Chapter 597

A crescent moon is like a jade hook.

Wu Yu, who had been drunk for a long time, slowly opened her eyes. The lamp on the table was like a bean, and the flame danced around, illuminating her figure flickeringly.

There was no one in the room, just like the empty wine jars on the table, she suddenly felt a bit of a headache, rubbed her forehead, still slightly drunk.

The woman sighed softly. After she grew up and left the house, she met many men. These men were good and bad, good and evil. Most of them had different thoughts about her, and some were shocked by her. Some are fascinated by her, but she doesn't like them, and when she finally finds someone she likes, that person has no intentions of her.

Wu Yu felt a little thirsty, so he poured himself a cup of cold tea and drank it all in one go.

In this cold winter, the cold tea instantly permeates the heart.

This winter, it's really cold.

She got up and pushed the door out, and there was another fiery red color outside the door.

Although the tourists from Xubei were not in Jiangdu, there was still a big wedding banquet here. The entire Gongsun Mansion and Zhang Mansion were hung with red lanterns and dragons, and the atmosphere was lively and noisy.

Although the newcomers are not here, there are also a lot of guests. Not only the old and old Jianzong, but also Xie Suqing, Yu Kuang and others came to congratulate. Zhang Xueyao personally greeted the guests. Naturally, she also had to take on the heavy responsibility of entertaining guests. She had already drank a lot in one night, but after returning to her residence, she drank a whole jug of wine by herself.

It is said that wine is used to dissipate sorrow and sorrow is even more sorrowful. After Wu Yu walked out of the door and came to the corridor, he still couldn't get rid of the depression in his heart. He looked to the north and murmured to himself, "Is it gone forever?"

This princess wedding is the most solemn among the three princesses because it is the first time a daughter of the Xiao family gets married.

Many Korean party elders almost burst into tears. After 22 years, they returned to the temple again.In the past two decades, they have been settled by the Blue Party one by one, and they have suffered a lot, and suffered a lot. Therefore, when Xu Beiyou wore a red auspicious costume and married Her Royal Highness, he became the third son-in-law of Daqi. At that time, everyone knew well that this was a clear statement from His Majesty the Emperor. Han Xiangye, who almost defeated Lan Yu, not only made a comeback, but also brought a successor to the Han Party. It is said that 30 years in Hedong 30 years Hexi, today's temples, should also talk about our Korean party taking the throne.

The sky is getting brighter.

Xu Beiyou, who hadn't really fallen asleep in bed for a long time, woke up in a daze. Just when he wanted to get up, he suddenly remembered that this was not a quiet room for meditating and refining Qi. The bright red curtains in his eyes reminded him that this was his wedding room. house.

Xu Beiyou slowly turned his head to look, and there was indeed a woman sleeping beside him, with a peaceful expression on her beautiful face, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up.

After a lingering night, even Xu Beiyou felt a little tired, not to mention Xiao Zhinan, who had no self-cultivation, who was in a deep sleep at this time, and it seemed that he would not wake up for a while.

Xu Beiyou stared at this familiar yet unfamiliar face, in a trance, as if in a dream.

At this time, there were Xiao Zhinan's five maids standing outside the door. The five of them looked at each other, and none of them wanted to go to the door. Logically speaking, Her Royal Highness should have woken up a long time ago, but today it was so late. Know what the young couple are doing?If there is a collision, let alone blame or blame, it is the embarrassment that makes people overwhelmed.

It's just that the two of them still have to go to the palace to see the ceremony today, if the time is delayed, it will be a big joke.

Seeing that the sun was getting higher and higher, and if it dragged on, it would be too late, the leader Yin Zhu came to the window and called softly: "Emperor son-in-law, princess, are you awake?"

Inside the room, Xu Beiyou recovered from his stupefaction, and glanced at Xiao Zhinan whose eyelashes were trembling slightly.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch her nose, and said with a smile, "Don't pretend to be asleep."

Xiao Zhinan opened his eyes, shook his head to get rid of his claws, and shrunk his face under the quilt, only showing his eyes.

Xiao Zhinan, who usually has a relatively cool temperament, is no match for the woman's reserve and shyness, and he really dares not meet people.

Xu Beiyou started to get up and put on his clothes, and reminded: "There is an urging outside. We will first enter the palace to salute later, and then go to father's side. There will be guests coming in the afternoon."

Xiao Zhinan wrapped himself up in a quilt, deliberately pretending not to hear.

After a while, Xu Beiyou had finished tidying up. Instead of wearing yesterday's bright red auspicious uniform, he changed into a stone-blue regular uniform. He leaned over and approached Xiao Zhinan, jokingly said, "Are you tired? Or I'll tell the outside Is Your Highness the Princess unwell today?"

Rao even Xiao Zhinan was completely blushed, couldn't help poking his head out from under the quilt, and said angrily, "Isn't it all because of you?"

Xu Beiyou smiled in her ear and said, "That's right, Xiaodao spent a lot of effort to accept you, a monster who will bring disaster to the country and the people."

Just as Xiao Zhinan was about to speak, Xu Beiyou hooked her chin violently, preventing her from shrinking back into the quilt, and looked at each other. This time she did not see hesitation, bewilderment, bewilderment and other complex emotions in Xu Beiyou's eyes. , there is only one thing that can be called firmness, and it is this kind of thing that made Xu Beiyou go from Danxiazhai to Zhongdu, Julucheng, Liaozhou, Biyou Island, then to Jiangnan, Jiangdu, and finally to today's imperial capital, Traveling thousands of miles, I have no regrets.It also reminded Xiao Zhinan of the Five Sacred Mountains he had seen and walked through. Power cannot be moved, and perseverance cannot take away his ambition.

Xiao Zhinan suddenly recalled the scene when the two first met in Danxiazhai. At that time, she could never have imagined that the thriving green tree in her eyes would become a mature tree in two years, although it had not yet reached the towering tree. to a certain extent, but it was enough to shelter her from the wind and rain, and to shelter her in peace.

Xu Beiyou lowered her head, and could clearly feel Xiao Zhinan's shyness, but she didn't resist, nor flinched, but closed her eyes and let Xu Beiyou do what she did, her whole body trembled slightly, like Kazuki swaying gently in the breeze. peach blossom.

After a moment of stiffness and unnaturalness, the two quickly softened, like a bit of ink falling on rice paper, gradually melting, spreading, and finally blending into one. Knead the other person into your body.

At this moment, there is no Mr. Xu whose heart is as firm as a rock, nor His Royal Highness the Princess holding Zhizhu, only a pair of young men and women who are intoxicated by each other.

After a long time, the two separated, Xiao Zhinan blushed and said weakly, "Deng Tuzi."

Xu Beiyou chuckled lightly and said, "Having already paid homage to marriage, that is a legitimate couple. No matter what they do, it is a matter of course. How can there be such a thing as a disciple?"

Xiao Zhinan was speechless, he could only turn his head away, and hummed softly.

Xu Beiyou smiled, and said softly: "It's getting late, Your Highness, please change your clothes for my husband's sake.

Xiao Zhinan did not refuse.

Xu Beiyou got up and took the princess uniform that he had prepared last night.

Xiao Zhinan closed his eyes, stretched out a pair of jade-like arms, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

Xu Beiyou's eyes were gentle.

After starting a business, start a family.

In the first 30 years of my life, I have no regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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