Chapter 707

In the early stage of Wei Wang Xiaojin's rule of the Wei Kingdom, he seemed to have done many things, but he was actually doing one thing.First, the Zhang family and the Gongsun family were exterminated, both to establish prestige and to make an example of others, so as to subdue the forces of the various clans, and then to promulgate the abolition of the sword order to restrain the monks in the territory by law, and to use this to eradicate many "stabs" and get rid of these After the two major problems, the top and bottom of the Wei State were able to issue orders smoothly.

Since the tenth year of Taiping, he has used Wei State as the foundation and vigorously developed maritime trade, so that the financial revenue of Wei State, which is only four states, can compare with half of the south of the Yangtze River. Based on the famous navy, with the countless money accumulated in ten years of maritime trade as the capital, they wantonly cast firearms and warships and reorganized the navy.

Now it can be seen that Xiao Jin's plan is roughly divided into three steps, and now two steps have been completed, leaving only the last step.

Developing sea trade is a part of the second step, and raising sea pirates is another part of developing sea trade. Among several sea pirates, Zheng Kuiqi is just a rising star who has been relatively prosperous in recent years.

Seeing the big from the small, Xiao Jin dared to spy on the Central Plains, not just a dream.

Now that Xu Beiyou beheaded Zheng Kuiqi, it will definitely have an impact on Xiao Jin's overall layout, but it will never be too great.

In the blink of an eye, it was late spring, and the drizzle was falling on the "Eastern Capital", the capital of the State of Wei. Since Xiao Yu renamed the Eastern Capital of Dazheng to the Imperial Capital of Daqi, Xiao Jin named "Eastern Capital" Accepting it for his own use, calling the capital of his Wei State "Eastern Capital", and looking at the many vassal kings in Da Qi, the mansions are all royal mansions, even the former Qi Wang Xiao Bai, and the only Wang Mutang with a different surname, without exception , only His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can be called the East Palace, and when Wei Wang Xiaojin arrived at the beginning of this year, he broke this convention and renamed his Wei Palace as the Wei Palace. Among them, there are all eunuchs and maids, and the only difference is to change the princess to the queen, and Renaming the crown prince as the crown prince is like trying to stand against the orthodox Daqi court.

Just after the third watch, the palace had already lit the lamps, and a white-faced and beardless eunuch walked gently on the corridor. Outside the corridor was a heavy rain curtain in the dark night, and there was some water in the corridor, stepping on it, Make a crisp sound of snapping.

Walking slowly through the corridor, he walked towards the main hall of the palace. The man was dressed in a black python suit. Among the eunuchs in the world, only the eunuch with the seal of the Chief of Rites could wear a black python suit. In fact, his status in the Wei Kingdom was comparable to Zhang Baisui Roughly the same, they are all the confidantes of the emperor.

When he came to the door of the bedroom, the eunuch knocked on the door lightly, and when he heard "Come in" from the door, he lowered his head and pushed the door in. He walked forward and finally came to the depths of the palace. , only a pair of black cloud shoes can be seen, except for a slight difference in color, the style is generally the same as that of Daoist Daoist.

Xiao Jin, who hadn't fallen asleep for many days, asked, "What's the matter?"

This great eunuch who can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand in Wei Palace bowed his head like a hunched shrimp, and said softly: "Your Majesty, Zheng Kuiqi is dead."

Xiao Jin didn't make a sound, the atmosphere in the hall was suddenly tense, the eunuch held his breath and concentrated, not daring to make a sound, only the rustling and rain outside the window could be heard.

After a while, Xiao Jin's voice came again, and said lightly: "Understood."

The eunuch bowed lower and whispered, "Shangguan Luan is also dead."

Xiao Jin did not continue to remain silent this time, he stepped forward and walked down the steps, the corner of the robe embroidered with python patterns could already be seen in the eyes of the eunuch, the voice sounded above his head again, "Arrange the funeral, Especially on the side of Shangguan's house, Shangguanfeng and Shangguanluan disappeared one after another, so we must comfort them well."

The eunuch replied respectfully: "I have already sent someone to arrange it."

Xiao Jin hummed.

The eunuch still kept the posture of bending over and hanging his hands, and stepped back slowly.

Third watch...four watch...fifth watch.

The five watch drums sounded, and it was dawn.

The rain gradually stopped, and a dark blue color appeared on the sky.

The palace of the Wei Palace, which had been silent all night, suddenly became noisy, with maids and eunuchs coming and going. Not long after, officials and generals began to enter the palace to meet the King of Wei.

Princess Wei's surname is Wanyan again, and her double name is Yingzhu. She is the sister of Wanyan Beiyue.The reason why she married Xiao Jin also had to do with the Great Liang alliance back then.

In the third year of Dazheng Jianwen, Xiao Yu sent troops to help Wanyan Beiyue and his son put down the chaos of the Five Kings. Make a covenant.

After being succeeded by Wanyan Beiyue, the throne was established, and the two sides formed an alliance of brothers. Wanyan Beiyue was young and called Xiao Yu his brother, and later generations still judge him by the world.

With Julu City as the boundary, the Five Kings withdrew their troops later, and Xiao Yu also withdrew his troops from Chaozhou and Gaozhou.After that, if there are thieves and fugitives who cross the border, they will not stay with each other.The cities along the borders of the two sides are all as usual, no city gods can be built, and no more violations can be made.

Houjian must provide Xiao Yu with military expenses for peace and chaos mediation, including 10 taels of gold, 120 million taels of silver, 50 shi of grain, and 20 bolts of silk, all delivered to Julu City.

Hou Jian was not allowed to enter the pass and go south, but he could send troops at Xiao Yuzhi's request when necessary.

The two sides trade with each other at the border.

Later, the five kings were required to pay tribute of ten thousand taels of silver and ten thousand pieces of silk to the emperor Wanyan Beiyue every year to show their submission.

After the covenant is concluded, no more wars shall be started, and any violations shall be discussed together.

Diao Yin, Li Xu, Sun Ping, Xie Xian, Feng Yi and other five post-Jianxuan elders were witnesses.

This treaty was signed in Daliang City, also known as "Daliang League".

After the Daliang alliance, Xiao Yu married his younger sister Xiao Yue to Wanyan Beiyue, and Wanyan Beiyue married her younger sister Wanyan Yingzhu to Xiao Jin. The two families are not only a brotherly alliance, but also a good relationship between Qin and Jin. .

The two got engaged in the third year of Jianwen, and married in the fourth year of Jianwen. After Xiao Jin was crowned King of Wei, Wanyan Yingzhu followed him to the Kingdom of Wei.

Today, Wanyan Yingzhu is already seventy years old, but she still looks like a woman in her forties, radiant and radiant.

At this time, Wanyan Yingzhu was meeting a junior from Houjian, who was also surnamed Wanyan and named Concubine Yu.

Maybe it's because of getting older, every time I see a young junior from my natal family, I can't help being close to the newborn, and I'm willing to help with little help. Take a while ago, this girl asked for [-] bird guns , although she rejected it, she still gave five thousand sticks in the end.

This has to mention her husband Xiao Jin. Although his temperament is not like that of his half-brother, he is a bit like him. He is a person who respects his wife. He would care about such a small matter, even if he knew that the five thousand blunderbusses had ended up in Xu Beiyou's hands, he would still laugh it off.

But Xiao Jin didn't have to care, but Wanyan Yingzhu couldn't care less, after all, married and obeyed her husband, there was no reason to help her natal family to plot her husband.So when we met today, she just said a few words to this junior, and Concubine Wanyan Yu naturally obediently agreed.

Of course, for Wanyan Beiyue's and Murong Xuanyin's sake, Wanyan Yingzhu was only pointing to the end.

Then, Concubine Wanyan Yu told her a piece of news, which surprised the princess of Wei. Xu Beiyou, the young master of Jianzong, had left Jiangdu and his whereabouts were unknown.

At this time, Xu Beiyou took a boat and arrived at the largest port in Wei State, Chunshan Port.

(End of this chapter)

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