Chapter 603

No matter how sad the New Year is, the New Year is finally here. On this day, His Majesty the Emperor will lead the nobles of the clan and all the civil and military officials to pay homage to the ancestors.

Prior to this, His Majesty the Emperor began to confer rewards on a large scale. First, he was awarded the title of Taibao on the grounds of the great governor Wei Jin’s hard work. Although since Emperor Renzong of Zheng Zheng, the Sangong has become a completely false title, but it is still in name. The first one will not be given lightly, if the real power is ignored, the Taibao is still above the Metropolitan Governor. After Wei Jin was awarded the title of Taibao, he became the second only to Taishi Lanyu.

As a result, the Sangong only had one grand tutor left, and everyone in the court knew that this grand tutor was in Han Ge's pocket.

Immediately afterwards, His Majesty the Emperor ordered Qu Chang'an, the left governor of the Central Army, to form the Six Commanders of the Prince, and at the same time confer the title of Taibao on Prince Qu Chang'an, and promote Xie Suqing, the Governor of the Secret Guard House, to be the Prince Taishi, and the Governor of the Metropolitan Government, Tongzhi Zhou. Tong is the crown prince and tutor. In this series of decrees, there is also an inconspicuous decree, which is to promote the emperor's son-in-law Xu Beiyou to be the attendant of the prince of Zhan Shifu.

The prince's servant has no rank and no position. To put it bluntly, he is to accompany the prince to study, but this position is very important. From ancient times to the present, after the new emperor ascended the throne, the original prince's servant has become an unknown person of the court's upstart.After all, the Tian family has no kinship, and there are many open and secret struggles between brothers, and it is especially difficult to grow up together since childhood.

Although Xu Beiyou has already reached the crown, it is not a matter of growing up together, but as long as he becomes the prince's servant, he is a veritable prince's close minister.

The intention of His Majesty the Emperor's actions is already obvious. Although the "Three Dukes" have become empty positions, the "Three Guarantees" have a real role to assist the prince. The rate is undoubtedly to register the crown prince.

As for the candidate for the Eastern Palace, it goes without saying that it is Qi Wang Xiaobai, Xu Beiyou will serve as the prince's attendant as his sister-in-law, and he will definitely enter Zhan Shi's mansion in the future. This is already paving the way for the new emperor.

Although some people have objections to this, they are in the minority after all. After all, Xu Beiyou is not only the son of Han Xiangye, but also the son-in-law of His Majesty today, and the sister-in-law of His Highness the Crown Prince in the future. Come out and touch the mold.

In the 22nd year of Taiping, the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month.

On the last day of this year, there was another heavy snowfall.

The Great Qi Emperor led the kings, nobles, civil and military officials to the Circular Mound Altar outside the imperial capital to offer sacrifices to heaven.

The shape of the Circular Mound Altar is round like the sky, and it is made of three layers, with nine steps on each side of each layer.In the center of the upper layer is a round stone, with nine circles of fan-shaped stones on the outside and nine circles on the inner circle, which extend outward in multiples of nine. The railings and pillars are also in multiples of nine or nine, symbolizing the number of days.

The altar is divided into three layers. It was originally a three-story blue glazed round altar, which was the place where the Dazheng royal family held the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven. However, in the fifth year of Jianwen, Emperor Xiao ordered that the blue glazed altar of the Circular Mound Altar be converted into a moxa leaf blue stone table. , and set up a white jade column fence as the place for his enthronement ceremony. Since then, this place has become the place for the Daqi court to worship the sky.

The Huanghuang ceremonial guard came out from the Daqi Gate, guarded by the army, accompanied by hundreds of officials, and there were tens of thousands of people.

Although it is already severe winter weather, both sides of the Royal Road are full of people who came to watch the fun, and all the kings have ceremonial chariots, which makes many people who want to see the demeanor of the princes feel very sorry. The licensed solo rider is at the side of His Majesty's car, handsome and unparalleled in style.

The emperor Luanjia in the middle is pulled together by sixteen horses. The entire carriage is like a small mobile palace, with inner and outer compartments, and even tables, chairs, beds, screens and stoves. Everything you need is readily available.

But in such a large carriage, there are neither eunuchs, maids, servants or guards, only husband and wife sitting across the table.

Among them, the man is not only the owner of the carriage, but also the owner of the entire imperial capital and even the world. At this time, he is lifting the curtain of the window, looking outside in a daze.

The woman sitting opposite the man is dressed up, wearing a white phoenix gown and a crown of nine phoenixes and nine dragons, dignified and solemn.

The woman was probably not as free as the man because of the heavy clothes on her body, she could only slightly turn her head to follow the man's line of sight, but she didn't see anything, so she couldn't help asking softly: "What are you looking at, Your Majesty?"

The man didn't look back, and said flatly: "What a great river and mountain."

The woman smiled slightly. Although it was not the first time she heard this sentence, she was still amazed by the boldness of the man's words.

The man looked at the snowflakes falling outside the window, and said to himself: "Father has been running around for ten years, and 30 years of hard work, in exchange for a thousand miles of rivers and mountains, in exchange for a great achievement, the father made a metaphor back then, comparing the competition in the world to A group of thieves robbed all the property of the rich family, and then divided the loot by weighing the gold and silver. As the leader, he naturally wanted to share more, and took all the yards and houses of the rich family as his own, but he could not If you treat the brothers badly, you will be given gold, silver, and women, and even a few rooms in this house will be set aside for them to live in. If the spoils are not evenly distributed, it is inevitable that there will be a big fight."

Empress Xu frowned slightly and said, "Why did Your Majesty say that?"

Xiao Xuan sighed softly, "Father said that the uneven distribution of spoils will cause internal strife, but in fact, this is not entirely true. Some people always want much more than what they deserve. If they don't get it, endless resentment will arise. And Jixin, in the end it is inevitable that they will have to fight, and this will be a lack of human will."

Empress Xu was not a fool, so she immediately asked, "Your Majesty is talking about King Wei and King Grassland?"

Xiao Xuan nodded and said: "I won't hide it from you, my uncle Lin Han has already arrived in the imperial capital."

Empress Xu's face was pale.

Xiao Xuan lowered the curtains and looked at his wife, "Lin Han is here, and King Wei will not be far away. The two joined forces this time because they made up their minds to snatch something from my hands, and the two of them I have endured for so many years, my appetite is so great, I am afraid that the entire world cannot be filled, so I can't retreat, not even half a step. In all fairness, the great prestige of my father's immediate victory over the world is unmatched by Zhen Yuyu for 20 years. So as long as the father is alive, they will not dare to act rashly, but as soon as the father is gone, they will immediately start to make moves, and this is the tragedy of the first year of Taiping."

Empress Xu's lips trembled slightly, and she asked, "What is Your Majesty planning to do?"

Xiao Xuan took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Open the door and bow to the thief."

After arriving at the Circular Mound Altar, all the officials dismounted from their horses, and all the kings dismounted from their chariots, all wearing mianfu.

The Dagon uniform of the Daqi Emperor is the most respected, and it is a twelve-chapter clothing, embroidered with dragons, fire, Chinese insects, sun, moon and stars; the crown prince and prince are slightly less, and they are nine-chapter clothing, with the three patterns of the sun, moon, and stars removed.

The kings distanced themselves from Qi Wang Xiao Bai without any trace. Although Xiao Bai was still a prince, His Majesty the Emperor gave him a special crown this time, which was exactly the same as the five-clawed dragon worn by the crown prince. Miss the name of the prince.

At this time, Xiao Bai was wearing a nine chapter uniform, crowned with nine oriental pearls shining on his head, followed closely behind Xiao Xuan, ranking first among all kings.

After the kings, from the Duke of the State to the uncle, the civil and military officials are arranged according to their ranks.

(End of this chapter)

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