of the trend to advance the heavy snow by one day.

Originally, she planned to take advantage of the snowfall tomorrow to go to Meishan again, but now her schedule has been messed up.

Looking at the heavy snow all over the sky, she was in a daze.

It was also snowing heavily in the Eastern Capital that year, and the Eastern Capital was still the capital of the Dazheng Kingdom at that time, but chaos had already begun, and she and that man killed people side by side in the snowy night, killing one after another.

That person was not a king at that time, let alone an emperor, but a frustrated person who was just like her. I have to say that a woman is unpredictable. Sometimes, she herself doesn't know what she wants. When did she quietly change her attitude, and why did she change her attitude? Maybe it was because of the two downcast people huddling together for warmth, or maybe it was because she wanted to find a sheltered place to rest.

Then when did she regard this young man who was not as good as herself at that time as a reliable person?After that rainy street night fight?Or when he went to his small courtyard covered in mud and he opened the door without hesitation?
She couldn't remember clearly, but she only remembered that the snow at night was really big, and the body after the murder would be completely buried by the snow in a short time. In the heavy snow, there were only the two of them, without Lin Yinping, and no one else.

Qin Mumian opened the jasper gourd and took a sip of the wine.

The wine entered the throat, bringing a touch of warmth.

She turned her head in another direction, thinking of the young man who was walking with her all the way, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Come and go, come and go, old people replace new people, in fact, they are all the same people.

On the Dragon King Stage, it was the first time for Qi Xianyun to control so many snow swords, and her technique was inevitably jerky, so she simply smashed down the densely packed snow swords with the force of the Milky Way, even if she was buried, she would have to bury Xu Beiyou alive up.

A moment ago, countless spectators felt that the flying swords were blocking out the sun, but in the next moment, those snow swords all fell into the world. There were so many of those snow swords that they were clustered together one after another, like a huge and incomparably white Pillars of snow fell from the sky.

Xu Beiyou was completely suppressed by countless snow swords almost instantly, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

A "snow mountain" appeared on the Dragon King Terrace.

However, Qi Xianyun's face was not relaxed, but full of dignity.

Because the rest of the Seven Swords except Tian Lan are still fighting fiercely with the seven young Jun Yan.

The next moment, the snow-capped mountain shook violently, and then began to visibly shake with the naked eye, and the shaking was gradually increasing.

As countless white snow fell, countless cracks appeared on the snow mountain, and finally exploded.

Countless Luoxue was lifted back to the nine heavens.

A figure reappeared in everyone's sight, with white hair lost its hair crown, and dancing wantonly with the wind.

In the falling snow, he looked like an immortal from heaven who was both good and evil.

(End of this chapter)

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