Chapter 63

After squabbling, the two casually killed a few unsightly horse thieves on the way, and rode instead on horseback.

Two people and two horses, Xu Beiyou finally got rid of Song Guanguan's "magic claws", and then he didn't stop, day and night, about three days later, in the sweet and greasy sound of the son, the two finally saw Julu City majestic silhouette.

Because of the mutual market in Julu City, visitors from all over the world came. At this time, there was basically no access control in Julu City, and the gates on all sides were open, allowing pedestrians to come in and out.However, just three miles outside the city, a cavalry army of more than [-] men was stationed, and they could enter the city at any time as long as Lingwu County King Xiao Mahe gave an order.

The two men were stationed in front of the city, and Xu Beiyou looked up at the top of Julu City. This majestic city still had traces of the great battles of the past, weathered and vicissitudes. If Zhongducheng is a general in his prime, then Julu City is a The old soldiers who have entered their twilight years have lost their former glory, leaving only scars all over their bodies.

After stopping for a long time, Xu Beiyou remained silent.

Song Guanguan laughed and said: "There is nothing to see in Julu City now. Going forward a few decades, there are people who sell goods, lives, and people in this city. There are all kinds of strange things. As long as you have money, there is nothing you can't buy."

Xu Beiyou said calmly, "Money is a good thing."

Song Guanguan blinked his eyes and said, "My lord, it's not the work of a master to talk about money. The masters in this world treat money like dung."

Xu Beiyou laughed at himself and said, "How can you be an expert? It's not easy to be a man with your head held high in this world."

Song Guanguan lowered his head, thoughtful.

Xu Beiyou continued: "It's even more difficult to be a master in an upright manner."

There was a moment of silence between the two.



"Shall we go into town?"

"Go, enter the city!"

The Wanli Grassland is a world where the weak are preyed on by the strong. Julu City is like a pure land detached from the outside world. There is no killing here, and there are many rules and regulations. However, these complicated rules are not put into words, and most of them are passed down by word of mouth. Unwritten rules.

Here, there are also the most complicated stories in the world. Maybe the storyteller in the roadside restaurant who was drinking and talking was once a famous person who smiled and greeted guests from all directions in the Central Plains. With a sword in hand, maybe that bloody butcher holding a butcher knife was the enemy of ten thousand people on the battlefield in the past.Even the little girl with two ponytails bouncing around on the side of the road can't be underestimated, who knows if she is an expert who has reached the realm of rejuvenation?

As the saying goes, the big hermits hide in the court, the middle hermits hide in the city, and the small hermits hide in the wild. In addition to these middle hermits, there are also many desperadoes, gangsters, assassins, and even horse thieves who have made a fortune and come here to retire. In addition to the spies from the Dark Guard Mansion, wandering missionaries from the Taoist sect, elite soldiers from the Northwest Frontier Army, caravans from various chambers of commerce, grassland people, and later builders, Julu City is no longer a pool of muddy water, but a place to enter It is easy to get out of the quagmire of difficulty.

The more chaotic the place, the more rules are followed, but the rules are very obscure. Many people who set foot in Julu City for the first time have no chance to learn the rules before they understand the rules.

Julu City has never been afraid of killing people, but every dead person must die in accordance with the rules. If anyone dares to kill people in violation of the rules, no matter whether it is the owner of Julu City, Xiao Mahe, or anyone else, there will always be someone who will come forward and tell him not to tell. A well-behaved person, what are the rules of Julu City.

It's not that there are people who dare to disregard the rules of Julu City and still be safe and sound, but there are very few, such as the master of the Demon Town Palace, such as Gongsun Zhongmou.

The former is because of its identity, which has already made the entire Julu City look up to it.

The latter is because of its cultivation, the foundation of power is force, and when force reaches a certain level, it can transcend many rules and principles.

This is why people in Jianzong often say that all things in the world are nothing more than a sword.

The two of them did not enter the city from the west gate of Julu City, which is close at hand, but went around a circle and entered the city from the south gate of Julu City. Xu Beiyou knew that according to the records of Taiping Huanyu, the former city lord's mansion, which is now the Lingwu County prince's mansion, was not Facing south and backing north, but doing the opposite in an ingenious way, facing north and backing south, entering from the south gate will appear at the rear of Lingwu County Prince's Mansion, just avoiding the most mixed place in Qiancheng .

Before entering the city, Song Guanguan told Xu Beiyou a lot of rules in the city, but most of them were just to the point. After all, in her opinion, Xu Beiyou is the young master of the Sword Sect. With the suzerain here, he must be regarded as a dragon crossing the river. , don't pay too much attention to these so-called rules, but pay attention to those local snake sects and families, these are the ones who set the rules.

After entering the city, Song Guanguan pointed to several towering watchtowers and said, "A watchtower is a family. This is also one of the rules of Julu City. Only those who cross that line can be qualified to build watchtowers. Now there are five watchtowers. There are five watchtowers. Among them, the tallest watchtower belongs to the Xiao family of Lingwu County, and the rest are Wei family, Min family, Shi family and Xuanshui Pavilion. family, and the rest of the families are deep-rooted big families, which are inextricably linked with the major families of the dynasty. Among them, the Min family is the descendant of Shen Guogong Minxing, who ranked sixth among the meritorious officials of Lingyan Pavilion. Min Xing was resentful because of his failure in the power struggle with Wei Jin. Later, Min Xing and Han Xiong were involved in rebellion and were executed by the late emperor Xiao Yu. However, Xiao Huang was grateful for his contribution and did not implicate his family. Julu City was under the care of the Lingwu County King Xiao Shu at that time, and later the son of Min Xing changed Min to Min, and thus today's Min family came into being."

Xu Beiyou asked in surprise: "So, the Wei family is the Wei family of the governor Wei Jin?"

Song Guanguan explained: "As the governor of the current dynasty, Wei Jin is in charge of the governor's mansion. His direct family is still located in the imperial capital. It's just that after the alliance of Daliang City was concluded, Wei Jin was ordered by Emperor Xiao to manage Julu City. , once left an illegitimate son here, and later with the support of Wei Jin, this illegitimate son founded the Wei family in Julu City, and with the current family business, it can barely be regarded as a side branch of the Wei family in the imperial capital."

Xu Beiyou frowned. Along the way, he heard two thunderous names, one was Lan Yu, and the other was Wei Jin. She is low-key, while Sapphire has the air that no one in the world knows the king, and even has the meaning of being a master.

Xu Beiyou then asked, "What about the Shi family?"

Song Guanguan said with a smile: "He is still the 24th hero of Lingyan Pavilion, and the 22nd Dingwu Marquis Shi Le was originally the former Ministry of Zhenbei King Lin Han. Shi Le returned to Xiliang Prefecture, and secretly served as the former king of Zhenbei. With the secret support of Wang Ting, in the 12th year of Taiping, he established the current Shi Le in Julu City. Family, although its foundation is shallow, it should not be underestimated."

Before Xu Beiyou could ask, Song Guanguan continued: "As for the Xuanshui Pavilion, its origin is mysterious. No matter whether it is our Sword Qi Lingkong Hall or the Demon Suppressing Hall, we can't find any roots. I heard the suzerain mentioned one or two things, this Xuanshui Pavilion should have some inexplicable relationship with Murong Xuanyin who was built later, and even has the shadow of Xuanjiao who was built later."

Xu Beiyou felt that a thread was about to connect in his mind.

King Zhenbei and the Shi family.

Murong Xuanyin and Xuanshui Pavilion.

Emperor Xiao and King Lingwu.

In addition to the Taoist Sword Sect, more than half of the most famous and powerful forces in the world gathered in Julu City?
The two were walking on the street paved with bluestone slabs, and several middle-aged strong men who seemed to be locals slowly surrounded them.

Song Guanguan took two steps forward and threw out a few scattered pieces of silver.

After the middle-aged strong man took the silver, he weighed it twice in his palm, looked at the two people again, and turned to leave.

Seeing Xu Beiyou's surprise, Song Guanguan smiled lightly and said, "The King of Hades is nice to see, the little devil is hard to deal with, it's not worth getting entangled with these local snakes for a few taels of scattered silver."

Xu Beiyou nodded, and suddenly asked, "By the way, Guanguan, what realm are you in?"

Song Guanguan laughed softly: "Above ghost immortals, below human immortals, you can't be regarded as a master. Killing some young people is enough."

(End of this chapter)

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