Chapter 593

Xu Beiyou withdrew his seven swords and hung Tian Lan to his waist again.

After the young handsome man and the temple bosses left one after another, the crowd of onlookers also gradually dispersed, and soon there was only one carriage parked there alone.

Xu Beiyou held his sword and walked towards the carriage.

Three women came out of the carriage, first Xiao Yuanying, then Xiao Zhinan, and finally Lin Jinxiu.

Xu Beiyou was slightly surprised when he saw Lin Jinxiu.

He was just now concentrating on responding to Qi Xianyun's eight people, and there were several masters such as Lan Yu watching the battle around him, so he didn't deliberately perceive the surrounding spectators, and didn't know that this woman who had some fate with him was also here.

Xu Beiyou was a little emotional. When he went from the northwest to Jiangnan alone, he followed Lin Jinxiu's caravan into the customs. On the way, he met a monk from the Molun Temple in the grassland and rescued Lin Jinxiu. Xu Beiyou went to rescue him alone. The people in the Demon Palace threatened him, so he never wanted to be found out, and almost died here. Fortunately, Zhang Wubing rescued him in the end. After this incident, he parted ways with Lin Jinxiu.

I vaguely remember that when we parted, Lin Jinxiu did say that he would go to the capital to meet her cousin, could it be Xiao Zhinan?

Lin Jinxiu didn't step forward, but stood beside the carriage with a complicated expression, and said in a low voice, "Old Xu, it's really you."

Xu Beiyou looked at the woman in front of him who hadn't changed much from two years ago, his mood remained calm, and he smiled and said, "It's me, so you won't recognize me if you turn white?"

Lin Jinxiu hummed, and asked, "Old Xu, why are you graying?"

Xu Beiyou stretched out his hand to lift a strand of white hair, wrapped it lightly around his fingers, and said indifferently, "Something went wrong in my practice, it will be fine in a few years."

Lin Jinxiu responded sullenly.

Xiao Zhinan saw it, smiled and said nothing.

On the contrary, Xiao Yuanying kept wandering his eyes on the faces of the two of them, and suddenly stood between them, and said to Lin Jinxiu, "Jinxiu, from now on you have to call me brother-in-law."

Lin Jinxiu forced a smile.

Xiao Zhinan coughed lightly.

Xu Beiyou looked at his nose and his heart with his eyes.


Meishan is very important to the entire Xiao family, because there are the mausoleums of the ancestors of the Xiao family here, with the Jingling mausoleum of Emperor Xuanzu Jing in the center, the Shengling mausoleum of Emperor Wuzu Chun on the left, and the mausoleum of Emperor Taizu Gao on the right The Ming Mausoleum, after the Mausoleum of Emperor Wuzu, is the Qing Mausoleum of today's emperor. If Xiao Bai can inherit the Datong, then his mausoleum will be built after Emperor Xiao's Ming Mausoleum.

These mausoleums are the joint burial of the emperor and queen, and there is no separate mausoleum for the queen.

Because of the importance of Meishan, Xiao Shi ordered the Tiance Mansion and the Chinese Military Governor's Mansion to station troops here respectively to protect the safety of the mausoleum, thus forming the so-called Mausoleum Guard Army, which can be described as the elite of the elite. Changing defenses with the elite frontier troops every year to maintain combat power has always been said to be invincible. In addition, when the relationship between the imperial court and the Taoist sect was the closest, the Taoist sect was at the request of the imperial court. The green landscape, also has the duty of guarding the mausoleum.

At this time, after a winter snowfall, the endless stretches of Meishan Mountain were covered in powder makeup, a piece of silver and white.

A strong wind blew up, the pine forest swayed with the wind, and the snow fell from the branches.

A tall old man appeared in the pine forest without warning, with his palm on the hilt of his waist, his eyes fixed on a shaky "figure".

As the strong wind fell, the figure gradually solidified. It seemed that he was dressed as a Taoist, but his body was full of brilliance, and his face was hazy and unrecognizable.

In terms of seniority, the old man who was a generation higher than the Martial Ancestor Emperor Xiao Lie blocked the way of the Taoist, showing a dignified expression for the first time, or it should be called as facing the enemy.

The last person Xiao Shen treated so seriously was Shangguan Xianchen, the Great Sword Immortal who is unrivaled in the world.

This out-of-body Taoist seems to be in reality, his figure is slowly floating forward, and soon he is less than three feet away from Xiao Shen.

The Qingshuang around Xiao Shen's waist was unsheathed for three inches, full of murderous aura and awe-inspiring sword aura.

The Taoist didn't move on, and said calmly: "Xiao Shen, you first betrayed the Sword Sect and then the Daoist School. Although you said that it was for the sake of the Xiao family, the real reason is only clear to you in your heart."

Xiao Shen didn't speak.

Just remembering a lot of past events.

In the past, the young man of the Xiao family left his family and clan, left his hometown and country, and went to overseas fairy islands to worship under the sword sect. On Biyou Island, from youth to youth, from youth to middle age, and then from middle age to old age, Spent decades of Spring and Autumn.

Many years later, he insisted on going his own way. Not only did he betray the sect, but he also single-handedly destroyed the place where he had lived for most of his life, and even slaughtered with his own hands those descendants who usually called him uncle and ancestor.

He never regretted it.

If he was given another chance to choose again, in that situation, he would still choose this way without any change.

All this is for Xiao Shi?Not to mention, Xiao Shen's memory of Xiao Shi is only a mere ten years when he was young. For him, an old man who has lived for more than two hundred years, it is just a flick of a finger, and even the love of his parents The voice, appearance and appearance are already unreal, let alone a surname.

The Taoist was right, what he really wanted was the word "longevity".

After a long time, Xiao Shen slowly asked: "So what?"

The Taoist smiled and said: "It's true, even if Xiao Xuan knows what you think in your heart, he still has to pretend not to know, because he has something to ask for you. In fact, the Taoist school back then was not like this. Uncle Tianchen also knew about you. You have deep thoughts and cannot be trusted, but in order to stabilize the situation, I still gave you the position of Jianfeng Peak Lord against my will, and this is still the case today."

Xiao Shen sneered and said: "Qiuye, your body is still retreating in the Zixiao Palace at this time, and now you are just a ray of spirit wandering around, how dare you speak nonsense in front of the old man? You are really not afraid that the old man's sword will make you lose this ray of spirit forever. Ascension machine?"

"Qiu Ye" shook his head, and said calmly: "Let's not talk about whether you have this ability, even if you can really kill this spirit, it has nothing to do with my deity."

Xiao Shen was slightly taken aback, and then suddenly said: "It turns out that it is a means of transforming the three cleans with one breath."

"Qiu Ye" said slowly: "Xiao Shen, in terms of seniority, you, Qingchen, Mingchen, Taiyi Saves Kutianzun, Zhongli Anning, are all my uncles. Among these uncles, you He is the oldest and has the highest status, so I am out of my body this time, in fact, I have something to ask for."

Xiao Shen said softly: "I have heard that several Taoist elders planned to unite to temporarily calm down the intensified dispute for the first disciple. Now it seems that you are the one behind the scenes? Then you this time Come to me, just want me to help them?"

"Qiu Ye" shook his head and said, "It's not my instigation that they join forces, but I really want to use their hands to quell the civil strife in the Taoist sect, and I also hope that you can help me."

Xiao Shen said bluntly: "Why?"

Qiu Ye seemed to have expected Xiao Shen to ask another question, and said with a smile, "Just because I can give you a great fortune, and bring you one step closer to the realm of longevity."

Xiao Shen raised his head abruptly, doubtfully said: "Really?"

Qiu Ye said indifferently: "I never speak nonsense."

Xiao Shen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Okay."

Qiu Ye smiled, her figure began to fade, and after a while, it disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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