Chapter 908

After Wu Yunsou was completely destroyed, Tian Yun had already started to retreat. Although the two usually fought to the death for the position of chief disciple, but at this moment, Tian Yun still couldn't help feeling sad that the rabbit died, and Wu Yunshou couldn't help but feel sad. He didn't expect Xu Beiyou to kill them directly, let alone Xu Beiyou's original intention was to kill them all.

In fact, Xu Beiyou was about to do it, leaving aside whether he could kill Bingchen or not, if Xu Beiyou was determined to kill him and Emperor Fengdu, it might not be difficult.

If it was before today, Tian Yun still felt that Xu Beiyou was just an ordinary man who would only show off his courage, which is not worth mentioning, but after today, when the young Sword Sect master directly killed a demon town by himself After the fall, the chief disciple of the Taoist sect had to weigh it carefully.

Emperor Fengdu didn't take Tian Yun into consideration, at this moment he was already too busy to take care of himself, and he had no time to distract himself from this chief disciple who had long been in harmony with the real person in charge.Emperor Fengdu looked at the corpses of King Yan Luo and the Central Ghost Emperor. This was undoubtedly a great blow to the second largest deacon in the Demon Suppressing Palace after Bingchen. The last time the Demon Suppressing Palace could be so The powerless person was the great Daoist Qingchen who almost won the position of the head teacher of the Taoist sect. In the battle at Mount Helao, he almost slaughtered most of the Demon Town Hall.After this battle, Ming Chen, the former master of the Demon Suppressing Hall, had to take the blame and resign as the master.

In all fairness, after all, Qing Chen was once the number two figure in the Taoist sect, and even secretly controlled the Devil Town Hall for ten years. Shufeng, now the famous teacher in black, Chen Ye, was also a member of Qingchen at the time. Even after Tianchen reorganized the Demon Suppressing Palace, Qingchen's influence on the Demon Suppressing Palace was still extremely huge, so the Demon Suppressing Palace was defeated. In the hands of this old boss, it is not a shame.

Can be defeated in the hands of a young junior, what is this?
No matter how much Emperor Fengdu fought with the Ksitigarbha faction in the past, he would never cross the bottom line of the Demon-Suppressing Palace. If the Demon-Suppressing Palace ceased to exist, then half of his life's hard work would be gone.

It's just that facing the current situation, he is helpless, and even more difficult to protect himself.

How can it be?

Compared to Tian Yun's panic and Emperor Fengdu's bewilderment, the two spectators were much calmer on a hill a few miles away from the battlefield.

One of them was wearing a black Taoist robe that only Dazheng Daoist is qualified to wear, with a solemn face and dignified eyes, the other woman was wearing a white shirt embroidered with black plums, her expression was calm, she didn't seem to worry about the Temple of Demon Suppression at all. People were slaughtered just like that.

In fact, just as Tian Yun and Wu Yunsou expected, the woman did intend to kill someone with a borrowed knife, but she also did not expect Xu Beiyou to "try his best" to kill Wu Yunsou even though he was injured. It was beyond her expectations.

But that's fine too, if she removes an obstacle, she still dies at the hands of Xu Beiyou, the great enemy of Taoism, no one can say anything.

She had met Lin Yinping when she lived in Zhongdu for some reason, and because their respective husbands were both allies and friends, their relationship naturally developed by leaps and bounds, not to mention that they also had common enemies Zhang Xueyao and Qin Mumian.Later, she became the head teacher's wife of the Taoist sect, and Lin Yinping became the empress empress of the Daqi court, which is considered to be evenly matched.But later on, Lin Yinping's son and grandson successively became the emperor of Daqi, but it was her, how could she accept the disciples with different ideas taking over her husband's position as head teacher.

In fact, to put it bluntly, people's hearts have never been troubled by inequality.Without Lin Yinping's precedent, she would not have had so much grievance.Although when she occasionally wakes up, she also feels that she is really greedy. Look at Zhang Xueyao and Qin Mumian, they don't even have any children. Compared with them, she is already complete, so why should she expect too much.But every time afterward, she would regret it again, and she was still obsessed with it.

Murong Xuan suddenly sighed with emotion, the older generation had already died, and Lin Yinping was the first to leave among the women of the same generation back then, although the two of them had seldom seen each other after their husbands fell out with each other, but as long as Knowing that she is still there, I feel safe in my heart. If I miss her, I can see her at any time. It was not until she really left that I suddenly felt lost.

The same does not meet, the difference is the state of mind.

The woman shook her head and said silently, "Those who disturb my mind."

Murong Xuan, respected by Li Qingyu and other Jiangnan high-ranking officials as Mr., and also called Mrs. by countless disciples, looked at the battlefield in the distance and said: "Back then, in the battle of Helao Mountain, the elites of the Demon Suppressing Palace were all lost in the dust. Afterwards, you will release the ice dust from the Demon Town Well, and you will come forward to rebuild the Demon Town Palace. After more than ten years of effort, the Town Demon Palace has regained its prosperity, but in the eyes of real experts, the prestigious town The Demon Palace is actually just a paper tiger with no name. If it faces the real top few people in the world, it will only fall apart in an instant. Qingchen, who is proficient in the way of divination, has never dared to make a real move against the Demon Town Palace. Until now, Qiu Ye was seriously injured, and the Town Demon Palace had no support. Finally, it was revealed in the hands of Gongsun Zhongmou's disciple, just like Qingchen back then Slaughter Town Demon Palace."

Chen Ye said softly: "In addition to the third deacon Ksitigarbha who died before, the ninth deacon Southern Ghost Emperor, the tenth deacon Zhuanlun King, the No. 11 chief deacon Northern Ghost Emperor and others, we So far, nearly half of the 36 chief deacons of the Town Demon Palace have been lost, if Bingchen and Emperor Fengdu also die here, then the Town Demon Palace should not be left at all.”

There was undisguised anger in Chen Ye's words.

Murong Xuan said slowly: "They all died in the hands of Jianzong, not in my hands."

Chen Ye said in a deep voice: "No matter who dies, Uncle Bingchen and Emperor Fengdu must not have any more accidents, otherwise there is really no need for the Town Demon Palace to exist."

Murong Xuan asked: "What if the lives of the two of them are exchanged for Xu Beiyou's life?"

Chen Ye asked back: "Can it be replaced?"

Murong Xuan said flatly: "You have to change it before you know."

Chen Ye suddenly accentuated, "Ma'am!"

Murong Xuan looked at Chen Ye with slightly surprised eyes.

Chen Ye lowered his tone again, "Old man Wuyun is dead, and I have paid the price of the two chief deacons for this, it is impossible for Tianyun to die again, he is not that stupid, and Emperor Fengdu is absolutely dead. I can’t die, so I hope Madam will accept it as soon as she’s happy.”

Murong Xuan smiled, "You also think I'm borrowing a knife to kill someone."

Murong Xuan sighed, and said softly: "In all fairness, Lan Yu's list of secrets is still very convincing. If Lan Yu wants to hide something, it may make this person not on the list, but she will never manipulate the ranking. , besides, he can't do anything. Take a look at this new version of the Tianji list. Xu Beiyou ranks among the three sages, above the Buddhist Qiuyue and Lanyu, but you and I are only at the bottom, and you lose With the Thunder Pool Formation, all my secret techniques are only won by surprise, even if you and I join forces now, there is no more than [-]% certainty that Xu Beiyou will be left behind."

Chen Ye said in a deep voice, "You have to try it before you know."

Murong Xuan sighed again, "Then try."

(End of this chapter)

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