That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 76 An Arhat Sitting in the North Tower

Chapter 76 An Arhat Sitting in the North Tower

In Zixiao Palace, only the real person in charge and the master of the Town Demon Palace are left.

Qiuye is still between visible and invisible. Zhiyun and Xiaodaotong can see it, but Chenye, who has a high level of cultivation, can't see it. He can only vaguely feel that Qiuye is turning his back and his eyes are slightly closed.

Suddenly, Qiu Ye's voice sounded again, "Junior brother, you are restless."

Chen Ye was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly restrained his thoughts, knowing that since he entered Zixiao Palace, he had been in a state of anxiety twice, but he didn't expect that it was actually sensed by Qiu Ye, so he had to explain: "Since I was defeated by Gongsun Zhongmou Since the hand, my state of mind is indeed not as complete as before."

Qiu Ye said calmly: "Jianzong, it is indeed a thorn in my heart, and it has been 1000 years."

There was an instant silence in the hall, and the atmosphere was oppressive.Daomen and sword masters come from the same sect, have the same roots, and the swordsmanship dispute began thousands of years ago. It can be said to be an old account, and it is still an old account that no one can settle. The only possibility of reconciliation is to fight to the death.

Chen Ye pondered for a moment, and said, "It's a big deal for the senior brother to go down the mountain, but the world today is not the world of 30 years."

Qiu Ye's voice was slightly cold, "Since Xiao Xuan came to the throne, he has always been eyeing my Daoist sect, intending to do what Dazheng did in the past and expel my Daoist sect, but he didn't want to think about it. Without my Daoist sect, how could their Xiao family win the world? When he was born back then, Xiao Yu had a good relationship with my Daoist sect, and specially named him a mysterious character, which fits the meaning of the Taoist ancestor Xuanmen. Today, he probably forgot the origin of this mysterious character. The reason why I have never bothered with him , because I still don't believe that Xiao Yu will die, after all, he was No.1 in the world back then, how can he just die?"

Chen Ye was taken aback, and said: "Brother Master Master, you mean that Emperor Xiao is still alive?"

Qiu Ye said slowly: "Back then in Laoshan, Xiao Yu asked me to build the Meishan Mausoleum for him in the name of entrusting his funeral affairs. I thought of the relationship between the two sides and naturally agreed. After the Jiangnan War, the overall situation has been decided. I will report this matter Uncle Tianchen, since the first year of Taiping, the Taoist sect has sent more than 15 disciples to Meishan to build the Meishan Mausoleum together with 15 civilian husbands and [-] soldiers recruited by Xiao Jin. It took a total of ten years to build two mausoleums. One is the Shengling Mausoleum where Xiao Yu's parents were buried together, and this one was completed first. As for the other Ming Mausoleum, it was completed in Taiping ten years, and then arranged by Xiao Yu himself. I heard that Buddhism, Confucianism, witchcraft, Xuanjiao and Tianji The pavilion also participated in it, and it was not completely completed until the [-]th year of Taiping. This large tomb was built for [-] years, and most of the power of the practice world was poured into it. In this Ming Tomb."

Chen Ye murmured: "There are rumors in the world that Emperor Taizu raised hundreds of thousands of Yin soldiers in the mausoleum, and when the Great Qi collapsed, he would reappear in the world. Unexpectedly, it is really empty."

Qiu Ye said flatly: "The wind starts at the end of Qingping, and many seemingly absurd rumors, on the contrary, come to the source."

There was silence again in the hall, and the two great masters just stood in the hall, each silent.

After a long time, Chen Ye said slowly: "At the imperial court, 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion passed away one after another. Although the chaos in the first year of Taiping was suppressed by the queen mother, Prime Minister Lan was also injured. After the death of the queen mother, Xiao The emperor keeps taking power, Lan Xiang is in a very bad situation in the court, and I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for long."

Qiu Ye said flatly: "I have my own concerns about this matter. As long as Xiao Yu doesn't reappear in the world, who can do anything to me? Taking a step back, even if Xiao Yu is still alive, as long as I don't go to the imperial capital, Neither can he."

Chen Ye wanted to say something more, but Qiu Ye finally showed his body, raised his hand slightly, and didn't let him continue talking, and said calmly: "Go, go and ask the three governors of the Dark Guard Mansion for an explanation. I will finish the matter of Chonglong Temple, and I will make my own arrangements for other matters."

Chen Ye looked at his head solemnly, "Yes, Junior Brother will retire."

——When you arrive in Liaozhou, you will not be far from the northern capital.

All the princes and counties of this dynasty have fiefs, and according to the title and fief specifications, they are also equipped with military powers of different sizes. They may guard a city, such as Lingwu County King Xiao Mohe, or guard a state, such as Yan Wang Xiao. Li, King Xiaobai of Qi, and guarding one country and one place, respectively, King Linhan of Zhenbei, who lives in the royal court of the grassland, is in charge of the entire vast grassland, and Xiao Jin, the king of Wei who was originally named Wei State and then renamed Wei State, is him. The Zhang family and the Gongsun family were personally destroyed, and the last one was the Liao king Mutangzhi who guarded the three northeastern states.

The world has initially decided that it is wise to use the clan kings to screen the vassal state. There is no objection from the ruling and opposition parties. Even now, no one dares to shout the words of cutting the vassal. They are clan relatives, and they or their fathers and grandparents all have meritorious deeds from the dragon, only the line of the Liao king was recruited by the late emperor who had to accept the position of prince due to the situation.

So now, His Majesty the Emperor and Lord Lan kept suppressing the Liao King. Not only did no one intercede, but they all gloated about it.

The imperial court presses harder and harder, and the Liao Palace retreats step by step. In the vast Northeast, apart from Liaozhou, there is only one northern capital. Liaozhou and Beidu each have a Liaowangfu, but the real Liaowangfu is not in Liaozhou, but In the northern capital city.

Xu Beiyou and Gongsun Zhongmou had to go to the Northern Capital if they wanted to meet the King of Liao, but this time the King of Liao wanted to show his sincerity as a corporal, so he came to Chaoyang Mansion in Liaozhou from the Northern Capital.

Xu Beiyou and Song Guanguan came out of the restaurant, and went to the North Tower to meet him as agreed with Master.

There are three ancient pagodas standing in a tripod in Chaoyangfu City. According to their orientation, they are commonly called East Pagoda, South Pagoda and North Pagoda. The Chaoyang North Pagoda was built in the Northern Wei Dynasty. The "Siyan Buddha Picture" was built by my grandfather to pray for longevity and peace and promote Buddhism.

After several wars, damage, and reconstruction several times, the rammed-earth platform of Houyan Palace was formed as the foundation, the platform of "Siyan Buddha Picture" was the platform, the brick tower was the core, and the Liao Tower was the Chaoyang North Tower on the outside.Its wonderful structure makes the North Tower known as the first tower in Northeast China.

In the underground palace of the North Pagoda, there are Buddha’s real relics enshrined, plus the Buddha’s relics enshrined in the South Pagoda, there are actually two Buddha relics in one city, so Chaoyang Mansion is revered as the capital of Buddha, and a large number of Buddhist masters are stationed here Here, it is also one of the few cities without the extension of Daoist forces.

When you reach the north of the city, you can see the golden North Tower.

There is a Buddha light looming in the pagoda.

Xu Beiyou and Song Guanguan walked straight towards the North Pagoda, and stopped only about a hundred feet before the pagoda.

Song Guanguan pointed to the north tower, and said softly: "I have read in the classics of the sect that there is an eminent Buddhist monk who has certified the Arhat status guarding this tower. There are not many people who can block the sword of the suzerain with their physique. , this eminent monk is one of them, the invincible golden body has reached the small perfect state, and he was besieged by six immortal masters of Xuanjiao, and he did not fight back but did not hurt a single bit."

Xu Beiyou asked, "Arhat fruit status?"

Song Guanguan explained: "The theory of the five immortals is the saying of Taoism. Buddhism does not use this as a boundary division. The status of Arhat is equivalent to the realm of earth immortals of Taoism."

Xu Beiyou snorted, "Another great master of Earth Immortal."

Song Guanguan said softly: "There is a saying in Taoism that there are eight peak masters, and there are six chiefs in Buddhism. These 14 people are all in the realm above the ninth floor of the earth fairy, like the king of the wheel, the first and second floor of the earth fairy realm. In front of these people, they are nothing but chickens and dogs."

Xu Beiyou stepped forward, and said in a flat tone: "No matter how bad the earth fairy realm is, it is also an earth fairy. It is far from what I, who have not even set foot in ghost immortals, can make rash comments."

The surrounding area of ​​the North Pagoda is extremely empty, and there are no other buildings such as temples. There is only this lonely pagoda. According to legend, the Buddhist monk is sitting on the top of the pagoda to protect the relics of the Buddha.

Over the years, I have never heard of anyone who dared to take the Buddha's relic.

Xu Beiyou subconsciously glanced at the top of the North Tower. The golden light was so rich that it was almost substantive, and it was a spectacle.

In the pagoda in the golden light, someone sat upright, clasped his hands together, and softly recited: "Namo Amitabha."

(End of this chapter)

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