Chapter 641
Before Xu Beiyou's consciousness completely disappeared, he had thought a lot in his mind, and finally settled on the sword case. This is only the sword case that entrusted all the expectations of the master and even carried the entire Jianzong. It is really heavy, carry it on your back It's also really tiring. Sometimes, I really don't want to care about the sword sect or the division of the world, so I just fall into a deep sleep.

Then he actually fell asleep.

In the white light, the sword box appeared behind him out of nowhere, and Zhu Xian and the Eight Swords were all put into the sword box.

Bingchen retreated hundreds of feet with the broken greed and hatred in his hand, and landed on a mountain top, looking at the white beam of light, he did not hide the fearful look on his face.

A ray of breeze blew by, and beside her was an old Taoist in Tsing Yi, who slowly said: "On the surface, the Meishan Emperor's Mausoleum is dominated by Xiao Lin's Jingling, but in fact it is dominated by Xiao Yu's Mingling. Connecting the air of the earth with a radius of thousands of miles, it forms a cave of its own, even if the autumn leaves come, I dare not act rashly."

Bingchen didn't look back, and asked directly: "Why is Xu Beiyou able to arouse the vision here?"

Qingchen said flatly: "Because Pindao gave him a key on the bank of the Han River, this key should have fallen into Li Qingyu's hands, but it was Pindao's last chance to ascend to heaven."

Bingchen frowned, and asked: "What realm are you now? You have clearly climbed to the top of the [-]th floor before, and even attracted Jieyun Tianlei, but it is unheard of to say that you just accept it."

Qing Chen said indifferently: "Barely above the [-]th floor, but it's still not as good as Zichen and Shangguan Xianchen back then. It's even a little behind the autumn leaves in its heyday, and it's still a chance away from the fairyland."

Bingchen looked at the Meishan Emperor's Mausoleum under the beam of light, "Your chance is in that tomb?"

Qing Chen was noncommittal, stretched out his finger and tapped lightly, "Get out of the box."

In the beam of light, the sword box behind Xu Beiyou trembled endlessly. After a while, the sword box opened wide, and a sword was born.

But this time it was not Zhu Xian, but another sword, Shuangtian Xiaojiao.

This sword is one of the few remaining four-character swords among the 48 swords of Confucianism. It was originally the saber of Zhang Chongguang, the three elders of Jianzong. Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu left him with Buddha Bodhi in the Buddhist temple under the Han River, and after several twists and turns, he finally returned to the hands of Xu Beiyou, the successor of the Sword Sect.

After Xu Beiyou got the Shuangtian Xiaojiao, he found that the sword had been sealed and refined by people using energy mechanism. It had no sword intent and sword energy, but it was stronger and sharper than ordinary swords. It was like a dead thing and had no spirituality. , and was reluctant to throw it away, so it could only be placed in the sword box.

At this moment, Shuangtian Xiaojiao was no longer in the previous lifeless state, swept away the dust on the sword, and regained its brilliance.

Qing Chen looked at the corner of Frost Sky in the sky, and said slowly: "The fact that the Xiao family can conquer the world by itself is by no means a coincidence."

"Xiao Lin, the ancestor of the Xiao family, supported the dragon in the Taizu Emperor of Dazheng, founded the Dark Guard Mansion, and participated in the two Northern Expeditions to the grasslands. He gave birth to the Duke of the country and died of the king of the county. This is how the Xiao family has been honored for generations in the Dazheng Dynasty. .”

"In Xiao Lie's generation, the changes in the Taimiao, Fu Ling entered the palace, appointed himself the prime minister, took the emperor to command the princes, and the world of Dazheng was shattered."

"Then to Xiao Yu, the survivors of the ancestors, entered the grassland, occupied the northwest, conquered Shuzhou in the south, built after the northern expedition, entered the pass in the east, and went to Dingding in the south. Finally, it was finalized, and there is today's splendid country in Daqi."

As soon as the words fell, the sky above the Ming Mausoleum, which was clearly a clear sky, suddenly sounded with rolling thunder.

Bingchen looked up suddenly, and saw the Frost Sky Dawn Horn slowly falling down.

Qing Chen has already said that this sword is the key, the key to unlock the Meishan Mausoleum, at this moment it slowly falls, it is to open the Meishan Emperor Mausoleum.

Buried and sleeping in that imperial mausoleum are the two founding emperors and empresses of Daqi.

Qiyun established Aurora Wensu Wu Xiaogao Emperor, Xiao Yu.

Filial piety literature, Empress Shun Shenggao, Lin Yinping.


His Majesty the Emperor and his party, who were heading to the camp of the Tomb Guard Army, naturally also saw this vision of heaven and earth.

His Majesty the Emperor sighed softly, "The Meishan Mausoleum has been opened."

Zhang Baisui, who was accompanying His Majesty the Emperor, said with serious eyes: "These gangsters and thieves dare to disturb the peace of the late Emperor, they should be punished!"

His Majesty the Emperor said softly: "This is not entirely a bad thing. Back then, my father used half the power of the world to build this mausoleum. There are many mysteries inside. Even if it is opened by someone, not just anyone can enter. "

Zhang Baisui still couldn't hide his worry, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry for the old slave's blunt statement, there is no one who is waiting for you this time. There are only three monks in the eighteenth floor of the earth immortal. If they are allowed to enter the tomb of the late emperor , disturbed the peace of the first emperor, spread the news, His Majesty's face, and the face of our Daqi court, will completely fall to the ground."

"I know." Xiao Xuan's face was calm, "But this is exactly what my father intended back then. If my father didn't want others to enter his mausoleum, why bother to keep the key?"

Zhang Baisui turned his head to look in the direction of the imperial mausoleum, hesitant to speak.

Xiao Xuan continued: "If you have anything to say, we will talk about it in the camp of the Tomb Guard Army."


Lin Han is not good at counting secrets. When he saw the vision of heaven and earth, he couldn't help asking: "That should be in the direction of the Ming Tomb. Could it be that Xiao Yu asked someone to dig a grave?"

Xiao Jin closed her eyes and counted silently for a moment, then opened her eyes and said: "You guessed it right, the Meishan Emperor's Mausoleum was indeed opened, and it turned out that Qing Chen was a drunkard who didn't care about drinking, and helped us attack and kill Xiao Xuan on the bright side. In fact, he was waiting for an opportunity to open the Meishan Emperor's Mausoleum, and if there is no accident, the opportunity for his ascension should be in the Emperor's Mausoleum."

Lin Han asked with a smile: "I wonder if my brother-in-law will be opened and slaughtered?"

Xiao Jin shook her head and smiled softly, "You think too much, that imperial mausoleum is not a brothel Chu Pavilion that you can come and go whenever you want. Anyone who dares to enter it will probably not be able to escape a bloody disaster."

Lin Han laughed it off.

Xiao Jin looked in the direction of the Ming Mausoleum, and said slowly: "In the 20th year of Taiping, Xiao Yu passed away. I wrote a letter requesting to go to Beijing to pay homage to the emperor's brother, but was severely reprimanded by the emperor's wife. , so let the people below use some planning methods that have been prepared for a long time, and this is the so-called blue-han party struggle. In fact, it is not my ability, Xiao Jin, but the word of heart. If Lan Yu and Han Xuan There is no crony dispute among people, so how can I get things done no matter how much I talk about it? In the end, I am just pushing the boat along with the flow."

Lin Han asked, "What about the Xu family?"

Xiao Jin said softly: "The matter of the Xu family is a bit complicated. Your sister actually took the blame for someone else. The one who really wants Xu Yan to die is actually someone else, or Xu Yan has a way to die."

As for who exactly wanted Xu Yan to die, and how he did it, Xiao Jin didn't say, and Lin Han didn't ask either.

There was a moment of silence between the two.

After a while, Lin Han asked, "Now that the Meishan Emperor's Mausoleum is open, can't we get through it?"

Xiao Jin shook her head and said, "I've decided not to move."


In a daze, Xu Beiyou felt extremely cold all over his body, like falling into an ice cellar.

He didn't know where he was, only felt the darkness around him.

Suddenly the ground began to tremble, and then Xu Beiyou's ears heard the sound of horseshoes like rolling thunder.

Xu Beiyou couldn't help thinking of the Yin soldiers he had encountered in the ancient battlefield of Danxiazhai.

The next moment, Xu Beiyou woke up suddenly.

In front of him was a million Yin soldiers who could not see the end at a glance, all in black clothes and black armor, and at the end of Xu Beiyou's line of sight was a big banner with the word Xiao on a black background and gold border.

(End of this chapter)

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