Chapter 937

The first time Xu Beiyou heard about Mr. Nan Jiang's name was outside Dunhuang City. Lu Chen, the governor of the Dark Guard Mansion in the Northwest, came with the blood guards from the prison.

Later, Gongsun Zhongmou described this sword in detail to Xu Beiyou, saying: "The sword will resonate, the sky and the earth are used as the big drum, and the green sharp edge in the hand is used as the drumstick. The sound of the drum between the sky and the earth is the sound of thunder." Using this sword to fight against Mr. Dongxing, the number one sword fairy in southern Xinjiang, he was shocked for five hundred miles, and he was shocked for four thousand and five hundred miles. He defeated Mr. Dongxing and made the world know the name of the Great Sword Immortal for the first time."

Later, Chi Bing competed with Xu Beiyou. The reason why Chi Bing was able to stand out among the twelve sword masters was that he was ordered to go to Southern Xinjiang to retrieve a relic of the sect, during which time he found the former number one sword in Southern Xinjiang The legacy of Mr. Xian Dongxing, where he received the inheritance of Mr. Dongxing.

In the end, Xu Beiyou was in charge of the sword sect's power, and after he had a better understanding of the sect's many secrets, he knew the cause and effect.At that time, under the instruction of his teacher Xu Lin, the ancestor Shangguan Xianchen crossed the East China Sea and landed in the Central Plains. He wanted to destroy Dragon City. Mr. Dongxing, a good friend known as the fairy, came to help out, and the two joined forces to fight against the menacing Shangguan Xianchen. The result turned out to be the scene Xu Beiyou saw in his dream. The Dragon Monument collapsed, and the Dragon City was overturned. Long Yunqing, the lord of the Dragon City, died on the spot, leaving only a remnant soul in the world, but he was beheaded by Xiao Yu decades later, and disappeared completely.And Mr. Dongxing, after being defeated by Shangguan Xianchen's sword, chose to serve Shangguan Xianchen as the master, and became the great sword slave who will be the head of the six sword slaves under Shangguan Xianchen in the future.

This is Jianzong's rules for the sword cultivators in the world. If you fight swords with my Jianzong, your skills are not as good as mine, but you can save your life, but you want to be my sword slave in this life. Bingchen was defeated by Xu Beiyou that day. According to the sword sect's rules, she would be a sword slave, which was why Bingchen asked Xu Beiyou that day but wanted her to be a great sword slave.It's just that Xu Beiyou didn't dare to make big claims, and he didn't have the confidence of Shangguan Xianchen back then. Not only did he not mention the sword slave, he just treated it as something that didn't exist, and he also promised Bingchen to be the head of the three elders.

Apart from Bingchen, Mr. Dongxing is also an exception. Although Mr. Dongxing has the name of Great Sword Slave, Shangguan Xianchen never treats him as a slave, and also grants him the position of elder. Chongguang is equally famous and has already become one of the ancestors of Jianzong, so Xu Beiyou said that Mr. Dongxing is one of his elders.

Lan Lihua asked solemnly: "As early as more than a hundred years ago, Mr. Dongxing has disappeared. Who are you?"

Xu Beiyou shook his head and said, "It's not more than a hundred years ago, but 80 years ago. If I'm not mistaken, it should be the 20th year of Zhengming, when Zhang Jiangling, the Grand Master of Zheng, died just ten years ago."

Lan Lihua suddenly remembered something, her face was serious, and she said softly: "You are the Sect Master of the Sword Sect, right?"

Xu Beiyou was slightly taken aback, and asked back, "Did you guess it?"

Lan Lihua's expression suddenly became a little dazed, "Are you really the master of the Sword Sect, Xu Beiyou?"

Xu Beiyou didn't deny it and said, "You guys in Nanjiang also know me?"

Lan Lihua snorted, "You look down on people too much. Although we live in southern Xinjiang, we are not completely isolated from the outside world. Many news from the Central Plains will reach here."

She paused, blinked a pair of clear eyes, "It is said that there was a young sword fairy who fought against the Taoist sect, and caused the Taoist sect to suffer a lot. She also said that the man had white hair and carried a sword box on his back all the year round. , you have white hair, what about the sword box?"

Xu Beiyou was speechless. In terms of his current cultivation, he was better than his master Gongsun Zhongmou back then, almost comparable to Shangguan Xianchen when he first came out of the mountain. Is he still carrying the sword box? It doesn't matter, the trip to southern Xinjiang was quite hasty this time, and the sword box was left in Jiangdu.

After a moment of silence, Lan Lihua asked calmly: "Actually, Mr. Dongxing is dead, right?"

Xu Beiyou said softly: "Mr. Dongxing was one of the three elders of Jianzong back then. During ten years of competition, the first elder Xiao Shen secretly channeled Yuchen, the master of Yuheng Peak, to rebel against Jianzong. The second elder Zhang Chongguang died in battle. The Taoist Tianquan Peak Master Weichen, and the third elder Mr. Dongxing died in battle at the Taoist Tianji Peak Master Xichen."

Lan Lihua nodded, and said in a flat tone: "I guess that's the case. Everyone hopes that Mr. Dongxing will become a fairy and go to heaven to enjoy blessings, but in fact he is dead, just like those of us who died in Nanzhong Qifu. Same race."

Xu Beiyou frowned, and said slowly: "One day there will be peace in the world, and the two clans can live in peace. At that time, there will be a genus of mulberry and bamboo in Liangtian and Meike, and the houses will look like houses. , with yellow hair hanging down, can be happy. There are things that a generation should do..."

The expression on Lan Lihua's face gradually turned cold, and she interrupted: "What our generation should do is to take revenge. If it weren't for you people from the Central Plains, how could we die so many people? If it weren't for you people from the Central Plains, how could we Will leave home."

Xu Beiyou didn't get angry, but said calmly: "Let's not mention the grievances of the past thousand years. This is a muddled account that no one can figure out. But in the past hundred years, it was you who took the initiative to provoke. You all said that Lin Han It's General Shura, but if you don't send troops to attack Jincheng, how can Lin Han come to suppress you? In this southern border war, if you didn't raise troops to rebel and drive away all the people from the Central Plains in the seven prefectures of Nanzhong, the court would Why did you send troops to suppress it? You blame the Central Plains people, I’m afraid it’s the crows that landed on the coal piles, seeing others’ blackness but not themselves.”

Lan Lihua finally got angry, her chest rose and fell obviously, just about to speak, Xu Beiyou suddenly flicked her sleeves, and she involuntarily backed away.

The next moment, a bamboo leaf flew across the air.

Like cutting tofu with a knife, it fell into the chest of a rattan armored soldier behind Lan Lihua. The rattan armored soldier didn't respond at all, with a dazed look on his face, he died on the spot.

If it wasn't for Xu Beiyou's push, the person who died would be Lan Lihua.

Lan Lianhua is not a delicate woman without the power to restrain a chicken. She was born in southern Xinjiang, but she is only one step away from the realm of immortality. Considering her age, even among the young talents in the Central Plains, she still takes the lead. gotta do it.

But at this moment, she felt cold hands and feet, not only because of the person who made her attack secretly without the slightest vigilance, but also because of Xu Beiyou's methods. At that moment, she had no strength to resist at all, just It was like a chicken cub being caught in someone's hand. Not only could it not break free, but it could kill her with just a little force.

It was the first time in her life that she felt so powerless.

The woman has a general understanding of the division of realms in the Central Plains. The realm of ghosts and immortals is the first glimpse of the door, and the realm of human immortals is the entry into the house. But she is standing on the threshold of the realm of human immortals. She originally thought that she would be a match for those so-called immortal monks. Don't give up too much, give her another few decades, even in the realm of the earth fairy, she might be able to compete with those legendary gods on the list of secrets.

In fact, she has no idea or feeling about the top ten people in the past dynasties on the Tianji list and the three saints this time. She just knows that these people are very tall, like gods standing on the top of a mountain. As for how high the top of the mountain is, she has no idea imagined.

It wasn't until today that she suddenly understood that the people at the bottom of the mountain are probably no different from ants in the eyes of the people at the top of the mountain.

Just a light kick, and you can be trampled to death.

(End of this chapter)

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