Chapter 735
The jade ruler swelled against the wind, and it was as long as a hundred feet. Wrapped in layers of crimson clouds, it slammed down on the four people.

The jade ruler has not yet landed, but it has sunk three feet.

The entire ground in front of Wei Palace sank three feet.

If the entire city is compared to a piece of rice cake, then at this time, it is like someone pressed a fingerprint on the rice cake, causing the entire place where it was pressed to be sunken.

This move didn't have much killing intent, and the meaning of demonstration was more serious, so the four people from Town Demon Hall easily avoided it.

Then Dongfang Ghost Emperor rushed out first, with a graceful figure, he swept towards Sun Shiwu with one sleeve.

Sun Shiwu raised the ruler in his hand and patted it lightly.

Immediately, a majestic air surged out, swat the woman away like a mosquito or fly.

Before the others could make a move, Sun Shiwu slammed down on the head again, like hitting a naughty boy on the forehead.

This foot hit Yama's head.

His feet sank three feet into the ground, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

Sun Shiwu said softly: "If you had chosen to fight before the old man entered the city, then the outcome would probably be five or five, but now that the old man has finished reading a volume of Spring and Autumn, the outcome is only ninety-one. Of course, it is the old man. With a nine-point chance of winning, you only have one point left."

After landing, the Eastern Ghost Emperor smiled wryly.

This gentleman of the Confucian school is really a kind person, and he did not forget to show mercy at this time. According to the current situation, the four of them have no chance of winning at all.

The two of them have been repelled by Sun Shiwu lightly before they can use their supernatural powers. How can they talk about victory?

The Central Ghost Emperor put his hands behind his back, turned his head to look at the Western Ghost Emperor beside him, and asked, "Use your long-hidden sword, give it a try?"

The Western Ghost Emperor nodded.

The Central Ghost Emperor, who was more like a Confucian scholar than a Taoist, patted his spirit, and said with a slight smile, "The child looks like me, and I am withered and light."

At this moment, another central ghost emperor appeared out of thin air. It was not a method of transforming the three cleans into one body or beheading the three corpses, but the spirit came out of his body.

The real ghost emperor of the central government closed his eyes and focused his attention, his whole body's aura quickly dissipated, and even his jade-like skin became dull, and he fell into a state of suspended animation, but his soul turned into a rainbow and poured directly into the body of the western ghost emperor.

The Western Ghost Emperor's complexion changed, and two completely different auras appeared faintly on his face. When he spoke, his voice sounded like two people's accents, "Northern North Vietnam is dark and dark, and the green snake in the sleeve is bold."

At the same time, he raised his hand and held it empty, as if he had a sword in his hand. Although he couldn't see its shape, he could feel the power of the sword and the weight of the sword's aura, which was unparalleled in the world.

Sun Shiwu said softly: "What a sharp sword."

"The sword rises and the stars run thousands of miles away, and the sound of chasing rain during wind and thunder is rough!"

The Western Ghost Emperor's sleeves fluttered, holding the "sword" in his hand as if it was extremely heavy, and his steps were staggering, but the steps he took became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a long rainbow and rushed towards Sun Shiwu very quickly.

The ghost emperors of the five directions are ranked in order, with the central ghost emperor ranking first, followed by the east, west, south, and north, but if it is a real life-and-death struggle, the western ghost emperor, who is a sword cultivator, is the well-deserved leader of the five ghost emperors .

In terms of cultivation realm, the central ghost emperor is the highest, and in terms of combat power, the western ghost emperor is the strongest.

The central ghost emperor injected his own cultivation into the body of the western ghost emperor, and the two joined forces to use a sword.

When the sword was raised, there was a loud sound of wind and thunder.

Sun Shiwu put the jade ruler in his hand in front of him, and said loudly: "My Confucian school also has the sword of awe-inspiring."

Countless arrogance is condensed on the jade ruler, which is shaped like a sword.

Sword against sword.

The sword of the Western Ghost Emperor disappeared when it was three inches away from Sun Shiwu's heart. Although the sword energy had already pierced the Confucian shirt and even the flesh, it still failed to pass through the heart, and naturally it was not fatal.

And Sun Shiwu's jade ruler hit the Western Ghost Emperor's shoulder, completely shattering his right arm.

The reason why it was not hit on the head was because someone made a move at this critical moment, causing Sun Shiwu's Haoran sword to deviate a little distance, and thus failed to kill the Western Ghost Emperor on the spot.

Sun Shiwu looked up at the sky.

At some point, the entire sky was covered with black clouds, and 28 "stars" lit up one after the other.

The old Confucian scholar said softly, "I didn't expect Xiao Jin to even invite you here."

Before the words were finished, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky suddenly, as if it was about to tear the entire sky apart.

The sky thunder rolled and exploded, and the roaring sound was endless, shocking the mind.

The Central Ghost Emperor was able to take this opportunity to return to his true self. Although his breath was much weaker, he saved his life after all.

The Eastern Ghost Emperor breathed a sigh of relief.

Naturally, the only person in the world who can have this kind of Heaven-reaching Thunder Art is the Lord Lord of the Demon Suppressing Palace, Chen Ye.

The black clouds in the sky parted for a distance of an inch, revealing the figure behind, Chen Ye smiled and said: "Fortunately, the poor came in time, otherwise you will have to cut off the humerus of my four confidantes."

Sun Shiwu looked calm, holding the jade ruler in his hand, and never retreated an inch.

Chen Ye shook his head and said, "Why are you doing this?"

Sun Shiwu didn't speak, just waved his hand lightly, and smashed Chen Ye down on the head from the air.

There was a loud bang between the heavens and the earth, and a circle of ripples appeared on Chen Ye's black Taoist robe. With his feet as the center, a huge wave of air spread around, even shaking the surrounding black clouds. Scattered a lot, so that the bright and clear sky after that can pass away in a flash.

The jade ruler stopped three inches away from Chen Ye's forehead, the brilliance on the jade ruler flowed rapidly, but it was difficult to get in, because Chen Ye stretched out a finger, and the fingertip just touched the jade ruler.

Regarding this result, the four members of the Demon Town Hall were not surprised at all, especially the Dongfang Ghost Emperor, who had followed Chen Ye for the longest time, and was more aware of the profound background of this black-clothed head teacher than most people in the Taoist sect.

With a flick of Chen Ye's fingers, the jade ruler in Sun Shiwu's hand flew away, and he himself retreated a distance of more than ten feet.

At the same time, the thunder pool formation suddenly fell, covering Sun Shiwu with a radius of hundreds of feet, and 28 thunderbolts were faintly visible.

Sun Shiwu was in the midst of the thunder, like walking in a courtyard, with awe-inspiring aura surging all over his body. As he moved forward, purple thunder kept falling from the sky, and they were scattered by him casually.Sun Shiwu spent his whole life cultivating Haoran Qi, which is extremely pure, and every time he uses it, it is like the rising sun, all evils cannot enter, and all dharmas are difficult to invade, even the thunder method, which is known as the lord of all dharmas.

Sun Shiwu, who was originally like a wild crane, resolutely set foot in the secular world. This move coincides with what Yasheng said, "Although there are thousands of people, I will go", and coupled with the spring and autumn of the most holy teacher, his cultivation base has reached a higher level. , stepping into the realm of the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal, compared to Zhang Jiangling who made great achievements in "contributing meritorious service" in the past, it is only a thin line behind.So when Sun Shiwu forcibly suppressed the Thunder Pond formation, Chen Ye immediately gave up the idea of ​​forcibly suppressing it with the Thunder Pond, and resolutely united with the four chief deacons of the Temple of Demon Suppression to fight against Sun Shiwu together.

The entire Thunder Pool Formation became a place for the six people to compete. For a moment, there was a loud explosion in the Thunder Pool, and the purple thunder was continuous, and the aftermath scattered to the surroundings. It shook under the impact, and the whole city shook.

But at the same time, the awe-inspiring righteousness around Sun Shiwu also began to gradually fade away. After all, he was fighting against five people with his own strength. Everyone is powerless.

Chen Ye said in a flat tone: "Sun Shiwu, even if you forcibly set foot on the eighteenth floor of the Earth Immortal with a scroll of spring and autumn, with your own strength, how can you be the opponent of the five poor people?"

Sun Shiwu was unmoved, but just stomped lightly.

In the sky that was originally billowing with black clouds, another vision appeared in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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