Chapter 946

This barbarian royal city is not big, let alone strong, but it is hidden deep in the depths of the [-] mountains. The mountains are high, the forests are dense, and the miasma is thick. There is no need to fear the enemy's attack, so these walls are more symbolic. Guards at the gate, but not to mention strict. After entering the city easily, the man looked around unobtrusively, and asked softly: "Is this your royal city? It looks more like a city in the Central Plains than the stockade outside."

The woman smiled, but the smile was forced, "This city was built by the king himself. He used to live in Nanzhong Qifu in his early years, and he is very familiar with the people of the Central Plains."

I don't know whether the woman intended it or not, but the three words "very familiar" were bitten very hard.

Xu Beiyou hummed, and said: "I know that barbarian king, the son of Mrs. Fenghuang, almost died at the hands of the grassland king Lin Han. Logically speaking, he should hate Lin Han. Why is he so persistent with the Central Plains court? "

Lan Lihua was speechless.

Xu Beiyou stopped talking, closed his eyes, and began to carefully feel the various atmospheres in the city.

He fought Murong Xuan and Li Fenggu before, and he never used Zhu Xian. Although he gained the upper hand, he suffered a lot of damage to his energy, so he may not be able to do anything against them. After all, defeating and killing are two completely different concepts. It was very difficult for Xu Beiyou to kill the two people with various secret techniques, but the situation in Jiangnan could not be delayed at all, so he decided to go to the ancestral court of the witch religion to meet with Zhu Jiuyin to finalize the matter in southern Xinjiang, and then Go and deal with the two of them in a leisurely manner.

Xu Beiyou swept across the barbarian city with his divine sense, but he didn't find Zhu Jiuyin. There was only a witch cult monk who had just entered the realm of the earth fairy and a barbarian warrior who was equivalent to the peak of human immortality. There are several powerful auras on Zhushen Peak in the back, but there are formation restrictions in them, which can block Xu Beiyou's spiritual exploration, making it difficult for him to perceive the specific number of people and the level of the realm.

But Xu Beiyou was almost certain that the great elder of the witch religion was on this pillar mountain.

Lan Lihua, who was following Xu Beiyou, suddenly asked, "Your Sword Sect... have you deployed any people here?"

Xu Beiyou opened his eyes, and replied: "Jianzong is not a Daoist sect, and his family's middle class Dalong is hard to care about. How can he spend so much time in these corners?"

Lan Lihua might not be annoyed by the belittlement of "corner land" in Xu Beiyou's words, and couldn't help but retort: ​​"Isn't your master Gongsun Zhongmou who claims that no one in the world knows the king? Isn't Mr. Dongxing also a member of your Jianzong?" ?"

"You know quite a lot." Xu Beiyou glanced at her and said, "But as far as I know, Mr. Dongxing is not a so-called 'raw barbarian', but a 'cooked barbarian' like you, who has been wandering for many years. People who are not barbarians and who do not belong to the witch religion, it is almost impossible to put people in the core of the witch religion. After all, it is difficult for the sword sect to do what the Taoist sect and the Daqi court have not done. It turns out that Jianzong is better at killing people than these things."

Just as Lan Lihua was about to speak, Xu Beiyou said, "You should go, I will go to see the elder of the witch religion next, if we can't agree, I'm afraid you will be implicated."

Lan Lihua shook her head and said, "If the Great Elder wants to investigate thoroughly, it will be difficult for me to hide."

Xu Beiyou said calmly: "Now that I am in southern Xinjiang, I can only do my best. As for whether it can be done, I have to do my best and obey the destiny. If you are really involved, then I can only apologize in advance."


On Zhushen Mountain, under the leadership of Man Wang, Murong Xuan and Li Fenggu gradually approached the side hall located on the mountainside. When they came to the gate of the hall, an old voice came from the hall, "Please enter the hall."

At the same time, the gate of the Stone Palace slowly opened, the barbarian king stopped, and made a "please" gesture to the two people behind him, "Please come in, both of you, the Great Elder has been waiting inside for a long time."

Murong Xuan smiled slightly, nodded and walked into the hall.

At this time, the inside of the stone hall was no longer as dim as before, and lights were lit up. An old man in black robe was standing in the depths of the stone hall, his white hair was scattered casually, so that half of his face was hidden behind him, his eyes were dark and cold, But no obvious hostility.

After all, the two people in front of him at this time are not ordinary people, they can be regarded as two earth immortals of the [-]th floor realm, even if he has the advantage of Zhushen Mountain, he has no certainty that he can beat them, let alone At this time, he is far from the peak, even though Wei Jin is dead, the injury Wei Jin left him is far from healed.

Of course, he didn't have much confidence in facing the young sword fairy at this time, so he still wanted to stand on the sidelines, but Murong Xuan asked Lu Xinlian to come forward, he couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb anymore, he had to give it to him. Make a statement.Furthermore, if you turn evil against a powerful Daoist sect because of this matter, the gain will not be worth the loss. On the contrary, the lord of Jianzong has a deep relationship with the Daqi court, and the barbarians in southern Xinjiang are at odds with the Daqi court. No, then he will choose the Taoist side.

Zhu Jiuyin said slowly: "This is the place where I retreat and clean up. There are no tables and chairs. I hope you two will forgive me."

Murong Xuan smiled and said: "It's okay, whether we sit or stand is irrelevant, the key is whether the Great Elder agrees with my proposal."

Zhu Jiuyin took a steady look at the wife of the Taoist head teacher, and said, "Mrs. Murong, please tell me."

Murong Xuan nodded and said: "Then I'll just say it straight. Presumably the Great Elder should have heard about it. Now that the world is fighting, the three vassal kings Wei Wang, Grassland Khan, and Northeast Mu Wang jointly rebelled against Qi. The Daqi court is already The wind and rain are precarious, this is the general trend, but there are some people who don't know the general trend and try to go against the trend, and I am here because of this person."

Zhu Jiuyin remained expressionless and kept silent.

Murong Xuan continued: "This person is not someone else, it is Xu Beiyou, a disciple of Gongsun Zhongmou of the Sword Sect, and now he is the new Sect Master of the Sword Sect, and has been rated as one of the Three Saints by the Tianji List. He came to Southern Border this time, I want to get rid of the past with the Great Elder, so that the barbarians in southern Xinjiang will no longer invade Shuzhou, so that the army of Shuzhou can rush to the south of the Yangtze River."

Zhu Jiuyin smiled deeply, "Invading Shuzhou? Nanzhong Qifu is the birthplace of my family for generations. You Central Plains took Nanzhong Qifu. We just want to get back what we lost. But you call it harassment."

Murong Xuan didn't deny the rebuttal, and said along the way: "Since the Great Elder has already said so, then I will promise once on behalf of the Taoist sect that as long as the Great Elder can ensure that the Shu State army has no time to leave Shu, then the Nanzhong Qifu will be handed over to the southern Xinjiang barbarians. "

Zhu Jiuyin narrowed her eyes, as if she wanted to hide the evil in her eyes, and also seemed to see through what Murong Xuan was thinking, and said slowly: "Mrs. Murong's words count?"

"Of course it counts." Murong Xuan said indifferently: "You might as well tell the truth, our Taoist sect doesn't want to have a second Daqi court to rule the world, there must be someone to restrain the king of Wei so that he can't completely sit on the throne, Grand Elder Southern Xinjiang is undoubtedly the best choice."

Zhu Jiuyin had no words.

Murong Xuan laughed suddenly, "But before that, we need to ask the Great Elder to join us in keeping that son-in-law of the Great Qi Emperor in Southern Border. Even if the entire Shu Prefecture is handed over to the Great Elder, it’s all right.”

Zhu Jiuyin stared at the smiling Murong Xuanyin for a long time, then nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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