That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 60 Using an Umbrella as a Sword Song Official

Chapter 60 Using an Umbrella as a Sword Song Official

The lean man had just entered the religion not long ago, and he sneered after hearing the words, "Since it's a remnant of evil, it's not too shameful to talk about the suzerain..."

Before he finished speaking, the thin man felt like a light was on his back, squinting, and saw the young man looking at him, his eyes were like knives.

Under the gaze of the lean man, he forcibly suppressed the second half of the sentence he hadn't said yet.

Zhang Suheng saw the young man's face stiff, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit cold, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "It's really hard to talk about this man, especially when he is middle-aged. There are high-ranking parents on the top, wives and children on the bottom. The burden of the whole family is on our shoulders. If it weren’t for this, who would be willing to tie their heads to their belts to make a living? To tell you the truth, I haven’t been home for more than half a year, and I don’t know Does my son recognize me?"

Xu Beiyou said calmly: "It's not easy. Women want stability. Men can give women peace of mind, but they can't give themselves peace of mind. Most of my life has been busy, and my master is like this."

Zhang Suheng asked: "Master Zun, is he alright now?"

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Master has gone to Julu City, I am going to find him this time."

Zhang Suheng took a sip of wine from the jug, and said in a low tone, "I'll go home after this business trip."

He stretched out a palm to indicate a height, and his originally cold face instantly softened, and said: "My son should be this tall."

Xu Beiyou said: "I was raised by nature. I don't know who my parents are. I only have two relatives, a husband who raised me, and a master who taught me skills. Now the master is in Julu City. I am an apprentice. reason to go."

Zhang Suheng said slowly: "When I was young, I once met a wandering Taoist who told me many truths. He said that there are two biggest things in this world, one is the rules, and the other is the truth. There are rules of reason, and there is no reason to be unruly."

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "That is indeed the truth."

The two were silent.

It was dawn and the rain was getting lighter.

Xu Beiyou put on his clothes, carried the Tianlan sword on his back, bid farewell to these merchants, and continued on his way to Julu City.

——Ye Zui, this name is a bit strange, he was born in the Ye family, a real high-ranking man, his own cultivation base is not small among the many deacons in the Temple of Demon Suppression, and he can't participate in confidential affairs, but he is not a fringe figure. Entering Demon Town Hall years ago, because of his identity as the son of the Ye family, although the real person in charge has never said anything, the several big deacons who have the right to speak in Town Demon Palace will sell Ye Zui some affection, as long as With the right timing, Ye Zui will soon be able to take a step further in the Demon Suppressing Palace.

Ye Zui is not the kind of aloof character who relies on his status. He is quite popular in the Temple of Demon Suppression, and he is more willing to lower his profile to make friends with Taoist disciples outside the Temple of Demon Suppression. He is also one of the few in the Temple of Suppression Demon who can have a good reputation. deacon.

During the thrilling battle in Julu City, he was also in Julu City, but he was only peeping in a restaurant and did not reveal his identity. After all, when a master of Gongsun Zhongmou's realm fights, let alone the first-rank realm, he is in the realm of ghosts and immortals. He didn't dare to intervene, at most he could only watch from a distance.

Seeing Gongsun Zhongmou's transformation of rain into swords, Ye Zui's eyes were wide open. Although there are many masters in the Taoist sect who have the realm of earth immortals, these great real people will not make a move in leisure, they just imagine the masters of earth immortals from the words. What kind of scene it is is a completely different feeling from being there.

After watching Gongsun Zhongmou fight against Dongfang Ghost Emperor, the seriously injured Dongfang Ghost Emperor entrusted him with a task to go outside Julu City to intercept Gongsun Zhongmou's apprentice and find the only surviving disciple of Chonglong Temple. The whereabouts of the cloud.

So Ye Zui left Julu City and began to sit on the sidelines.

Just half an hour after Ye Zui left, another person left Julu City.

On the vast grassland, the two walked for more than ten miles one after the other, until they reached a place where no one was around, Ye Zui who was walking in front finally turned around and said: "Since you have been with me for so long, why don't you show up?" A story."

After the words fell, a woman appeared not far behind Ye Zui, holding a delicate oil-paper umbrella, wearing light blue underwear, and stepping on a pair of white embroidered shoes, with two cute embroidered shoes sewn on the toes. Pompom, hair full of blue silk, casually rolled up with a silk scarf, looks very Xiaojiabiyu, with two small dimples on the sides of her mouth when she smiles.

Ye Zui looked the girl up and down, and asked: "If my guess is correct, the girl should be from the Sword Sect?"

The woman smiled, pretending to be surprised and said: "Shouldn't it be said that the remnants of Jianzong? The word "Jianzong Zhongren" was uttered from the mouth of a deacon of the Town Demon Temple, which really flattered the little girl."

Ye Zui shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter whether you are a member of Jianzong or the remnants of Jianzong, in the end it's all the same thing. After all, a thousand years ago, Taoism and Jianzong were one family, and I was lucky enough to read the secret file of Zhenmo Temple. It is said that Gongsun Zhongmou, the master of the Sword Sect, once rebuilt the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, there are twelve sword masters and thirty-six swordsmen, do you know what position the girl is in?"

The woman's surprise flashed past, and she smiled lightly: "Ye Lanyi, after you entered the Demon Town Palace under the alias Ye Zui, it was much better than when you were in Ye's house. You can even know such secrets. It’s true that oranges born in Huainan are oranges, and oranges born in Huaibei are oranges. Since you have guessed my details, then I will not hide it. My name is Song Guanguan, sword master of Jianqi Lingkong Hall.”

Ye Zui, who was called by his real name, didn't care, and smiled, "I don't know why I sent the girl to follow Ye."

The woman twitched her lips, "By the order of the suzerain, retrieve the inexplicable sword."

Ye Zui pointed to the inexplicable sword on his back, and said with a smile: "I thought it was here to protect your young master."

Song Guanguan said plainly: "The young master has his own auspiciousness. Since he jumped into the rivers and lakes on his own initiative, no matter what his background is, he all seeks his own blessings based on his own ability. If he wants to take over the burden from the suzerain, he must With the awareness of self-confidence in life and death, if you are not good enough and drowned in the rivers and lakes, you can't blame others."

Ye Zui clapped his hands and said a good word.

The autumn rain made the grassland muddy, but Song Guanguan stepped on it, but it was not stained with any mud. She twirled her fingers lightly, and the oiled paper umbrella in her hand flew out, like a green lotus blooming, bringing out the greenery on the vast rain. A clearly visible "trace".

Immediately afterwards, her whole body moved accordingly, following the paper umbrella.

There is a sound of rain falling, and there is no peace here before, only murderous aura overflowing.

Ye Zui held his back inexplicably with his backhand, drew his sword out of its sheath, and the clanging sound instantly overwhelmed the sound of wind and rain.

There is sword energy in the sword.

The next moment, the white rain curtain was cut in half by the sword, and a faint sword aura cut straight down towards the paper umbrella from top to bottom.

At this moment, Song Guanguan grasped the handle of the umbrella and closed the umbrella with a snap.

What is opened is an umbrella, and what is closed is a sword.

The paper umbrella intersected with the sword energy, creating a circle of ripples.

Countless raindrops were shattered into water mist at this moment, and a vast expanse of white rose between the two of them.

Song Guanguan kept walking, pointed forward with the paper umbrella in his hand, and continued to move forward with Jian Yi's indomitable momentum, passing through the white, and collided with the inexplicable sword.

Two mighty and majestic sword qi exploded.

The sword energy swam wantonly, killing people with every trace.

(End of this chapter)

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