Chapter 851

The affairs of the world are nothing more than a sword.

This sentence sounds very free and easy, but very few people can do it, even those who can do it are very few people, they will never be the Sect Master of Sword Sect, they are all scattered immortals who are separated from the outside world.

The true masters of a sect, whether they are the masters of the Jian sect or the head teachers of the Taoist sect, are always uncomfortable after all, because they bear a huge sect on their shoulders.

If Xu Beiyou is just a casual cultivator, with the realm of the Seventeenth Floor of the Earth Immortal, walking around the world, encountering things that are invisible to the eye, and slashing them with a sword, he will naturally be at ease. ?What do I worry about?But Xu Beiyou is the suzerain of Jianzong, so he can't be at ease, and he can't be at ease.

The reason why Jianzong died at the hands of the invincible Shangguan Xianchen was not unrelated to Shangguan Xianchen's extra freedom.

On the round platform, Xu Beiyou finally said: "There are many things in the world that you want to do, but you don't necessarily do them. There are also many things in the world that you don't want to do, but you don't have to do them."

"The separation and reunion of the world has something to do with me, so I worry about it."

"Xiao Shen, you think that you are aloof and that all the people in the world are ants, but what about after you have achieved immortality?"

Xu Beiyou said flatly: "Even if you can eliminate everything in the world with one sword, then what are you left with?"

Xiao Shen's face changed slightly, his eyes were gloomy, and he said coldly: "Withdraw the sword!"

As if the words could not be followed, Xu Beiyou stepped back abruptly, his feet had already reached the edge of the platform, and he would fall out of the scope of the platform with one more step.

But after all, it was still one step away.

Xiao Shen, who has been in this world for four years, knows best that he is not at the peak, and Xu Beiyou is also not at the peak, but in the final analysis, he, an old guy with longer strength, has a better chance of winning.

The young people win in their momentum, but they lack stamina. If they are stuck in a stalemate, they will suffer even more.

However, a greater chance of winning does not mean that it is a sure thing.

Xu Beiyou supported Zhu Xian, and took half a step backwards. He clearly stepped on the empty space, but he seemed to be down-to-earth, without any signs of distress.

The next moment, Xu Beiyou started to charge forward, towards Xiao Shen.

Xiao Shen turned around abruptly, moved several feet sideways, held Qingshuang with both hands, and forcibly took down Xu Beiyou's sword.

Xu Beiyou moved his sword along with him, and then swept across with his sword again.

Although Xiao Shen had already crossed his sword in front of him, and confronted him tit for tat with the blade, he was still knocked back several steps by the sword unexpectedly.

If you don't wrestle for a long time, don't fight for a long time, and just fight head-on, Xu Beiyou, who is holding Zhu Xian, will undoubtedly have the advantage.

Xiao Shen laughed back in anger, and after saying a good word, he took a deep breath.

All of a sudden, all the pores on the old man's body opened, and through his clothes, tiny sword auras densely packed and as thin as a cow's hair shot out in all directions.

If the white hair of three thousand feet is the unique secret skill of Bingchen, the Daoist Sword Immortal, then this is one of the secret tricks of Xiao Shen, a man who straddles the two schools of swordsmanship.

These sword qi are very yin and soft, even more than ordinary lifeless sword qi.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of sword qi soaked into Xu Beiyou's body, reminding Xu Beiyou at this moment of the pain of being stuck in his body by caterpillar hair when he was a child, but the pain now is even worse than the pain in memory Just a hundred times.

The sword energy erupted within a short distance, and the timing and means were extremely vicious, making it impossible for Xu Beiyou to avoid it.

Xiao Shen laughed loudly, took the opportunity to shove Xu Beiyou's chest, knocking him flying off the platform.

Xu Beiyou fell back to the original place.

Xiao Shen threw up the green frost in his hand.

Sword Nine.

Green frost rose into the sky, and after a while, countless black dots gradually emerged in the sky, and then fell towards the ground like a gust of rain.

Xu Beiyou suddenly raised his head.

What a big rain of swords!
Jian Jiu can transform thousands of sword shadows, false and real, true and false, but in Xiao Shen's hands, this sword is not half false, all of it is true.

Xu Beiyou was instantly overwhelmed by countless sword shadows falling from the sky.

Xiao Shen no longer held back anything, and wanted to "crunch" Xu Beiyou to death in one go.

After the sword shadow submerged Xu Beiyou's figure, it began to pile up layer upon layer. The sword rain lasted for more than half a stick of incense. When the sword rain dispersed, a magnificent mountain of swords appeared in front of Xiao Shen.

The immortal means of moving mountains and seas is nothing more than that!

A smile gradually appeared on Xiao Shen's face, and the smile continued to grow until it finally developed into a loud laugh.

Xiao Shen laughed loudly and said: "Xu Beiyou, on the bank of the great river back then, the old man witnessed the fall of Shangguan's fairy dust with his own eyes. Today, I will let the old man personally send you on the road!"

"The sword sect died at the hands of the old man back then, and today the sword sect will also die at the hands of the old man?"

"Xu Beiyou, what can you do?"

"Jumping monkeys to death should be crushed under the mountain, and they will never be reborn!"

At this moment, the entire Sword Mountain seemed to emit a slight tremor, seemingly absent.

Xiao Shen's laughter stopped abruptly, and he fixed his eyes on Jianshan.

At first, the sword mountain was still motionless, but gradually there was a shaking visible to the naked eye, and then the magnitude of the shaking began to increase significantly, and finally the whole sword mountain began to tremble violently.

A dull roar came from under the sword mountain, and the sword mountain was suddenly shaken.

The next moment, the entire sword mountain exploded, and the layers of sword shadows continued to make mournful sounds and then disappeared one by one.

Zhu Xian was as fast as a frightened bird, stabbing Xiao Shen's heart.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Xiao Shen's mouth.

Since it is already at the end of its strength, then this sword is just a dying struggle.

Xiao Shen stretched out his hands, ignoring the blood and blood, and held Zhu Xian's sword between the lightning and flint.

The victory or defeat is already within a hair's breadth.

Because Xu Beiyou was at the end of his strength at this time.

If you can't use the sword 36 to open the sky, and you can't use the sword 35 to open the earth, you have already lost the qualification to fight desperately.

If there is no other way, naturally they can only wait for death.

As long as Xiao Shen can hold the sword in front of him.

The winner can be completely determined.

Both of them are well aware of this.

Xu Beiyou will not sit still.

The next moment, a figure broke through the shadows of heavy swords, stepped onto the platform, grabbed Zhu Xian's hilt just in time, and then pushed forward.

Zhu Xian's sword was only less than a foot away from Xiao Shen's heart, and the wisps of Zhu Xian's sword "vomited" on Xiao Shen's chest like a snake letter.

Suddenly, there was blood on Xiao Shen's chest that continued to expand.

Xiao Shen's face became more and more serious.

It's fine if it's any other sword, even if Bingchen breaks greed and hatred, it may not be able to hurt his life if he passes through his heart, but the sword in front of him is the famous Zhu Xian.
Even if you can live, can you still seek longevity? !

Xu Beiyou held the sword like a bell, with the hilt in his right hand and the edge of the sword with his left hand, walking forward.

Before Zhu Xian's sword energy, Xiao Shen's white hair fluttered randomly.

The point of the sword advanced step by step, and when there was less than an inch to go, Xiao Shen finally regretted his life and had to retreat.

He took a step back, and Xu Beiyou took a step forward.

Then I saw something falling out of Xu Beiyou's sleeve, which just landed in the groove of the platform under his feet, and it fit perfectly.

Xiao Shen's expression changed drastically.

At this moment, the imperial city formation that was originally dead and silent came back to life, bursting out with countless rays of light, completely engulfing the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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