That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 65 Sword Qi Lingkong Hall Sword Master

Chapter 65 Sword Qi Lingkong Hall Sword Master

Xu Beiyou broke through the wall and came to the street outside the restaurant.

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Song dragged Song Guanguan, who was already powerless to resist, out of the restaurant, and said calmly, "Can we go?"

The terrifying aura of the Immortal Realm rushed over, only Xu Bei Youxiu, who was in the second-rank realm, said that he made a move, and it was difficult to even stand firm, and he was already on the verge of falling.

Xu Beiyou looked at Song Guanguan who was being strangled by the Song Emperor, and held Tianlan behind his back with his backhand, and said softly, "I don't want to leave either."

Emperor Song sarcastically said: "Young Master Jianzong will fight to the death for this little girl? It's really touching. I don't know how Gongsun Zhongmou will feel when he knows about it."

"The suzerain will be very disappointed." A burly figure walked slowly from the end of the street.

Emperor Song's face was calm, and he was not surprised by the appearance of this person.Daomen and Jianzong gathered in Julu City, Daomen has all the deacons of the Demon Suppressing Hall, and Jianzong also has the sword masters of Jianqi Lingkong Hall. It is reasonable and even more unexpected that this person appeared here at this time among.

The visitor stopped when he was three feet away from Emperor Song. He was tall and tall, wearing black clothes and black boots. On his back was a giant sword that was more than half a foot tall and wide. He had an undisguised indifference on his face. .

He looked at Xu Beiyou, and said with disdain: "She is a dead man, and a dead man deserves to die. It is really embarrassing for you to ignore yourself for a dead man."

Then he turned his gaze to Song Guanguan and snorted coldly: "Useless trash."

Xu Beiyou closed his eyes and did not speak.

He hasn't known Song Guanguan for a long time, and it's only a few days with his fingers. It's too false to say that the relationship is deep. It's just that she sacrificed her life to save herself just now. If Xu Beiyou immediately left her and ran away alone, he didn't have the ruthlessness. Spicy.

Emperor Song sneered, and was about to break Song Guanguan's throat.

The tall man held the hilt of the huge sword behind him almost at the same time.

In any case, Song Guanguan is also one of the twelve sword masters, if she is allowed to be killed in front of his eyes, no matter whether it is other sword masters or the suzerain, it will be unjustifiable.

Emperor Song stopped what he was doing, looked at the tall swordsman, then threw Song Guanguan to Xu Beiyou's feet, and pulled out the jade ruler again.

The tall figure slowly pulled out the huge sword behind him, the sword energy was as thick as a tree trunk, and it shot straight into the sky.

Although he and Song Guanguan are both sword masters of the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall, Song Guanguan is the last of the twelve sword masters, but he is the top three sword master Chi Bing who has crossed the realm of ghosts and immortals A cultivator is truly in the realm of immortality.

Next, there will be a battle between Taoism and Jianzong.

But Xu Beiyou didn't pay attention to this battle between immortals.

He sat on the ground, carried the inexplicable sword that fell on the ground behind him, and then gently hugged Song Guanguan in his arms, but just as soon as he moved, Song Guanguan vomited a mouthful of blood, which just vomited on Xu Beiyou's chest, dazzling scarlet The color is shocking.

Song Guanguan's complexion was as white as paper, and blood began to bleed from his seven orifices. He exhaled more and more, but inhaled less and less, and his breathing became heavier.

The orthodox practice system of Taoism is divided into three dantians, the lower dantian is the sea of ​​qi, the middle dantian is the mansion of qi, and the upper dantian is the mansion of purple. The position of the back heart and chest is the gate of the mansion of qi. The heart and qi of the palace are scattered and retrograde, invading the meridians. If she is in the realm of immortality, it will not be a big problem if she has the support of her body. At most, she will suffer a little bit.But the reason why she was able to become a ghost fairy at this age is because she practiced a quick method that does not cultivate her body. Without the support of her body, this scattered energy has become a talisman for life.

This is also the biggest difference between her and Xu Beiyou. Xu Beiyou took one step at a time, and his physique, cultivation, and swordsmanship went hand in hand. Although there were hidden worries mentioned by Taoist Qing, such a situation would never have happened before.

Xu Beiyou looked at the paper-thin woman in his arms, helpless, all he could do was to silently wipe away more and more blood from her face.

Snow white and bright red, the two colors are intertwined, which is particularly shocking.

At this moment, Xu Beiyou deeply realized that in the world of monks, apart from the seemingly unrestrained freedom, there is also cruelty that is deeper than the world.

This is a world of the jungle.

Song Guanguan, who was lying in Xu Beiyou's arms, barely opened his eyes, and said with difficulty: "Life and death are up to fate. I don't have such good qualifications as the young master, so I can only be a dead soldier who is useless. Although I never want to die, this is fate." .”

At this time, she finally no longer called herself a slave, but called herself me.

As Xu Beiyou said, it is not easy to be a man with your head held high in this world.

Xu Beiyou forced a smile on his face, "What nonsense are you talking about? We Jianzong disciples never believe in fate."

Song Guanguan gasped for breath twice, feeling the pain in his heart, almost speechless.

Xu Beiyou said softly: "It's okay, Master must have a solution, I'll go and beg him."

Song Guanguan shook his head, and said intermittently: "The sect master is preparing...for a battle with the master of the Demon Suppressing Hall, and won't care about these...small things, and besides...said, my life is cheap and my life is hard...Not necessarily I'm going to die, it's just... just... a little painful."

Xu Beiyou said angrily: "Human life is a trivial matter, so what is a major event? Does it have to be a major event if the sky falls!"

Song Guanguan's beautiful face was constantly contorted due to the severe pain, but his eyes were red, "My lord, I...don't want to die either."

Xu Beiyou hugged her and got up slowly, and calmly said, "No."

Song Guanguan leaned weakly on Xu Beiyou's chest, slowly closed his eyes, stopped talking, and his breathing became weaker and weaker.

Xu Beiyou looked at the woman in his arms. During the fierce battle just now, the silk scarf that restrained her hair fell off, and her black hair fell down, covering the sides of her cheeks.

He hugged her and walked slowly, away from the battlefield, and at the same time whispered in her ear: "You said that the peonies in Luoyang are extremely beautiful, as long as we don't die in this Julu City, I will take you to Yuzhou to see the peonies in Luoyang." Fomenzu Temple, go to see the grottoes in Luoyang, and then go to see the peonies in Luoyang, okay?"

Song Guanguan in his arms didn't respond.

Xu Beiyou smiled miserably.

An old man appeared not far from Xu Beiyou out of thin air, and said flatly: "From the response to the Longmen Inn to the killing of the twelve wolf thieves, you are calm in everything, but because of a little girl, you are at a loss. .”

Xu Beiyou turned his head to look at the old man, knelt down on the ground slowly, and said in a deep voice, "I beg Master to save her life."

Gongsun Zhongmou flicked his fingers, and a qi was injected into Song Guanguan's body, and he said slowly: "Send her to Xuanshui Pavilion in the south of the city, and go there after seven days. If she is still alive, she will be under your command in the future. If she dies, So I found a place with a good geomantic omen to bury her, and it was considered as a master-servant relationship."

Xu Beiyou hummed calmly, and walked south with Song Guanguan in his arms.

After Gongsun Zhongmou appeared, Emperor Song retreated immediately without any hesitation.

With the lessons learned from King Zhuanlun, the other chief deacons of the Zhenmo Palace had to be cautious when facing Gongsun Zhongmou.

The tall sword master came to Gongsun Zhongmou and knelt down on one knee, "See the suzerain."

Gongsun Zhongmou waved his hand.

Chi Bing sword master got up and retreated.

Gongsun Zhongmou stood on the empty street with his hands behind his back, and said softly, "Yujia, how many of your twelve sword masters can subdue Xu Beiyou?" Below, only four people are willing to honor the young master."

Gongsun Zhongmou smiled, "Four people? It's really a little less."

Yu Jia, who was hiding in the dark, replied calmly: "Xuan Yi and I are only following the orders of the suzerain."

Gongsun Zhongmou said calmly: "If one day I'm gone, you take him to see Han Xuan, and after he sets foot in the realm of the earth, hand over the Sword Qi Lingkong Hall to him."

(End of this chapter)

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