Chapter 942

In the barren southern border, there are countless high mountains and dense forests, among which there are countless rare animals and birds, which are somewhat similar to the ancient appearances in myths and legends. The poisonous miasma is becoming more and more intense, and the "savages" who have lived here for generations have never interacted with the outside world.In fact, the "cooked man" is already similar to the people of the Central Plains, and the people of the Central Plains never regard them as "people outside the culture". Living on hunting and slash-and-burn farming, and living as a tribe, they are not only hostile to the Central Plains people, but also hostile to those "cooked barbarians" who are already very similar to the Central Plains people, and they are unreasonably xenophobic.

At this time, in a dense forest, a group of "savages" under the command of a wizard are besieging and suppressing a huge strange beast. Blood red, like a wild boar but not a wild boar, like a giant elephant but not a giant elephant, it is difficult to name it, roaring and churning, the momentum is frightening, trees are falling down at every turn, startling countless flying birds.

As for the many barbarians who besieged and suppressed this strange beast, each of them held a spear in their hands, and some men with outstanding arms also held longbows, and in the quiver behind them were arrows that had been quenched with poison. It is a peculiar poison unique to the witch religion in southern Xinjiang. Seeing blood to seal the throat is a sharp weapon for hunting strange beasts, but because it is extremely precious, it will not be used lightly as a last resort.

With a roar, the alien beast broke a towering giant tree again, and when it was about to pick up a barbarian soldier who couldn't dodge with its fangs, suddenly a series of sounds like thunder rolled away came from the distant sky, and the alien beast's movements suddenly Stopped, the long hair on his body stood up suddenly, as if he sensed the great danger, he almost ignored the enemy in front of him, turned around and walked away, smashing and breaking countless vegetation along the way, unexpectedly opening a hole in this dense forest. a pathway.

The faces of the many barbarians changed drastically, and they mistakenly thought that they had encountered a more terrifying wild beast. Everyone gathered around the wizard at the same time, and the wizard quickly took out a piece of paper similar to the Central Plains talisman from the backpack in front of him. The animal skin is ready to send a message, but in fact, everyone knows that if they really encounter those terrifying wild beasts hidden in the depths of the southern border, they have no power to resist at all, even a big village like Lihuazhai can't resist. The many elders of the witch religion can do it.

Just when all the barbarians had just lined up, a young archer inadvertently raised his head and saw the scene above his head, his eyes widened instantly, and his face was full of horror.

On the sky at this time, there was a white-clothed and white-haired "immortal" standing in the air, holding a "giant sword" that was several miles long in his hand. This sword traversed the huge sky like a sword. galaxy.

Looking far away, one can vaguely see the clouds gathering and dispersing around the sword body, as if forming a long "cloud path".

As if in a chain reaction, other people also looked up one after another, and then everyone subconsciously felt a chill in their backs. If they read correctly, this young "immortal" should have the appearance of a Central Plains person.

Everyone was silent, and then at a loss, only the wizard in the middle of the crowd stared at the young figure with a slightly gloomy expression.

It's just that this young fairy with a sword in his hand ignored the group of "ants" at his feet, and just looked to the east from a distance. In this direction, two white rays of light suddenly came, and the wind paved the surface, causing the crowns of towering trees to rush towards him. After falling down, it can be seen that these two aggressive immortals did not hold back at all. As for the accidental injury and harming the innocent, they already couldn't care less in the southern border.

After the two white lights approached, the young immortal fell with a sword.

Then the whole dense forest was torn into two by this sword, and a ravine of more than ten miles appeared in the dense forest. Wherever the ravine passed, the trees fell down and the soil was turned up. The scene was very frightening.

Facing this sword, one of the white lights suddenly accelerated, revealing a figure in it, who was actually a blond "monster", holding a scepter in his hand, lying in front of him, forcibly blocking the sword , but a deep sword mark about an inch deep also appeared on the indestructible scepter, which was almost cut off from it.

At the same time, another ray of white light also dissipated slowly, revealing her figure. She was a beautiful woman. She stretched out her hand and "pulled" a purple thunderbolt. With a flick of her wrist, she threw it directly at the young fairy in white clothes and white hair. .

The white-haired young man smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to hold the three-foot green front, and instead of retreating, advanced, he took the initiative to meet him.

Sword 27, a sword from Yu Tianlei.

When Zi Lei was about thirty steps away from the young man, he turned his back on him, followed the sword, and went straight to his original master.

Murong Xuan reached out to slap the purple thunder that came with the sword, and at the same time stretched out her hand to press on the edge of the sword to prevent it from moving forward. At the same time, Bai Liyin raised the staff in his hand again, and in an instant it radiated light, pure and pure. The white rays of light spread all over the sky, making the eyes of the barbarians who were looking up from below sting.

In this white light, an arrow made of pure light shot towards Xu Beiyou's heart.

It was just a short distance away, and it arrived in a blink of an eye. Xu Beiyou, who had been resting up, watched the light arrow shoot into his chest, waiting for the next changes. The mysterious method of the Western Holy Church is finally coming.

Li Feng pronounced a strange syllable in a nonchalant manner.

The next moment, Xu Beiyou's heart was filled with light, and the arrow of light piercing his chest suddenly extended countless thorns of light, quickly spreading to the whole body, entangled layer by layer, dancing wildly, and these thorns were also trying to pierce through His skin penetrated into his body.

If it wasn't for Xu Beiyou's self-generated sword energy, which could have strangled these thorns of light layer by layer, I am afraid that there would be more thorns growing from his body, and then gushing out from his seven orifices. Xianwufu's physique instantly shattered.

But Xu Beiyou looked down at the thorns spreading out from his body, not only was he not afraid, he even stretched out his hand to touch these thorns of light leisurely, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Is this the method of the rumored Chinese and Western churches?

But it doesn't mean much.

The next moment, Xu Beiyou shot out countless sword qi from his whole body, these sword qi seemed to be virtual or real, if there was nothing, they seeped out from every pore, passed through his clothes without hurting the clothes, dispelling all the light on his body. The thorns were cut off one by one, and then Xu Beiyou took a deep breath and then exhaled. When he exhaled a breath of sword energy, he shattered the arrow of light in his heart.

The means of the Extreme West Church are nothing more than that.

(End of this chapter)

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