Chapter 930

Zhao Wuji didn't comment on this, but said: "Since the incident between Duanmu Ruisheng and Fu Zhongtian, who else can His Highness and Mr. Han Ge trust? They can only trust Xu Nangui, no matter whether he can turn the tide."

Wei Wuji asked suddenly: "I heard that Xu Nangui beheaded nearly a thousand enemies with one sword, forcing Xiao Jin to retreat temporarily. This can be regarded as breaking the siege of Yu Kuang. What do you think of this?"

Zhao Wuji frowned and said: "Everyone is invincible, but it's only this time. It's hard to have a next time. You and I are both monks. Naturally, we know how strict the laws of heaven are. You can't go beyond half a step when you are idle. This time Xu Beiyou forcibly shot , I think it's a bit broken, but it's not enough to attract heaven's punishment, so it must be difficult to follow the same pattern. Now Xiao Jin's retreat is true, but it is far from hurt. As long as he takes a little rest and rectifies the morale of the army, he will be fine. If they make a comeback again, what can Liangxiang do by then?"

Wei Wuji sighed, "It's hard to cure the symptoms."

Then he hesitated for a moment, and asked slowly: "You are returning to Beijing this time, but you want to seek the position of the Great Governor?"

Zhao Wuji simply shook his head and denied it: "If you seek the position of the Great Governor at this time, you will undoubtedly carry your own strength, and even deliberately put pressure on the court. At this time, of course, Mr. Han Ge and the princess will not say anything, and even Sending the position of the Great Commander to me, but once the war is over, it will be time to settle accounts after the fall, and this will pave the way for future disasters, which is unwise, and I will not do it."

He hesitated a little, and said softly: "At this moment, the governor can be vacant, or someone can do it, but it must not be done by a military commander with real power. Only in this way can the cabinet hold the military and political power, and Her Royal Highness will feel at ease. "

Wei Wuji understood immediately, but then he sighed again: "If that's the case, then you shouldn't have come to see me."

Zhao Wuji smiled and said: "Since I have no intention of seeking the position of governor, what does it matter if I can't see you?"

Wei Wuji was slightly taken aback.

Zhao Wuji continued: "I came to see you, in fact, to show an attitude, now there are only a few generals left in the Great Qi Dynasty, me, you, and Zhang Wubing, the three of us should join hands again Come on, especially when Zhang Wubing and I are leading troops outside, we need someone to speak for us in the temple, after all we are the military officers of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, we can't just follow what the cabinet says, there is no such reason."

Wei Wuji glanced at him and lowered his eyes, "I understand."

"Just understand." Zhao Wou-ki got up and said, "Since you understand, then I should also enter the palace to meet our princess."

Wei Wuji then got up and said softly, "I'm sorry to see you off."

Zhao Wou-ki hummed, and strode away.

When Zhao Wuji came to the palace gate, Zhang Baisui was already waiting here himself.

Zhao Wuji hurried forward and took a few steps, he was about to salute and said: "Your officer Zhao Wuji, I have met Mr. Pingan..."

"Captain Zhao, you don't need to be polite." Zhang Baisui stepped forward to support him, "Captain Zhao has been traveling all the way, it's been hard work, Your Royal Highness has been waiting for a long time, come with me."

Zhao Wuji responded, and followed Zhang Baisui into the palace gate, but instead of going to Weiyang Palace, he went towards Feishuang Palace.

At this time, the Feishuang Hall had returned to its original layout, the coffins parked in it had been transported away, and there were many more female officials, which was a bit more lively than when Empress Xu was alive.

Zhang Baisui led Zhao Wuji to the main hall of Feishuang Palace, through the heavy veil, one could faintly see a figure sitting on the throne.Zhang Baisui walked to the veil and said softly, "Your Highness, Zhao Wuji is here."

Zhao Wou-ki immediately knelt down in front of the veil: "Zhao Wou-ki, the left commander of the Chenzhong Army, kowtows to Your Highness!"

Xiao Zhinan's voice came through the veil, "Please come in, Commander Zhao."

Zhao Wou-ki was taken aback for a moment, and didn't move his footsteps.The Feishuang Palace is the Queen's residence, and foreign ministers have always been forbidden to enter without authorization. In the past, apart from Emperor Taizong Wen and Emperor Gao Zongsu, only Xu Beiyou, the emperor's son-in-law, had ever entered the inner palace. At this time, Xiao Zhinan invited him in, and he couldn't help but feel a little uncertain. , he first raised his head to look at Zhang Baisui, and then said in a deep voice: "My minister would like to tell your highness that Feishuang Palace is the residence of the empress, and foreign ministers dare not enter without permission."

The figure on the throne slowly got up, lifted the heavy veil and walked out, "Since Dudu Zhao is not willing to come in, then this palace will come out. Dudu Zhao is the pillar of the country, supporting the country of Daqi, this palace is not the queen mother who hangs the curtain , there is nothing to shy away from. Zhang Daban, bring two embroidered pier over here, Ben Gong and Zhao Dudu will sit in this outer hall."

Zhang Baisui respectfully accepted the order.

Not long after, two young eunuchs moved two embroidered piers and placed them behind Xiao Zhinan and Zhao Wuji respectively.

Xiao Zhinan sat down first, and stretched out his hand to invite, "Captain Zhao, please get up, take your seat."

"No." Zhao Wou-ki got up from the ground and sat down slowly.

Xiao Zhinan said softly: "This battle has been hard for Dudu Zhao."

Zhao Wuji respectfully said: "Serving the imperial court is the duty of ministers and others, I dare not take credit for it."

Xiao Zhinan continued: "I heard that Dudu Zhao personally led the cavalry army to detour to the side of the northeast rebels, and came in a surprise attack, which made Zha Qing suffer from the enemy and returned in a big defeat. Dudu Zhao can remember a great achievement in this battle."

Zhao Wuji solemnly said: "I am entrusted with the favor of my great ancestors and the great blessings of Your Royal Highness, and I rely on the soldiers' lives and the compassion of the people, and the cabinet ministers are in the middle, so I dare not be greedy for merit."

Xiao Zhinan said softly: "I am a land of four capitals and nineteen prefectures in Daqi. The territory is more than a million miles, and the people are more than hundreds of millions. The ancestors and the country are above. It depends on the unity of all the ministers and workers to rule the world. Shepherding the people. But since the fall of this year, the grassland has crossed the Duolun River from Wusiyuan and invaded the northwest. In August, the army of the State of Wei came across the sea, entered the river, and blocked water transportation, resulting in food shortages in Qizhou and Yuzhou. In the middle of the same month, the Northeast Mu family rebelled, and in the second half of the month, Fu Zhongtian disrupted the court. The state affairs are so difficult, and we still have to rely on Zhao Dudu and other capable ministers and generals to support the great Qi."

Zhao Wuji got up from the embroidered pier, said in a deep voice: "Your Highness's absurd praise, my humble minister is ashamed."

Xiao Zhinan stared at him closely, and after a long silence, he slowly opened his mouth again: "The situation in the war is like this, especially the situation in the south of the Yangtze River. If the south of the Yangtze River falls, the world will be in chaos, so I want to draw 10 troops from the central army. Transfer it to the south of the Yangtze River, so that it can advance, attack and retreat, and defend, and the southeast is safe, I wonder what the governor of Yu thinks?"

Zhao Wou-ki was silent, he didn't speak for a long time.

Zhang Baisui, who had been silent all this time, suddenly interjected: "Captain Zhao, the overall situation is the most important thing."

After a moment of silence, Zhao Wou-ki knelt down on the ground again, and said word by word: "Minister, obey the order."

Xiao Zhinan had a smile on his face again, and after talking a few words about the Northeast War situation, Zhao Wou-ki got up to leave.

Xiao Zhinan got up from the embroidered pier and said: "It is inconvenient for me to see you off, and my companion will send you off to Governor Zhao for me."

Zhang Baisui respectfully accepted the order.

Sending off Zhao Wuji, Zhang Baisui returned to Feishuang Palace, and at this time Xiao Zhinan returned to behind the heavy gauze curtains, sitting on the throne with his eyes closed and meditating.

Zhang Baisui said softly: "Your Highness, you haven't closed your eyes for three days and three nights, please rest for a while."

"Big companion, who do you think Zhao Wou-ki is?" Xiao Zhinan asked with his eyes closed.

Zhang Baisui thought for a while, and replied: "A capable minister can barely be regarded as a loyal minister. Even if there are some selfish desires and calculations, they are all human nature, so don't criticize too much."

Xiao Zhinan hummed, thought for a while, and suddenly asked again: "Brother, do you think it's worth it or not for a big governor to exchange 10 horses?"

(End of this chapter)

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