That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 605 There Are Guests Arriving at the Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony

Chapter 605 There Are Guests Arriving at the Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony

Since ancient times, the emperor has been called the son of heaven, so the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven is the most important thing in many ceremonies.

After the Dazheng Emperor Shenzong came to the throne, he held a ceremony to sacrifice to heaven according to the usual practice. When he finished reciting his prayers and raised the three-clawed gold wine bottle to toast to heaven, he accidentally dropped the wine bottle on the ground. Emperor Shenzong was shocked and was regarded as It was an ominous omen, and later the untimely death of Emperor Shenzong was fulfilled.

As time went by, the wind and snow became heavier and heavier, and the soldiers stationed at the outermost edge of the Circular Mound Altar were already covered with white snow, and as far as the eye could see, there were black armors under the white snow.

The civil and military officials left the main hall and came to the Circular Mound Altar. The three-story Circular Mound Altar was surrounded by layers of layers, and they stood quietly despite the heavy snow.

A line of paths is divided among the crowd, from the main hall to the Circular Mound Altar, and extends to the front of the white jade steps of the altar, from which you can climb to the top step by step.

On both sides of the road stood soldiers holding halberds.

Not long after, a figure slowly walked up to the altar, but stopped at the first floor, holding a red sandalwood tray in his hand, and on the tray was a golden three-legged wine bottle.

The eunuch Zhang Baisui was in charge of the chief inspector of ceremonies.

Then a figure in a gown robe climbed to the second floor of the Zen altar and stood with his hands tied.

Qi Wang Xiaobai.

After a while, the sound of the horn sounded, and amidst the continuous sound of the horn, the huge emperor's honor guard was faintly visible in the wind and snow.

Guards from the Tiger Camp of Tiance Mansion are driving around the car. They are also black horses in black armor, covered with a cloak of the same color, moving with the wind, with a majestic arrogance.

When there were still about a hundred feet away from the Circular Mound Altar, the carriage stopped slowly, and two figures slowly stepped down from the most luxurious and tallest carriage in the middle.

Daqi Emperor Xiao Xuan, dressed in a black and red two-color imperial robe and a twelve-pronged imperial crown, got out of the car with Empress Xu, who was wearing a back crown and a back robe, and walked slowly towards the Circular Mound Altar .

When he came to the Circular Mound Altar, Xiao Xuan stopped for a while, looked around, and at a glance, there was a gathering of heroes, full of the heroic spirit of the world's heroes entering my trap, then he let go of Empress Xu's hand, and under the eyes of everyone, he walked step by step. Slowly climbed up to the Circular Mound Altar, when passing the first floor, Zhang Baisui accompanied him with his plate, but when passing the second floor, Xiao Bai stayed where he was.

Walking to the third floor, a desk has been set up in the center. Xiao Yu picked up the golden three-legged wine bottle from the tray in Zhang Baisui's hands with both hands, and placed it on the desk in front of him.

Zhang Baisui then withdrew.

The bead curtain hanging down from the emperor's crown covered Xiao Xuan's expression.

Headed by Xiao Bai, the kings and civil and military officials began to kneel down and worship.

Xiao Xuan looked up at the sky expressionlessly when everyone was kneeling behind him, and then lowered his head after a long time, spread out the prayer words written by officials from the Ministry of Rituals, and recited softly.

After the scene of a stick of incense, after praying, Xiao Xuan raised the three-legged wine bottle with both hands to respect the heaven.

Xiao Bai, who was kneeling on the second floor, squinted his eyes, silently feeling the changes in himself.

Just now, after his father toasted to the heavens, he keenly felt that there was a trace of humanity attached to him, leading to the indescribable luck in the dark, it seems that now he has a certain degree of connection with the fate of Daqi. Although the physical connection is still far from being inseparable, for Xiao Bai, who is already in the realm of the earth fairy, this connection is enough for him to take a step forward and climb to a higher level.

In just a moment, Xiao Bai completed a silent breakthrough.

Xiao Bai, who lowered his head, had a complex expression on his face.

This is just the name of the crown prince. If the emperor of Daqi is justified, wouldn't he be able to ascend to the sky in one step?
As the old ancestor Xiao Shen said, as long as ten years of the emperor's honor, one can obtain a long-lived ascension.

Xiao Bai recited silently for ten years, all expressions on his face disappeared, and he regained his composure.

The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was jointly in charge of the Ministry of Rites and the Supervisor of Rituals. It took about an hour before the extremely cumbersome ceremony was finally over. From today onwards, Xiao Bai is no longer the King of Qi, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Da Qi. For His Majesty the Emperor, the position of Crown Prince is completely justified.

According to the law of Daqi, after offering sacrifices to heaven and conferring the crown prince, the prince should return to Weiyang Palace to receive an audience. The ceremony of kneeling three times and knocking nine times is to show the respect of the crown prince's status as the crown prince.

It's just that for some reason, His Majesty the Emperor stood on the Circular Mound Altar and didn't intend to come down for a long time.

If His Majesty does not leave, no matter whether it is the prince, the kings, or the civil and military officials, there is no reason to leave early.

Lan Yu and Han Xuan looked at each other, and then fell silent.

The Metropolitan Governor Wei Jin directly began to give orders in a low voice, and military officers kept leaving the team.

This time Jitian left the imperial city and the imperial capital. It would be fine if it was a normal season, but the current situation is full of wind and rain, and the safety of His Majesty the Emperor is naturally the top priority. There must be no negligence, so This matter was jointly discussed by the Governor's Mansion, the Dark Guard Mansion and the Tiance Mansion.

The wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger, almost making it difficult for civil and military officials to see His Majesty the Emperor's figure clearly, but His Majesty's voice could be heard clearly, with only three words, "We have a guest."

After the voice fell, countless whistling sounds sounded, overwhelming the wind and snow in the sky.

Xu Beiyou, who was standing among the clan clan, was shocked and looked up suddenly.

He is very familiar with this sound, it is the sound of flying swords piercing through the air, and there is definitely more than one, not even dozens, hundreds.

Sure enough, thousands of flying swords pierced through the snow falling all over the sky, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Yujian has thousands of millions, going straight to the ninth heaven.

Thousands of flying swords converged layer upon layer, turning into a "sword dragon", hovering in the sky.

One person stood on top of the "dragon head", with three thousand feet of white hair.

The number one sword immortal in the Taoist sect, Taiyi saves Ku Tianzun.

However, today's Taiyi Jiuku Tianzun is not wearing Taoist robes, nor is he wearing any Taoist-related accessories. The Great Sword Immortal Shangguan Xianchen who entered the Eastern Capital with his sword.

After Taiyi rescued Ku Tianzun appeared, another person followed closely.

In the original gray sky, countless black clouds gathered, and the lightning flashed, overwhelming the city.

The man stood above the black clouds, holding a cane in his hand.

Ghost Palace, Xiao Lin.

The two of them, one east and one west, dominated the entire sky.

That's not all, a smudge of purple suddenly lit up in the wind and snow.

In the plain white sky, it is particularly glaring.

In an instant, the falling snow suddenly stopped.

All the imperial guards in the Circular Mound Altar looked up, only to see circles of ripples rippling on the sky.

No snow!

Then I saw a purple long rainbow flying over like a bamboo.

Like a meteorite crashing to the ground.


After Zihong landed, it moved forward in a straight line along the ground.

Countless snowstorms swept across the sky, and its momentum was like a mountain tsunami and avalanche, so that where it passed, hundreds of guard cavalry, including men and horses, were wrapped in the air and left the ground, and they died on the spot before landing.

When the purple Changhong was still a hundred feet away from the Circular Mound Altar, it stopped abruptly, revealing a human figure.

Standing on His Majesty's Luanjia in a splendid white dress, the robe flutters and the sleeves flutter.

The person who came was Murong Xuan Xuanyin, the fourth person in the world and the leader of Xuanjiao.

Until this time, the still heavy snow fluttered down again.

Murong Xuanyin rolled up the wind and snow with his big sleeves, and said in a loud voice: "Murong Xuanyin has seen His Majesty the Emperor Daqi."

(End of this chapter)

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