Chapter 90

Qiu Ye stood beside Tianchi with her hands behind her back, overlooking the blue waves rolling under her feet.

A huge black shadow meandered at the bottom of the pool. The next moment, the water surface that was originally calm as a mirror exploded, and the sound was like a landslide.

Countless water mist filled the air, and in the mist, a huge head protruded, with horns like a deer, head like a camel, eyes like a rabbit, neck like a snake, belly like a mirage, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, and ears like a tiger. Like a cow.

It is clearly the dragon head drawn on the python robe!It's just countless times bigger. Standing in front of it, Qiuye and Murong Xuan are as big as its eyes, like two small bugs.

The two dragon whiskers swayed leisurely, like spirituality, lightly touching Qiuye and Murong Xuan.

The dragon can be big or small, can rise or hide, can be dark or bright, can be thin or huge, big can make clouds and fog, small can hide and hide form.Ascension means soaring among the universe, while hidden means lurking in the waves.The vernal equinox ascends to the sky, the autumnal equinox dives into the abyss, calling the wind and calling the rain. There used to be a dragon in the world, which opened its mouth to suck the sea from the clouds.

When Daozu was alive, he left two dragons guarding the gate of Daomen, one male and one female. Hundreds of years later, these two dragons turned into heavenly dragons and flew away, leaving only one child in the world, which is the one in front of Qiuye. Jiaolong.Many older monks still remember that Shangguan Xianchen, the lord of the Sword Sect, entered the Eastern Capital with thousands of flying swords, and attracted the Taoist headmaster at that time to ride a dragon down the mountain. It is no different from the legend, and in the legend, the dragon that the head teacher of the Taoist school rides is it.

It takes Tianchi as its home, and follows the Taoist masters to practice in the past. Now it is only one step away from Tianlong, and it is expected to achieve the grand feat of ascending hand in hand with Qiuye.

Qiu Ye smiled, stretched out her hand to remove the dragon's beard, patted its nose again, and said softly, "You don't have to go with me."

There was a look of disappointment in the huge golden pupils in a very humane way.

Qiu Ye looked at the golden pupil, which was almost as tall as her own, in a daze, and suddenly remembered the scene when she was taken up the mountain by her master when she was a child.

At that time, he was still a young man, a young man from a noble family, and was taken by his master to fly to Dutian Peak. Although he looked calm on the surface, his palms were actually covered with sweat. The master saw through the panic in his heart, but did not To put it bluntly, I just took his little hand and calmly introduced the palaces and pavilions on Dutian Peak, when they were built, what their functions are, who is in charge now, and so on.

In the following days, he lived on this majestic mountain for a long time, and followed his master to learn the scriptures and teachings, to learn moral precepts, to learn the way of alchemy, and to learn how to refine Qi with a sword. As for what will happen next, at that time He doesn't have a clear idea.Until the year when he became the crown, the master summoned the masters of the peaks and pavilions in the Sanqing Hall, and in front of all the real people, established him as the first disciple of the Taoist school, that is, the next real person in charge. It was only when he woke up suddenly that the master was going to hand over this Taoism that he had poured all his heart into his hands.

To this day, Qiu Ye still clearly remembers the scene of that day, every movement and expression when Master spoke, and the expressions and eyes of everyone in the hall, envy, jealousy, resentment, and indifference, all varied.

Although there were many and great objections at that time, the master still forcibly pushed himself to the position of the first disciple of the Taoist sect by virtue of his great prestige in being in charge of the Taoist sect for many years.

However, he did not fail to live up to his master's expectations. One year after he was crowned, he set foot in the realm of immortality. As a fledgling, he defeated all the disciples of other major sects at the Biluohu Law Debate Conference, and was called the No.1 of the younger generation. At the age of 24, without relying on any external force such as elixir and secret methods, he reached the peak of immortality with his own strength, and his cultivation level was the best among his peers. First, he killed the Xuanjiao elder Ming Tong with a single sword, and then he challenged the first disciple of Buddhism, Zen Master Qiuyue and the Xuanjiao saint Qin Mumian alone, and won a complete victory.

It was also in this year that he met Xiao Yu who was at a loss in Dongdu at that time.

He didn't expect that the casual conversation between the two would lead to a lifelong friendship.

Next, Lin Yuan, Khan King of the Prairie, died of illness suddenly. At this time, Lin Yuan's only daughter, Lin Yinping, was in the Eastern Capital.

It was in this situation that he and Xiao Yu went to the grassland to help Lin Yinping regain the power of the royal court.

The next experience of the three is like a legend. First, they broke through the barriers of the grassland witch religion and the Molun Temple, and got rid of many pursuits. Finally, they came to the tribe that was still loyal to the princess, and started to form an army to crusade against the red lady. With the help of the great masters, he and Xiao Yu defeated Molun Temple and Jianzong successively, allowing Gongsun Zhongmou to fall into the sand here. With the full support of Taoism, Xiao Yu's army was victorious, and more and more Seeing that the situation is over, the red lady fled to Atami, and after being chased by Xiao Yu at Jinyingkou, she was hanged with a bowstring.

At this time, Xiao Yu and Lin Yinping were already secretly in love. Lin Yinping, who was deeply in love, fully supported his lover's ambition, so Xiao Yu took advantage of Lin Yinping's princess name to seize the power of the grassland, and began his journey from down and out. The magnificent life from son to founding emperor.

Further down, there is an already obscure court battle. The result of this battle is that Emperor Dazheng Shenzong decided to mobilize an army of 33 to attack the grasslands in the north.

Xiao Yu summoned an army of more than [-] people from the grassland, and fought a decisive battle with the Dazheng army on the banks of the Wulun River. It was the twelfth lunar month, and it was frozen for hundreds of miles. Thirty miles away from the Lun River, an altar was cast, using countless manpower and material resources. After the altar was opened, it attracted the vision of heaven and earth, reversed the weather, and caused heavy rain in the cold winter for three days. Flooded Da Zheng's army.

In this battle, Dazheng was defeated, and Xiao Yu took advantage of the victory to pursue. At that time, Tianji Pavilion was in charge of guarding Zhongdu, the most powerful city in the northwest. Ride and enter Zhongdu.

As for later, what happened to the Southern Expedition and the Northern Expedition, what entered the East Pass, what the Battle of the Eastern Capital, and what the Great War in the South of the Yangtze River are all well-known things.

Qiu Ye suddenly smiled, feeling a little sad.

At that time, they were really favored by the heavens, and they were always in danger. Even if they were in a desperate situation, they could still survive it.

Now, some people are no longer here, but the remaining people will turn against each other for various reasons, how sad it is?
Qiu Ye said softly: "It's been a long time since I went down the mountain. I don't know the scenery down the mountain, but have you ever been familiar with it?"

Murong Xuan also said softly: "One Jiazi on the mountain, but a different world down the mountain."

At some point, Jiaolong dived into the bottom of the water again, all the mist slowly dissipated, and a vast Tianchi had a panoramic view.

Qiu Ye gazed into the distance, dazed.

After a long time, he murmured to himself: "I miss Xiao Yu a little bit. When he was here, there was someone who could drink with me and chat with him. When he is gone, there is no one to drink with me. Now, no one can make me say anything.”

The head teacher of the Taoist sect lying high above the nine heavens is not without the seven emotions and six desires.

Cultivate the Tao, practice the Tao, no matter how much you practice, you can't completely let go of a word of love.

But the world is so impermanent, no matter how heavy the affection is, it will be blown away by the wind and rain.

As the head teacher of the Taoist sect, he did not do anything, but also had to do something.

This real person who has been in charge of the Taoist sect for decades took a step forward.

With this step, the crane drawn on his Taoist robe became more and more agile, swimming freely on the Taoist robe, and finally flew down from the Taoist robe, circling around the real person in charge, like old friends reunited, jumping happily.

The blue waves on the Tianchi Lake are rippling, and the clouds are rolling and relaxing in the sky.

Qiu Ye reached out and touched the bright red spot on the crane's head, and said softly, "Let's go, let's go down the mountain."

The crane seemed to be able to understand human speech, nodded spiritually, spread its wings and flapped its wings vigorously, but there was a strong wind howling.

Its size instantly increased several times, and after a long cry, it flapped its wings and soared into the sky.

Qi Xianyun, who came in a hurry, saw this scene, he was beyond horrified, and saluted respectfully: "Disciple sends Master respectfully!"

Qiu Ye waved her hand and said, "I will go down the mountain for three months for my teacher, and I will come back as soon as I go."

While talking, I saw colorful clouds emerging from Qiuye's feet, supporting him to fly to the crane's back, where he sat cross-legged.

The crane blew three times, and after circling Dutian Peak for a week, it flew into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

On this day, the head teacher of the Taoist sect, who was sitting in the first Jiazi of Yujing, Xuandu, went down the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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