That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 939 Two people killed each other in white clothes

Chapter 939 Two People in White Clothes Killed Each Other
In the next fight, Xu Beiyou will undoubtedly attack and Murong Xuan will defend.

Even if Xu Beiyou is no longer at his peak after a series of hard battles, Murong Xuan is still no match for him.

But Murong Xuan is not without chance of winning. After all, she is an Earth Immortal for many years, proficient in countless secret arts, and came prepared. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult for Xu Beiyou to easily defeat her.For example, if two people play chess, strong chess strength may not necessarily win the game. If the sword is slanted and caught by surprise, the weaker player can also win the weaker player.

In the final analysis, it is still the same sentence, it is one thing to decide the outcome, but it is another thing to decide whether to live or die.

Xu Beiyou seemed to be holding an invisible sword, he raised the sword and pointed forward.

Suddenly, countless sword shadows appeared out of thin air in the sky, densely packed, making people daunting.

It was like a rain of swords falling from the sky.

There used to be an old man in Julu City who waved his hand and summoned thousands of sword shadows, which fell like rain.

There was also a young man who walked on the grassland, wielding his sword and splashing sword rain like splashing ink, with his sleeves fluttering, killing people with one step at a time with his sword.

Xu Beiyou whispered to himself, "I don't know if after Jiazi, there will still be the great romance of the past?"

Then he laughed at himself and said: "The way of swordsmanship does not preserve one's health, and the old handsome man will also become old and feeble. It's really embarrassing."

In the end, he remembered a sentence from a person in the Taoist sect, the wind will eventually be blown away by the rain, and only the imperial capital and Xuandu will stand in the world.

The sword shadows swarmed down, tangled together like pillars, like a tornado that connected to the sky and fell downside down.

When Xu Beiyou raised the invisible sword in his hand, Murong Xuan had already thrown the bamboo branch in his hand to the ground in front of him.

When a bamboo branch falls to the ground, it is three inches into the ground, which is for rooting.

Murong Xuan stamped her foot on the ground, the ground shook, and countless cracks like spider webs spread out on the ground under her feet. Then she pointed at the bamboo branch and said softly, "Get up."

Immediately afterwards, a green bamboo rose from the ground to sprout.

The green bamboo is like a fairy tree, towering into the clouds, with scattered branches and leaves.

This bamboo branch is not an ordinary thing, but a treasure of Taoism. Just as Buddhism has precious flowers and other natural foreign objects that can be used as magic weapons, Taoism also has similar objects. It is well known that the nine peaks of Taoism have different scenery. There is Tianchi Lake, the bright moon on Yuheng Peak, the morning glow on Tianquan Peak, and ten thousand hectares of bamboo forest on Tianshu Peak. In the bamboo forest, there is a green bamboo planted by Mr. Yuqing Daoist himself. It has been thousands of years, and it is so beautiful , full of spiritual energy, it is said that its roots spread over half of Tianshu Peak, at this time, the bamboo branch in Murong Xuan's hand was broken from this spiritual bamboo, which has various mystical effects.

The green bamboo is straight but not bent, and when it stands tall, it supports a green sky above Murong Xuan's head.

Almost at the same time as the green bamboo stood up, the upside-down tornado gathered by the sword shadows in the sky had been empowered and fell, with a magnificent momentum, but when this sword-qi tornado landed on the green bamboo, it disappeared without exception, and it was unshakable. a cent.

Standing under the bamboo, Murong Xuan stretched out her hand to support the cold bamboo body, uttered the truth of Taoism, and stepped on her feet.

The green bamboo swayed slightly.

Countless bamboo leaves fell, and the leaves flew all over the sky like knives.

Xu Beiyou, who was dressed in a white robe, swept forward with a blank expression on his face, his two big sleeves fluttered like a fairy, his sleeves shook, and directly shattered dozens of green leaves that were shooting at him, and walked straight towards Murong Xuan .

Murong Xuan's expression remained calm, she didn't see any movement, the bamboo leaves that were flying in all directions turned around and pointed at Xu Beiyou.

The next moment, the verdant bamboo leaves almost gathered into a long dragon, forcing Xu Beiyou to stop. He stretched out his palms softly like a woman, and the sword energy in the palms gathered, first one point, then two points, three points, and finally even points A line, a line of swords.

Xu Beiyou twirled the wicker-thin thread of the sword, rolled it lightly, and cut off the long dragon formed by the bamboo leaves, and then the sword energy pointed directly at Murong Xuan, and extended rapidly.

At the same time, Xu Beiyou waved his sleeves again, followed by many sword auras out of thin air. If this line of swords is the leading wolf king, then these sword auras are the pack of wolves following behind the wolf king. Together, they all flocked to Murong Xuan.

Mrs. Murong, who has made few shots over the years, flicked her sleeves, and the sleeves suddenly expanded countless times, as if to accommodate the entire world.

Then I saw that after many sword qi entered the big sleeve, they disappeared like mud cows into the sea, without a trace, without causing any waves.

This is a supernatural power in Taoism that is not inferior to Taiji Golden Bridge and Taiyin Moon Mirror: Qiankun Sleeve.

The large sleeves roll up the universe, and the sleeves form a small world of their own, which is similar to the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the Buddhist sect.

Murong Xuan gently shook her sleeves to dissipate the sword energy, and then said softly, "Xu Beiyou, it's very difficult for you to defeat me without thinking of a sword."

Xu Beiyou didn't speak, just stretched out his hand, and Tian Lan appeared in his palm, and then he took a step forward, with a sword that rolled like a long dragon, directly slashing Murong Xuan's face.

Murong Xuan didn't dodge or dodge, she used the palms of both hands to directly pass through the sword energy, and pressed on the edge of Tian Lan's sword, but her palms were not damaged at all.

This is the Taoist's impeccable body, which is on par with the Wufu's ultimate impeccable body.

"The green lotus blooms."

Murong Xuan laughed lightly, the dragon-like sword energy on the sword dissipated suddenly, and then a blue sword energy emerged, like a four-petaled lotus flower, ready to bud.

Xu Beiyou frowned slightly, holding Tianlan tightly with his right hand, and pointing at Murong Xuan's heart with his left hand as a sword.

Murong Xuan let go of Tian Lan's palm, and she floated back.

At the same time, a green lotus bloomed proudly, and the four petals were four extremely fierce sword qi.

Taoism's unique knowledge, Qinglian sword energy.

Xu Beiyou's face changed slightly, and he saw that his right hand was completely covered by the spreading and blooming Qinglian sword energy, and the whole cuff was broken.

Xu Beiyou casually tore away the Qinglian sword energy that wanted to continue to spread upwards, stabbed Tianlan into the ground in front of him, looked down at the cuff, then rolled it up a little bit, and said softly: "I have learned a lot, I don't know Mrs. Murong What other means? Just use it, it is best to use the golden elixir and jade liquid of the Daoist sect, and it will also open my eyes as a junior in the Dragon and Tiger Alchemy."

Murong Xuan smiled, a little golden light rose in the inner courtyard of the middle dantian, and green energy surged all over her body.

The two ran forward at the same time, and their figures quickly approached. Murong Xuan's figure suddenly turned around, and her big sleeves swept away, directly throwing Xu Beiyou's whole body away.

Xu Beiyou brought out an afterimage and crashed into a stilted building, but this stilted building was unexpectedly unscathed. Xu Beiyou's body was parallel to the ground, "standing" sideways on the wall of the stilted building, his knees bent, and he was not on the wall. With a slight step, the entire stilted building shook slightly, and then the whole person bounced back.

Murong Xuan greeted her again, and the two figures in white met on the way. Murong Xuan softly pressed a palm on Xu Beiyou's heart, and Xu Beiyou pointed his sword in the middle of her eyebrows.

Xu Beiyou's figure shook violently, and double images appeared on his figure.

Murong Xuan's fair skin was flushed with blood, and the vermilion between her eyebrows was particularly dazzling.

Kill each other in white clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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