Chapter 901

The Great Qi Dynasty, the land of four capitals and nineteen prefectures, is the word Tianxia said by countless people.

The world is really too big, the imperial capital in the north of the Yangtze River is already covered with snow and snow, but the two Xiangxiangs in the south of the Yangtze River are still sunny.

Two people walked out of the south gate of Xiangyang City, saying goodbye to those who saw them off.

One is Xu Beiyou, and the other is Qi Xianyun.

Qi Xianyun has a special status. If what Cang Yun said is true, and it really involves Taoist head teacher Qiu Ye and head teacher's wife Murong Xuan, then the Taoist school will definitely not let it go. Even Xiangyang City, which is heavily guarded by troops, may not be really safe, so Xu Beiyou planned to bring Qi Xianyun back to Jiangdu by himself, while Li Shentong, Li Yuping, Cang Yun, and Ling Yun stayed in Xiangyang City temporarily.

Before leaving, besides asking Yu Kuang to take care of the four of them, Xu Beiyou also specifically asked Zhang Yuping to urge Li Shentong to practice his sword. Watching or participating in fighting on the battlefield is also a new way of swordsmanship. It's good that Li's supernatural powers are comprehensive, and what's more, don't let him cause any trouble.

After explaining this, Xu Beiyou took Qi Xianyun to leave Xiangyang and embark on the return journey back to Jiangdu.

After the two walked a long way along the post road, Qi Xianyun suddenly asked, "You're just bringing me back to Jiangdu? Are you afraid that Madam will send someone to intercept me?"

Xu Beiyou said indifferently: "Let's not talk about whether I can stop me, do you think people in the Taoist sect really want you to return to the Taoist sect? Even under Mrs. Murong's pressure, the people in the Taoist school have to come to save you, you may not If they are safe and sound, Tian Yun and the others will never let go of this excellent opportunity. Under the secret intervention of Tian Yun and the others, those who save people can turn into murderers at any time, and it may end up being Fairy Qi To Tian Yun and the others, the ending where I died in the chaos and I, Xu Beiyou, took the blame, can be said to kill two birds with one stone."

Qi Xianyun had a complicated expression.

Xu Beiyou said flatly: "If that's the case, I don't care about anything. No matter what you Qi Xianyun is, the whole Taoist sect has long wanted to get rid of me and then quickly. If you have too many debts, you don't worry about it. If you have too many lice, you don't itch. Let him go. On the contrary, you, the dignified Daoist fairy, the world-famous banished immortal master, even if you can't become the head teacher of the Daoist sect, you are still expected to ascend in the future, and your future is boundless. If you die here, it will be too late for regret."

Qi Xianyun's face sank like water, and he asked, "Then what do you mean?"

Xu Beiyou said calmly: "Go back to Jiangdu with me obediently, and I will protect you well."

Qi Xianyun's eyes were deep, and he didn't speak, but he tacitly agreed.

The two continued to rush back to Jiangdu, all the way silent, until at the border of Huzhou, Qi Xianyun spoke again: "Now the Daqi court is hostile on three sides, and the wind and rain are precarious. In terms of military strength, the grassland Khan King Lin Han in the northwest grassland is the most important, and he is sitting on the cavalry. More than [-] troops, with astonishing combat power. In terms of threats, the army of the Northeast Shepherd King is approaching Shanhai City. As long as Zhao Wuji who is stationed in Shanhai City is defeated, he can send troops to enter the pass, approaching Zhili Prefecture, or even approaching the imperial capital. Under the city, or when troops were dispatched to Yanzhou, they echoed with the grassland army in the northwest, making it difficult for Zhang Wubing who was stationed in the northwest to respond to the enemy. Why didn't you go to those two battlefields, but why did you come to Jiangnan first? Is it just because of Jianzong? Because of being in Jiangdu?"

Xu Beiyou did not reject people thousands of miles away, and replied: "If I said that I don't care about Jianzong at all, it would be a lie, but if I said that I came here entirely for Jianzong, it would not be entirely correct. Just now you said that the grassland has the most troops. That's right, but the Northwest Left Army is also the place where Da Qi's military strength is the most prosperous. It has the largest number of elite cavalry among the five imperial courts of Da Qi, and can completely fight head-on with the grassland cavalry. If only the grassland invades the border, Zhang Wubing can even think about how to counterattack the grassland."

"As for the Northeast Shepherd King you mentioned just now, the so-called threat is the biggest, and you have to give a big discount. The Northeast Right Army's separatism of the three Northeast states is still enough to make a living, but if you want to enter the customs and compete, you will not be able to do it. Let's not talk about it for now. The natural danger of Shanhai City is the Tianzi Zhongjun stationed in Shanhai City. It is the head of the five forbidden armies, and its armor is the most sophisticated. Except for the navy and cavalry, firearms are the best among all armies. It is also the defender of the city. There is a saying that encircle it when it is ten, attack it when it is five times, and fight it when it is multiplied. The strength of the two sides is almost the same, so how can Mutang attack Shanhai City? How can you talk about troops coming to the imperial capital?"

Qi Xianyun suddenly said: "Since the two sides are not in harmony, Jiangnan is the top priority, especially after the Jiangnan navy suffered a disastrous defeat in Dongting Lake, the situation in Jiangnan has become more and more difficult. If King Wei can successfully take Jiangnan, especially the prosperity of the world. Jiangzhou, where it is located, and Huzhou, the southeast gateway, have changed hands, and half of the entire southeast half has been lost."

Xu Beiyou nodded and said, "Daqi cannot live without the southeast for a day. Mrs. Murong also took a fancy to this point, so she united with many aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River to attack, making the Jiangling Mansion change hands in an instant, and even Jiangdu City almost encountered disaster. In addition One point is, the king of Wei is unpredictable, and the city is deep, so people have to guard against it."

Qi Xianyun murmured softly: "I see."

Xu Beiyou asked, "Mrs. Murong never told you about these things?"

Qi Xianyun hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Madam only let me focus on spiritual matters, and ignore these mundane matters."

Xu Beiyou sighed, "Poor parents all over the world."

Qi Xianyun had no words.

It is true that she has enjoyed the envy of everyone in the Taoist sect since she was a child, but she has never been a person who relies on favors and pride. She obeys the elders' arrangements in everything and has never been half disobedient. Mrs. Murong taught her to learn to manage the affairs of the sect , she devoted herself to learning, and Madam Murong didn't let her intervene in worldly disputes, so she didn't get involved at all.

After the conversation, the two fell into wordless silence again.


Jiangling Mansion, the lobby of Li Mansion.

Today's atmosphere is particularly dignified. At the top of the lobby, there is a large rosewood chair with fine leaves, and a woman is sitting on it. She is not wearing a Taoist robe, but she is wearing a plain white long skirt that is as thin as a cicada's wings. The outer cover is a snow-white gauze embroidered with ink-colored plum blossoms and the same style of embroidered shoes. There is a long plain white silk tied around the waist.

The black plums in white clothes are particularly distinct.

Today, for the first time ever, a thin powder was applied on the woman's face, making her face look as white as snow.The eyebrows are drawn into the temples, and the eyes are deep and deep, which is even more calm and majestic.

The woman is Murong Xuan, the head teacher's wife.

On both sides below Murong Xuan, a big Daoist man dressed in black Taoist robes stood silently.

Murong Xuan sat on the chair and looked up at the top of her head. She had to say that the family's exquisite thought was that even the story of 24 filial piety was painted on the beam of this house.

Chen Ye, who was the closest to Murong Xuan, said: "Cang Yun is a member of the Sword Sect. We already know this. This time, I deliberately let Cang Yun meet with the members of the Sword Sect. I thought it was to catch a big fish. Who would have thought that it was Xu Beiyou who came here in person, making a mistake..."

The whole room was silent.

Murong Xuan was still looking up at the picture on the beam above her head.

Chen Ye was silent for a moment, then continued: "The fish was too big, it broke the line and dragged the fisherman into the water, it's our Suppressing Demon Palace's negligence."

Murong Xuan finally lowered her head slowly, pressed her white palm against the armrest, and looked at Chen Ye, "Three head disciples, one defected and two were captured. If the news spreads, what face will our Taoist sect have?"

Murong Xuan's voice was not loud, but it was very clear in the silent room.

Seeing Chen Ye, the head teacher in black, he had to bow his head and said: "Madam's instruction is right."

Murong Xuan supported her back, stood up, and said word by word: "What I want is not to admit my mistakes, what I want is a person."

Chen Ye raised his head, and said in a deep voice: "Madam, don't worry, the Town Demon Palace will definitely bring you back to Madam safely."

Murong Xuan said expressionlessly: "It's the best."

(End of this chapter)

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