Chapter 695

On the vast expanse of blue waves, there is a sea boat sailing through the wind and waves, heading towards the direction of Wei State.

This is not just a cargo ship, but also a passenger ship. Apart from many boatmen and sea passengers, there are also other people who went to Wei, including scholars, scholars, knights, and people with families. One of them The young man is rather conspicuous, carrying a long wooden box wrapped in Shu brocade.

The State of Wei, formerly known as the State of Wei, was renamed the State of Wei after King Xiaojin of Wei and veteran Yang Bofu led an army to capture the State of Wei.

After Xiao Jin became the lord of the Wei state, he successively eliminated the original Wei state's Zhang family and the Gongsun family who resisted to the death, so that only the Ye family, the Murong family and the Shangguan family remained among the original Wei country's five great families.

Among these three families, the Ye family who produced a Taoist sect teacher Qiu Ye is the most honorable. Even Wei Wang Xiaojin has to be courteous, followed by a teacher's wife and a Xuanjiao leader The current Murong family also has a detached status. As for the last Shangguan family, as early as the Dazheng period, there was a great sword fairy, Shangguan Xianchen, and Shangguan Xianchen was the lord of the sword sect who was close at hand. It was prosperous for a while, but now it is not as good as before. After Shangguan Xianchen and Shangguan Jinhong passed away one after another, the last pillar Shangguan Qinghong also died in Jiangdu, which made the Shangguan family have a bleak scene of the building about to collapse.

Today's situation in Wei State is complicated to say the least, and it is not complicated at all. Generally speaking, King Xiao Jin of Wei is the co-lord, and there are three great aristocratic families running their own affairs under it. Most of the cultivators who escaped here in the Central Plains were able to gain a firm foothold here, most of them were leftist monks with various thaumaturgy, and there were unnamed disciples of the Sword Sect who collapsed after the fall of the Sword Sect. Anonymous disciples, but the outstanding ones may not be worse than the real Jianzong disciples.

Jianzong has been rooted in Wei State for thousands of years, and its influence is far-reaching, beyond the imagination of most people. In Wei State, the wind of wearing a sword is particularly strong. From high-ranking officials and nobles to down-and-out knights, they all walk with swords, just like the people in the Central Plains. Gentlemen wear jade, and the wind of sword fighting is very strong. If there is a disagreement, the sword will be drawn, and the blood will be splashed five steps after drawing the sword, so that the first government decree issued by Xiao Jin after taking power in Wei State is the abolition of swords. Saber, and then banned swordsmen and knights and children of aristocratic families from wearing swords. Although the government decree was difficult to completely eradicate the influence of Jianzong in a short period of time, it still greatly suppressed the wind of sword fighting in Wei State.

Because of this, when the white-headed young man wore a three-foot long sword on his waist in addition to the long box, the people on the boat were not too surprised, just because wearing a sword in Wei State was very common. up.

At this time, the young man stood on the railing of the boat and watched. This was not the first time he had seen the sea, but he was still overwhelmed by the magnificence of the sea. , growing up by the sea, used to seeing the rough waves and the ebb and flow of the tide, it is hard for people who are used to it to feel it.

Looking at the sea and sky in the distance, the young man sighed: "Compared with the vast sea, you can only feel your own insignificance. Compared with the vast world, you can only know how humble you are."

"The vast sea, amazing at the first sight, boring for a long time, moody like a baby, like the rain in midsummer." A voice rang in the young man's ear. He looked up and saw a very old Confucian scholar, Both beard and hair are white, wearing a dark cotton robe, and the same style of cotton shoes under his feet. He has a very poor and old-fashioned taste. He looks like a private school teacher in a certain village, but his body is tough, neither bent nor hunchbacked , and carrying an emerald green bookcase made of bamboo, standing not far from him, stroking his beard and looking at the sea.

Seeing the young man looking over, the old Confucian scholar smiled and said: "Just now I heard my little friend's emotion, so I couldn't help but say a few more words, I hope you don't want to be offended."

The young man shook his head and smiled.

The white-haired old scholar watched the ebb and flow of the tide for a long time, then suddenly heaved a long sigh and said: "The dead are like gentlemen, they will never give up day and night."

The young man asked, "Why is the old man so emotional?"

The old man said sadly: "All the rivers enter the sea and never return to the east. The morning is exposed and the sun is shining. Time flies. When you are old, you will inevitably face the torture of birth, old age, sickness and death. It is said that there is a great horror between life and death. You can only sigh like a sage.”

The young man smiled, and asked again: "I don't know why the old man went to Wei Guo?"

The old man pointed to the bookcase behind him and said with a smile, "Study tour."

The young man was slightly surprised: "The old man is so old, and he still wants to imitate the young man's study tour?"

The old man smiled and said: "Live to be old and learn to be old, read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles. The old man has probably read enough ten thousand books in this life, but he has not yet walked ten thousand miles, so he wants to take advantage of his legs and feet to walk ten thousand miles." , walk more, and it is best to be able to travel thousands of miles in your lifetime."

The old Confucian scholar smiled and pointed to the sword on the young man's waist. "Scholars go on study trips, and rangers travel with their swords. Is it true that young friends are allowed to wear swords and old people are not allowed to carry their swords? There is no such reason."

The young man looked down at the sword on his waist, and said with a smile: "I'm not traveling here, and the sword is just for self-defense. After all, the sea is not smooth recently, and there are often pirates who kill and loot. "

Not long after the young man's voice fell, a fast ship appeared in sight, and it was less than ten miles away in a blink of an eye. A flag was raised on the ship, with a big "Zheng" written in black on a white background. Character.

Since the tenth year of Taiping, the pirates along the coast of Jiangdu have gathered together to form a party and become the king and the country. Among them, Yang Er and Zhong Dahui are the strongest.In the 16th year of Taiping, Chen Qiong, the governor of the rear army, ordered Zhennan General Yin to exterminate the pirates, recruited Yang Er, and Zhong Dahui fled, which can be regarded as slightly curbing the arrogance of the pirates.

However, in the 20th year of Taiping, pirates such as Zheng Kuiqi and Zhong Dahui plundered the coast again, and the coast of Jiangzhou was the most affected by it. In just one year, the number of seagoing ships from all ports decreased by [-]% because of fear of pirates. .

Among the two major pirates, although Zheng Kuiqi is a rising star, he is a man of courage and artifice. He first subdued Yang Er's old department, and then moved between several major forces. Finally, he stood out and gathered thousands of people. Bai, galloping across the East China Sea, and quite influential on the south of the Yangtze River, he is already a vassal, and his power is somewhat greater than his predecessor Zhong Dahui.

At the beginning, Chen Qiong was listed as several major crimes. The second major crime was that in December of the 20th year of Taiping, more than a thousand pirates gathered and robbed the fleet. Conceal and do not report, and do not take border affairs as a matter of course.

This feat that made Chen Qiong lose his official title was done by Zheng Kuiqi.

The old scholar said surprisingly, "It turned out to be King Zheng's man. Although I have lived in the inland for a long time, I have heard of the reputation of King Zheng. It is said that he was born in the market, but somehow he climbed to the high branch of King Wei. This is how it is today.”

The young man said with a smile: "The old man knows the world's affairs without going out."

The old man laughed it off, then looked at the saber on the young man's waist, and asked, "I would like to ask, did you name your sword?"

The white-headed young man held down the head of the sword and said with a smile: "The sword name is Tianlan."

(End of this chapter)

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