Chapter 67

The world of practice is really too big. If you want to gain some fame in it quickly, you must not only have advanced cultivation, but also have the advocacy of the sect, good deeds, or characteristics that are different from ordinary people.How did the young Shangguan Xianchen become famous?It's very simple, that is, to slaughter five great masters in the realm of immortality with one sword, including even the master of the Temple of Demon Suppression of Taoism at that time.

Of course, there is another shortcut, which is to directly enter the list of ten people on the list of secrets with cultivation base, so that everyone in the world will know about it.But then again, the ten people who can reach the top of the list of secrets are all famous for many years, or simply the masters of Taishan Beidou like the head teacher of Taoism, and there is no need to rely on the list of secrets to become famous.

If two out of the ten members of the Tianji Ranking make an appointment to fight, it will undoubtedly be a major event that can cause a sensation in most of the cultivation world.

The eighth-ranked Gongsun Zhongmou and the seventh-ranked Master Chen Ye, the master of the Daomen Zhenmo Temple, have an appointment to fight in Julu City.The news was like a boulder hitting the originally calm lake, causing countless waves and ripples. Merchants began to flee Julu City, but more and more monks came after hearing the news.

After all, the two masters who are almost gods have built their reputations for many years, and there is no need to question their true cultivation.Gongsun Zhongmou has traveled the world these years, and the Taoist masters who died under his sword can't be counted with two hands. He is a real sword fairy and cannot be faked.And Master Chen Ye, the master of the Demon Suppressing Palace, has been in charge of the Demon Suppressing Palace for half a year, and few people can let him take action in person. This time, the target of the attack is the second only to Qingchen Gongsun Zhongmou, if you are in a different place and can't catch up with such a peak battle, there is another saying. If you miss it right in front of you, you will regret it for a lifetime.

There is a towering watchtower on the top of the north city gate. This watchtower does not belong to any family. It was here that Emperor Xiao Yu made a verbal covenant with General Murong Yan to build the Five Kings after joining hands with the Northern Expedition.Like many unwritten rules in Julu City, this place is considered a forbidden place, and idlers are not allowed to enter.

At this time, there were two people standing in the empty watchtower, one of them was the woman in palace attire who went to see Xiao Mahe that day, but at this time she lost her usual cold and arrogant demeanor, and could not hide her exhausted and weak state after being seriously injured. The middle-aged man who was standing at the window looking at the scenery outside said: "The subordinates are incompetent. They stopped at Gongsun Zhongmou's sword [-] and failed to reveal the truth."

The middle-aged man is slender, wearing a black Taoist robe, wearing cloud shoes of the same color, the Taoist bun is fixed with a black jade dragon hairpin, his black hair is neatly draped on his back, and he stands with his hands behind his back. There is no trace of the vicissitudes of time.

He turned around, revealing a handsome face, revealing the majesty of being in a superior position for a long time, but the corners of his mouth are habitually raised, making him look like he is always smiling, making the whole person a little softer, less A little more oppressive, a little more gentle.

He smiled lightly and said: "You don't need to blame yourself, the sword after twenty is a murder sword, if you really force Gongsun Zhongmou to use it, then I won't be able to see you today."

The woman lowered her head, although she didn't argue, she seemed a little unconvinced, like a little girl.

In front of middle-aged men, she can indeed be regarded as a little girl.No matter in terms of status or age.

She is the Eastern Ghost Emperor who is second only to the Central Ghost Emperor in the lineage of Emperor Fengdu, and the man standing in front of her is the master of the entire Demon Suppressing Palace.

The Lord of the Town Demon Palace, whose Daoist name is Chen Ye, belongs to the same generation as the current head teacher, the deceased Xiao Huang, the chief assistant Lan Yu, Gongsun Zhongmou and others. The former younger generation has become the real master now. For the elders in power in the world, their grievances and resentments over the years have also become a confused account that no one can figure out in the struggles.

Chen Ye served in the Demon Suppressing Palace when he was young, somewhat similar to Ye Zui today. After decades of painstaking efforts, the roots are deeply rooted. After his uncle Ming Chen resigned as the master of the palace, Chen Ye became the new Demon Suppressing Hall. The Dian Dian Master has also completed the replacement of the old and the new in the Suppressing Demon Palace.

After he became the master of the Demon Town Hall, various legends came out and created multiple images for him. Some say that he is a murderer who eats meat when he is hungry and drinks blood when he is thirsty. The legend of the sword has the same effect.It is also said that he is an ambitious person. Compared with the head teacher in black, it actually means that he wants to replace the real head teacher. He has actually been playing a big game of chess all these years.There are many different names, most of which are bad names, and very few good names.

At that time, princes from all over the world competed in the world, fighting endlessly, and countless people were displaced. It was at that time that Dongfang Ghost Emperor was picked up by Chen Ye and brought back to the Taoist school. For her, Chen Ye was a complex existence of master, father and master. Whether it is Gongsun Zhongmou or Xiao Mahe, in her eyes, they are all old and old. Even if they have some cultivation methods, they are not to be feared. It is even more difficult for young people like Xu Beiyou to get into her eyes. Only the master of the hall can let the rebellious Dongfang Ghost Emperor put down his arrogance and dignity, and serve him carefully like a little maid.

Chen Ye didn't care about Dongfang Ghost Emperor's dissatisfaction, and said in a daze: "You children, you have never experienced those things back then. Gongsun Zhongmou, regardless of his temperament and aptitude, was a temporary choice, just because he was so young. If he has some luck, he will be depressed. If he is in a different place, if he is a Taoist, his achievements today may be far better than mine."

The Dongfang Ghost Emperor was even more unconvinced, and snorted softly as if in a fit of anger.

Chen Ye laughed it off.

From the north gate of Julu City to the mansion of Lingwu County Prince, there is a straight and wide avenue.

There are two masters and apprentices walking on this avenue.

At the end of the avenue is the North City Gate.

Xu Beiyou followed behind his master, squinting his eyes at the towering watchtower, and murmured softly: "Master, when I was young, I asked you what a sword fairy is, and you told me that when you breathe out, you can become a flying sword, and when you wave your sword like rain, With a sword, you can go to the nine heavens, and with a sword, you can stand alone in the world. This is the sword fairy, and I thought the sword fairy was really domineering."

Gongsun Zhongmou, who was walking in front, didn't look back, and asked with a smile, "Why?"

Xu Beiyou chuckled lightly and said, "Why don't Master show the disciple a bit of arrogance today?"

Gongsun Zhongmou smiled and said, "Okay."

The next scene was like the first meeting between master and apprentice ten years ago.

The old man with the sword box on his back was walking forward, with white hair fluttering around his head and his sleeves bulging.He stopped when he was [-] feet away from the North City Gate, and then stood the sword box behind him loudly in front of him, smashing a circle of cracks on the ground, and at the same time, a circle of vitality invisible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings, like The strong wind whizzed by, blowing the tiles on the surrounding houses.

The next moment, standing on the street, Gongsun Zhongmou pointed his fingers together for a sword, pointing towards the sky.

First a sword shadow appeared in the sky, then two, four, eight, sixteen...increasingly.

Soon, countless sword shadows were layered on top of each other, covering the sky and the sun.

A smile floated on Gongsun Zhongmou's face, he pushed his arm forward lightly, and then began to walk forward slowly.

Thousands of sword shadows moved accordingly, all pointing at the watchtower of the north city gate.

Gongsun Zhongmou said in a deep voice: "Chen Ye of Taoist sect, Gongsun Zhongmou of Jianzong asked you about the sword today!"

Chen Ye in the watchtower of the north city gate chuckled, "Gongsun Zhongmou is here, you stay here to watch the battle, you are not allowed to intervene without authorization."

Dongfang Ghost Emperor bit his lip, then nodded slightly.

Chen Ye's figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared on the eaves corner of the top of the watchtower, his voice resounded throughout Julu City, "Chen Ye is here, please Sect Master Gongsun draw the sword."

On this day, in Julu City where monks gathered, all the people in the city saw a scene they will never forget.

Countless sword shadows fell from the sky, densely packed, covering the entire sky.

What a big rain!

Sword rain.

(End of this chapter)

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