Chapter 663

Qingchen strode past, and the Yin soldiers all over the mountains and plains were really like ants to him. At this time, he was like a god standing above the nine heavens, looking down on all living beings.

A thunderous voice suddenly sounded from the sky and the earth, "Qingchen, during the ten years of fighting for the stag, you tried to plot against me several times. At that time, each was his own master. I can let the past go without blame. Now, are you really going to disobey me again?"

"Xiao Mingguang." Qing Chen slowly raised his head, looking at the void above his head, "You left behind the poor chance to prove the Dao, you should know why I came here, between you and me today, after all, only one person can get the Dao Ascension is just, either you are stepping on Pindao's bones, or Pindao is stepping on your bones."

Qingchen's voice rippled out layer upon layer of ripples, spreading in all directions, and all the Yin soldiers touched immediately turned into a pile of dry bones, and for a while, a huge blank area appeared with him as the center of the circle.

At the same time, the dark clouds in the high sky rolled endlessly, and thunder broke out, as if the emperor of heaven was furious.

Qing Chen turned a deaf ear to this, and continued to stride forward. The huge power of Fatianxiangdi swept across this mausoleum, and when he came to the school soldiers' platform, he stretched out his palms to cut off the black beam of light falling from the sky, and then closed his palms together, The two worlds inside the palm and outside, separated Xu Yan and other six mausoleum guards from this world, and temporarily trapped them in a small thousand world he temporarily created.

At this time, countless yin soldiers rushed up, and Qingchen didn't make any movement, just flicked his big sleeves, and the cuffs stretched infinitely, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and all the countless yin soldiers were included in it.

This is the universe in the sleeve of Taoism's supreme supernatural power, which is similar to the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of Buddhism.

After Qingchen put all the Yin soldiers into his big sleeves, he said softly: "The human body is rare and now I have it, and the Buddha Dharma is unheard of. I have heard it now. This body is not going to this life, but to another life."

A bodhi seed appeared in his palm, and it spun slowly. Every time it spun, a ray of Buddha's light was born. In an instant, the Buddha's light was immeasurable, and there were countless ghost cries in his sleeves. It is necessary to use the Dharma to eliminate all these Yin soldiers.

All of a sudden, the Buddha's light flourished, and wherever the Buddha's light shined, the yin energy receded. At this moment, the originally gloomy mausoleum turned into a Buddhist temple hall. Qingchen waved his big sleeve again, and countless tiny golden lotus flowers flew like raindrops. On top of each golden lotus, there was another Buddha son. After landing, he clasped his hands together and chanted sutras, with a huge momentum.

Although Qingchen's action this time was costly, but forcibly turning [-] Yin soldiers into Buddhist disciples for his own use, carrying such a powerful force, it made him even more powerful in a short period of time.

At this time, the Xiaoqian world that trapped Xu Yan and others was shattered. Since the eight mausoleum guards claim to be able to weaken Qiuye layer by layer, they are naturally extraordinary. Even if there are two people missing at this time, the previous six Together, Bing Chen, who was on the [-]th floor, was also put at a disadvantage. If Qing Chen hadn't intervened, it is still unclear who would win or lose at this time.

Qing Chen looked up at the six people, and saw six black beams of light falling from the sky, enveloping the six people respectively, making their figures instantly blurred, their bodies covered in black and mysterious, and their arrogance was overwhelming.

The loud chanting sound suddenly stopped, and a layer of black mist spread out at some point, making the golden lotus all stained with a layer of faint black.

Qing Chen frowned slightly, and the Buddha's Bodhi in his palm was full of light, not only contained the black mist that was spreading rapidly, but also forced towards the six people.However, the black and mysterious aura lingered around the six people, as pitch black as ink, eerie and eerie, under the attack of the Buddha's light, it never dissipated, like a rock in a river.

At this time, Xu Yan and others are six in one, and the strength revealed at this moment will definitely not lose to a big monk on the [-]th floor of the earth fairy!

The six people flew up to the sky, and Xu Yan, the leader, stretched out his hand expressionlessly.

The earth trembled and shattered.

The phantom of half the majestic city slowly rose from the ground, and then solidified, replacing the original small hilly landform.

This is half of the central capital of the fifth-story mausoleum, which is now integrated with the small hill of the fourth-story mausoleum.

Xu Yan slowly landed on the tallest tower in Zhongdu, and the sound of horns could be heard endlessly.

Countless soldiers in black armor appeared on the city wall, and a large siege crossbow was lined up on the city wall layer upon layer, dense with arrows.Although it is not the Thunder Ballista and the Shenwei General Cannon, its power should not be underestimated.

Because there is only half of the majestic city, Qingchen and Bingchen are outside the city at this time, it seems that they are attacking the city.

The giant siege crossbow on the top of the city began to fire arrows at the same time, and the rain of arrows was incomparably magnificent, like a black cloud covering the sky for tens of miles.

When the crossbow arrow fell, black flames ignited, and in a blink of an eye, black flames filled the sky again.

Countless golden lotuses became wilted in the black flames, their brilliance fluctuating.There is also a black aura permeating the surroundings. Whatever is contaminated by the black aura, no matter if it is a lotus platform or a Buddha son, has a dim color, and it will not take long for them to crack and turn into nothingness.

The original lotus flowers were swept by black flames everywhere, and countless Buddhist disciples were burned to death. In an instant, it seemed that the western Buddhist land had turned into a scorched earth hell.

Xu Yan, who was standing on the top of the city, stretched out his hand again, creating a thick and almost substantive mist, and there was a faint sound of horseshoes rumbling in the mist.

The black mist formed a bridge, and a black cavalry walked along this bridge and killed it directly from the head of Zhongdu City.

For a while, many Buddhist disciples were slaughtered by iron cavalry like pigs and dogs, and there was no sound of Sanskrit chanting, only the sound of shouting and killing resounded through the sky.

At this moment, Bingchen, who got out of trouble, held a sword in one hand and a sword formula in the other. He was wearing white clothes without wind, and said softly: "Flying the sword thousands of miles away, destroying the first peak in Zhongnan."

Duan Greed and Hatred are connected with the master's mind. After it is released, it revolves around the ice dust. The initial speed is extremely slow, and the speed gradually becomes faster and faster. It is as fast as a rolling thunder. After that, it drags a long mist and finally turns into a cloud. The white light is so fast that it is invisible to the naked eye.

Dao Patriarch Taishang is the Patriarch of Wan Dao, and after that, five Taoist Patriarchs were honored as the Northern Five Patriarchs, among which Chunyang Patriarch is the most famous, and his allusion of flying a thousand miles of sword to take a human head is widely spread in the world for thousands of years. century.

Although Bingchen's sword can't reach the realm of the pure Yang ancestor's sword rising to the stars and running thousands of miles, it already has the same form and spirit.

Cutting off greed and hatred flies around the ice dust, and wherever it passes, the sound of rumbling is continuous.

Bingchen closed his eyes, and silently recited the triple flying sword realm that Patriarch Chunyang once separated.

"The sword in the box blares from time to time, and I swear not to pass it on unless I meet someone with whom I am acquainted."

"The three-foot sword in the box on the back is the sky and shows the injustice."

"Swordsmanship has become a master, and there is a dragon to kill the dragon."

Patriarch Chunyang has already talked about the flying sword all together, he passed it on when he met a colleague, he screamed when he met an injustice, and he came out when he met a dragon.

There was a loud trembling sound in the instant of breaking greed and hatred.

Bing Chen suddenly opened her eyes, her white hair fluttering all over her head. After ten years in the town of Suppressing Demons, she practiced a sword to kill the dragon with great injustice.

Today, she is going to kill the dragon Xu Yan!

Cut off greed and hatred and turn into a ten-mile long rainbow, and go away in the sky!

The situation between heaven and earth has changed.

Hear the continuous explosion of thunder first, and then see Changhong tearing the space apart with a single line of momentum.

The entire city wall was divided in two.

After all, this place is not the real central capital that has gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes, it was just transformed from the mausoleum, so this sword not only cut through the city wall, but also almost divided half of the city into two.

Qingchen laughed loudly, stopped caring about the Buddha's cavalry, and strode forward with a body that resembled the sky and the earth.

The precarious Zhongdu trembled and then collapsed.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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