That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 702: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

Chapter 702: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

Xu Beiyou looked down at his feet, and said flatly, "You don't listen to what you say."

With one hand behind him, he stretched out a finger with the other hand and tapped it lightly. There was a sword aura coming with the wind, and a dozen heads were seen flying high and rolling to the ground.

Seeing those heads and corpses, Xu Beiyou couldn't bear it, and said with a sneer, "Death deserves more."

With a sharp weapon in your body, you have a murderous intention, so you must be cautious and cautious, but being cautious does not mean you have to put down the butcher knife and become a Bodhisattva.

Xu Beiyou raised his voice a little, "Zheng Kuiqi, I've held back my hands again and again, but I'm not afraid of you. If you still want to test my bottom line, these heads will be the end."

Zheng Kuiqi put his hands on his thighs, then stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Zheng Kuiqi has met Mr. Xu!"

Xu Beiyou smiled, "How do you know that I am Xu Beiyou?"

Zheng Kuiqi looked at Xu Beiyou without fear, and said flatly: "White hair and age can be faked, and the sword box behind him can also be faked, but the skill of swordsmanship that cuts a ship with one sword cannot be faked. It is already obvious that they are together, and Mr. Xu's identity is naturally ready to be revealed."

Before he finished speaking, no fewer than three hundred pirates poured out from the cabin behind him to surround him, densely packed archers and blunderbussmen appeared almost simultaneously on the parapet and the ship tower, and there were even more than a dozen people with high spirits. The vulgar monks jumped onto this building boat from other boats and stood by Zheng Kuiqi's side. It can be said that the elite came out.

Xu Beiyou looked around and saw that the surrounding ships had dispersed. It could be seen that the pirate gunners on the ship began to adjust their artillery. It seemed that this posture was about to set up a battle to bombard Xu Beiyou.

Zheng Kuiqi signaled a master follower who was carefully standing in front of him to step back, glanced at a head that had rolled to the bottom of his feet, raised his head and said loudly: "Mr. , I’m afraid it’s not a coincidence? But you want to take Zheng’s head?”

Xu Beiyou smiled lightly and said, "What if I say it's really just a coincidence?"

Zheng Kuiqi laughed it off, obviously not half convinced.

Xu Beiyou didn't bother to explain any more, and signaled to Zheng Kuiqi what skills he had, so he could do whatever he could.

A wave of arrow rain mixed with lead shots came, roaring through the sky like black rain all over the sky.

Xu Beiyou flicked his long sleeve lightly, and swept away the rain of arrows and bullets. The arrows and lead pellets fell from the sky into the sea.The second wave of arrows and lead pills came again, and Xu Beiyou with an indifferent expression no longer followed the example of an immortal to flick his sleeves, but let out the energy in his whole body, blocking this wave of arrow rain all three feet away from his body.

Before the third wave of arrows was fired, Xu Beiyou slowly fell from midair and stood on the bow of the building boat.

The tall Zheng Kuiqi put his arms around his chest and remained indifferent. The gloomy old man standing next to him gave orders: "Kill me, anyone who retreats without authorization will be killed, and anyone who can hurt this person will be rewarded with 300 taels!"

Because of the narrow terrain at the bow of the ship, only dozens of pirates came to surround and kill them, but Xu Beiyou didn't make any moves. Piercing between the eyebrows, no one survived.

The second group of pirates didn't have time to stop, and their heads flew up and then rolled to the ground. This scene was like harvesting rice with a scythe, neat and tidy.

After the two groups of pirates were all dead, Zheng Kuiqi still had no intention of calling for a stop, but continued to send people to make up for it. The pirates in front of Xu Beiyou not only did not decrease, but there were still more and more trends.

The gloomy old man stood beside Zheng Kuiqi and said softly: "Boss owner, since this person is Xu Beiyou, the young master of Jianzong, it is foolish to want to kill him with human lives. We are no better than an army of tens of thousands at every turn. wisdom."

Zheng Kuiqi hummed and asked, "What does He Lao mean?"

The gloomy old man looked at the situation from the corner of his eye, and said: "Using artillery bombardment is the best way, but this boy fell from the sky on his own initiative, and it is not good to use artillery again. Please, Mr. Shangguan, take action so that the young master of the Sword Sect can be buried here, and the worst thing is to escape with serious injuries."

Zheng Kuiqi fell silent.

Today, he roams across the sea, and is honored as the Dragon King by various sea merchants. Even the dignitaries behind those sea merchants looked at him highly and gave him the title of Captain of Thousand Waves, which can be regarded as a prominent word, but in his heart It is clear that the reason why I am able to achieve today is one aspect of daring to fight, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve today's achievements only by myself, and what is more important is the favor of His Royal Highness King Wei.

It is precisely because of the great backing of the king of Wei that he can run amok, even if he robs some powerful cargo ship, he does not have to worry about retaliation, the other party will probably just knock his teeth down and swallow it in his stomach. Can other pirates with no background and no backer have this honor?I have already been reincarnated eight times at Lord Yan's place!
After another wave of dead pirates died, Xu Beiyou lost his patience and continued to be a target for these pirates, and slowly pulled out Tianlan from his waist.

When Xu Beiyou walked towards Zheng Kuiqi holding his sword, the face of the captain of Qianlang was obviously more solemn, and the pirates around him were breathing more quickly. Instead of letting the pirates continue to die, he said loudly: "Please Mr. Shangguan makes a move."

I don't know when, in front of Zheng Kuiqi, there was a tall old man in green clothes, with seven long swords with sheaths stuck in his waist, three from the left and four from the right, with a majestic aura.

Xu Beiyou pointed the tip of Tianlan's sword obliquely at the ground, and said softly, "Shangguan Luan, in terms of seniority, I should still call you senior brother."

The old man whose identity was revealed by Xu Beiyou was not at all surprised, and said calmly: "Since the death of Shangguan Qinghong, my Shangguan family has no relationship with Jianzong. As for Shangguan Qinghong, who colluded with Jianzong and insisted on going his own way, there will be more than one death."

Xu Beiyou chuckled, and there was a breeze around him.

As a big family with the same reputation as the Ye family and the Murong family, the Shangguan family will naturally not be monolithic. As early as when Shangguan Xianchen was still alive, Shangguan Jinhong was dissatisfied with this family uncle, met Xiao Yu in secret, and even intentionally sent a Although a woman from the Shangguan clan married Xiao Yu, although she failed in the end, she had accumulated a lot of affection, which enabled the Shangguan clan to be preserved later, and did not follow in the footsteps of the Zhang and Gongsun clans.

After Shangguan Jinhong's death, Shangguan Qinghong came to power, suppressing Shangguan Jinhong's lineage, causing Shangguan Feng and others to devote themselves to the ghost palace. Returned to the hands of Shangguan Jinhong's sons. Among them, Shangguanfeng and Shangguanluan brothers are the most famous. Xu Beiyou had heard of these two names before, and the reason why he was able to recognize Shangguanluan was because he had seven long swords on his waist. The pie is too conspicuous.

Shangguan laughed lightly and said, "Xu Beiyou, it's your bad luck. Normally, I wouldn't be by Zheng Kuiqi's side, but this time he's going back to Wei State. His Royal Highness King Wei specially asked me to come and guard him for fear of any accident. I actually met you before I expected it, Your Highness is indeed a master of predicting things."

Xu Beiyou sneered, "It turned out that he was the lackey of the King of Wei, and being called to come and go at will, really disgraced Shangguan."

Shangguan Luan's face was gloomy, and he said slowly: "To each other, didn't you, Mr. Xu, also become the eagle dog of the imperial court?"

Xu Beiyou wrote lightly: "The whole court, who do you think can dictate to me?"

Shangguan Luan narrowed his eyes suddenly, his face was solemn, and he remained silent.

(End of this chapter)

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