Chapter 638

Meishan, located [-] miles southeast of the imperial capital, stretches for more than [-] miles. During the former Dazheng Dynasty, there were not many special features, except that occasionally the rich and powerful built villas here.

Until the winter of the 29th year of Zhengming Zhengming, Zhang Jiangling, the most powerful first assistant, had died for almost 20 years. The first assistant Fang He and the second assistant Li Yan were in power in the cabinet, and Fang He was named the crown prince. Master, it can be said to be extremely honorable, apart from Zhang Jiangling who was granted the title of Grand Master and Grand Tutor during his lifetime, he is already the pinnacle of the ministers in this dynasty.

The son-in-law of the Fang family, Xiao Lie, has also attained the high position of the Zuo Dudu of the Dark Guard Mansion. He is only one step away from the Dark Guard Great Duty who is under one man and over ten thousand. He has a son named Xiao Yu under his knees. .

At the end of the year, the censor of Zuodu heard about the incident and wrote a letter to impeach Qian Fangping, a scholar who was then a member of Donggong Sheren. He listed his ten crimes, saying that he had the heart of disobedience and the crime of deceiving the emperor. Emperor Shenzong immediately decreed , led by Li Yan, a scholar of the Dongge University, and four people, including the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, the Minister of Dali Temple, and the Governor of the Dark Guard, investigated the case strictly.

As a result, Qian Fangping, a member of Donggong She, was convicted and imprisoned, and was appointed by Emperor Shenzong to copy and behead all the families.Afterwards, Emperor Shenzong issued an order to severely reprimand the prince, cut his power to supervise the country, and make him think behind closed doors.

Then Emperor Shenzong began his last southern tour in his life.

On the way back to the Eastern Capital after Emperor Shenzong's southern tour, the entire Eastern Capital was undercurrents. It was rumored that His Majesty the Emperor wanted to depose the prince. In the prefecture, Lin Ruzhen, the right governor of the Son of Heaven's army, was urgently ordered to lead the troops to Zhili Prefecture, and then ordered the Sixth Commander of the East Palace to control the imperial city and take over the five cities' soldiers and horses.The vigorous prince's treason case kicked off.

What happened next, in the eyes of the people in the Eastern Capital, ordinary officials, and even ordinary clansmen, they were all in the fog, and they couldn't see the truth, until Qin Zheng, the left governor of the emperor's army, suppressed Lin Ruzhen's rebellion, took his head and beheaded his party members 20 people personally led the army to break the siege of Zhili. Emperor Shenzong returned to the Eastern Capital under the escort of 20 emperor's own troops. The situation was completely clear when the prince was defeated.

Qin Li fled in a hurry and was finally stopped by Qin Zheng in Zhili Prefecture.

After this incident, Emperor Shenzong was extremely furious, and issued an edict to demote Prince Qin Li to a common man, denouncing him as wanton and violent, and having no father, no loyalty, no benevolence, no filial piety, no virtuous virtue, no different from an animal.At the same time, the governor of the dark guard was exiled to Lingnan for the crime of negligence of supervision and dereliction of duty, and the imperial censor of Zuodu and Xiao Lie, the governor of the dark guard mansion, were appointed as imperial envoys to strictly investigate the prince's party, so as to eliminate all evil.

The prince's treason case is very involved. Fang Heshou, the chief assistant of the cabinet of the prince and grand teacher, bears the brunt of it. He was immediately dismissed from all official positions and thrown into imperial prison.A total of 16 officials were killed with a rank of three or more. Among them, the Fang family was copied and beheaded by the whole family, and none survived.

However, there are also people who have made progress in the prince's treason case, not the Zuodu censor. After the case was closed, he was randomly found by Emperor Shenzong for an innocuous crime, and he was demoted to Qiongzhou chief envoy. Can return to Dongdu again.Those who really benefited were Qin Zheng, Li Yan, and Xiao Lie.

Qin Zheng was promoted from Zuo Dudu of the Son of Heaven to the Governor of the Eastern Capital, commanding 20 soldiers of the Son of Heaven, and controlling the soldiers and horses of the five cities.Li Yan, the second assistant of the cabinet, was promoted to the second assistant of the cabinet, holding the power of voting.And Xiao Lie, the future Emperor Wuzu of Great Qi, sent his married wife Fang Xuan to drink a glass of poisoned wine, and then was promoted from the Zuo Dudu of the Dark Guard to the Grand Commander of the Dark Guard, and married Princess Ling'an, the sister of the Emperor Shenzong, and gave birth Xiao Jin, the second son of the Xiao family, has become a veritable relative of the emperor.

This year, Xiao Yu was 15 years old.

In Xiao Yu's memory, the snow in the winter of Zhengming 29 was blood red.Afterwards, Fang Xuan was not allowed to enter Xiao's ancestral grave and was buried in Meishan.

No one would have thought that just 15 years later, Xiao Yu led an army to sweep across the world, ascended the throne at the Circular Mound Altar, and established the country.

When Xiao Yu became Emperor Xiao, he did not move his mother's tomb. Instead, after the death of his father Xiao Lie, he ordered [-] civilian husbands to be recruited, so that Xiao Jin could directly build the Jingling Mausoleum of Xuanzu Jing Emperor Xiao Lin and the tomb on Meishan Mountain. The Shengling Mausoleum of Emperor Wuzu Chun Emperor Xiao Lie. After the completion of the two tombs, he moved his ancestor Xiao Lin into Jingling Mausoleum, and his parents were buried together in Shengling Mausoleum.

In the same year, Xiao Yu also started to build his own Ming Mausoleum, making Meishan the mausoleum of the entire Xiao family, and guarding the mausoleum, so that no one else could enter it.

I don't know if the Xiao brothers built the mausoleum on purpose or by accident. From the map, the three imperial mausoleums, the Circular Mound Altar, and the imperial capital in Meishan are just in a straight line.

Now that Xiao Yu has passed away, only Xiao Jin is left alive, and only he knows the answer.

When Lin Han also asked this question, Xiao Jin gave an answer that was beyond everyone's expectations, "Who knows, maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's Xiao Yu's plan. Xu Zhenzhi and Nan Jinren from Tianji Pavilion, together with Qiu Ye and three Taoist masters, decided together."

"You don't know either?" Lin Han was slightly surprised: "You were in charge of this matter back then."

"Do you believe this kind of nonsense?" Xiao Jin sneered slightly, "Will Xiao Yu believe me? He never forgot that I sent people to attack and kill him from the beginning to the end. It's just that I was useful to him, and he didn't want to bear the burden of killing his brother." He wanted to show his imperial mind, so he didn't do anything to me, but in the end he still threw me to Wei State, and even prevented me from setting foot on land for the rest of my life. In all fairness, Wei State is not a bad place, with beautiful mountains and clear waters , everything is natural, with spring mountains in the south and winter snow in the north, it is almost a small world. In the eyes of ordinary people, it seems to be a good place to be an emperor in such a place. I’ve done this, but I’m still not reconciled, seeing how big the world is, it’s really a torment to hide in a corner.”

Lin Han leaned on the knife with both hands, and smiled, "Yeah, since I entered the customs with my sister, I'm used to the gorgeous life of the Central Plains, so I don't want to go to the grassland to suffer, especially during the white disaster every year, when the weather is cold, I miss the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River more and more, how do you say that sentence, drink horses and rivers, and live in Jiangdu forever."

Xiao Jin smiled unceremoniously and said, "You are as worthless as Xiao Yu."

Lin Han didn't get angry, and asked, "If you were the co-lord of the world, what would you do?"

Xiao Jin smiled lightly and said: "This world is really too big, so since ancient times, no matter whether it is Emperor Zulongwu or Chu Zu's proprietor, they will be satisfied after conquering this world. If you are content with pleasure, after a few generations, you will inevitably fall into a situation of stagnation, and you will always be trapped in the strange circle of one generation in one place for 300 years."

Lin Han's face was still a bit joking, but when he heard this, the smile slowly disappeared, leaving only a solemn expression.

"It's God's will that one generation will pass the 300-year mark. I don't have the confidence to change it." Xiao Jin said with a smile, "But I still think this world is too small. It reaches south of Lingnan, west to grassland, east to Wei State, from the north to Houjian, is a land of four capitals and nineteen prefectures. How is this enough? After crossing the ocean, there is Baozhu State, and the land in the far west. Adding them together, this is a complete world."

"Back then, Xiao Yu believed that Wei State was a small country, and the grassland was a barbarian, but his Daqi would eventually fall in the hands of our two families. Although Chu had three households, the Qin Dynasty must be destroyed by Chu. We not only have to use Wei State and the grassland In exchange for a Daqi, you also need to exchange for a Quantianxia."

(End of this chapter)

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