That year, that cicada, that sword

Chapter 948 One Talisman Insinuates

Chapter 948
"This world is Xiao's world, not my sword sect's world. If it can become better in your hands, then I don't have to stop it. After all, from the beginning to the end, all I have to do is to revive the sword. It's just Zong."

The corner of Xu Beiyou's mouth was filled with a sarcasm smile, his eyes were turned away from Zhushen Mountain, and he looked at Murong Xuan again, and said flatly: "But what are you doing? You want endless disputes in the world, and you set aside the world for your own selfishness. Regardless, I, Xu Beiyou, am not a saint, but I am not a villain either, how can I be blameless for the rise and fall of my family and country?"

Xu Beiyou moved his eyes away from Murong Xuan's beautiful face, looked sideways at the sky above his head, looked at the long cloud path dragged by Zhu Xian, and continued: "Since the first emperor unified the world, the world has been unified. One family is the general trend, but you want to divide the world, Northwest, Northeast, Jiangnan, Jiangbei, plus the Shuzhou you just mentioned, will make the whole world fragmented."

"If your wishes come true, one world will become five kingdoms, and the five kingdoms will constantly attack each other, and they will have to rely on the Taoist sect, so that the Taoist sect can transcend the world with this, and they will die in the flames of war or be separated from their wives and children. What are the common people of Limin?"

"Even if there is no war between the five countries, don't forget that there is a Houjian in the north. The unified Great Chu was no match for Houjian and died under the iron hooves of Houjian's cavalry. How can a fragmented Central Plains fight?" The enemy has been dormant for many years, Houjian? If there is a day when Houjian goes south, the clothes of the Central Plains will change into Hufu, and the ancestors and saints will be hard to look at."

Xu Beiyou withdrew his gaze and looked at Murong Xuan squarely again, "Mr. Murong will not fail to understand these simple principles, but you still did it. I almost forgot that the Murong family was originally one of the Hu clan. Back then, Murong Longcheng and Murong Fenghuang What is the difference between the Great Yan built and today's later built? Then it is useless and boring to talk to you about these empty words."

Xu Beiyou reached out and wiped Zhu Xian's sword, the purple and green colors were flourishing, and a scarlet blood glow passed by, "After all, you want my life, so why don't I?"

Murong Xuan looked at the Sect Master of the Sword Sect who had officially released the sword, but said to the barbarian king: "You take everyone out of here, this is the meaning of the Great Elder."

Surrounded by many barbarian warriors, the barbarian king hesitated a little, and without much persistence, he led his men back slowly.

Xu Beiyou, holding Zhu Xian, was indifferent and let him take people away from this place. Murong Xuan, who hadn't made a move for a long time, seemed to be waiting for the whole city to turn into an empty city, so she explained leisurely: "Zhu Jiuyin doesn't want to hurt his people, you I don’t want to hurt the innocent, our Taoist sect also has the virtue of good life, so we will wait a little longer.”

Xu Beiyou didn't make a move or speak, just quietly waiting for all the barbarians to leave this place.

Murong Xuan didn't speak anymore, and let the Taoist enemy in front of her begin to accumulate energy silently, narrowing her long and narrow Danfeng pupils slightly, and her thoughts wandered slightly.

She thought of Gongsun Zhongmou when he was young, he also had such an attitude, people can't say that he hates or likes it, it varies from person to person, but for her, most of them don't like it, whether it's good or bad, the same self-righteousness, Even Gongsun Zhongmou, who had gone through many trials and hardships in his later years, still maintained this kind of self-righteousness in his bones. When he was in Longcheng, he refused to listen to her advice and insisted on going his own way. He finally went to Biyou Island and died there.

So will his disciple die in southern border?
About half an hour later, under the order and force of the barbarian king, all the barbarians withdrew from this barbarian city located deep in the [-] mountains. Only Xu Beiyou, Murong Xuan, and Li Fenggu were left in the whole city. .

Xu Beiyou raised Zhu Xian in his hand, and the sword was like a dragon in an instant.

At the same time, Murong Xuan stretched out her finger and began to draw a talisman in front of her face, and a white flame instantly rose from the end of the scepter in Li Fenggu's hand.

Facing Xu Beiyou, who was almost invincible in the [-]th floor, even if they had the numerical advantage at this time, even if Xu Beiyou was not at his peak, Murong Xuan and the others still wouldn't feel slighted.

Xu Beiyou's figure was the first to move, and he stretched out his sword forward. It didn't have the imposing aura of heaven and earth, but it wasn't understated to the point where people mistakenly thought it was an ordinary sword. There were quite a lot, so this sword was blocked by Li Fenggu with the scepter in his hand, allowing Murong Xuan to complete the talisman in his hand and push it forward.

This talisman is a projection talisman in the talisman school that can be compared with the Mountain and River Talisman. I saw that the talisman split into two instantly after flying out, just like the mother-child talisman. The mother talisman was still in Murong Xuan's hand. However, the Zifu fluttered onto Xu Beiyou's body and disappeared instantly.

Murong Xuan smiled slightly, her figure began to drift backwards, and at the same time stretched out her fingers to lightly tap on the mother talisman.

Suddenly, Xu Beiyou's chest seemed to be hit hard, and there was an obvious inward concave arc, and his figure couldn't help but retreated backwards. His back directly smashed through the wall of this barbarian city, and he retreated outside the city.

Xu Beiyou swallowed a mouthful of blood, forced himself to suppress the chaotic qi in his body, it was a bit of a bitter loss.Xu Beiyou had to admit that he still underestimated Mrs. Murong. What he didn't expect was that Murong Xuan had hidden a secret technique. If he guessed correctly, it should be the technique of projection in Taoism.

The so-called projectile technique is a branch of the technique of disgusting victory. It is the so-called indirect projection. It is said that in ancient times there was a kind of underwater monster called Shen, which could hide in the water and spray people's shadows with sand. If it was shot, it would die When a malignant sore is born, the Taoist sect derives a secret technique from this, which is the technique of shooting shadows, which shoots the spirit of others on the dead object, and destroying the object is destroying the person. From this, many heretical techniques are derived, the most famous The most important thing is the witchcraft that has been repeatedly banned in the courts of the past dynasties. The doll is made of the hair and nails of the opponent, which can make the opponent lose his mind, get sick, and even lose his life directly.

At this time, the projection talisman used by Murong Xuan was to connect Xu Beiyou with the mother talisman in her hand with the child talisman. When she struck the mother talisman, she actually knocked directly on Xu Beiyou's heart across her energy and physique.

Hard to guard against.

Even though many martial arts masters who do not understand magic skills are invincible, they will inevitably capsize in the gutter in the face of such ghostly methods. After all, not every martial artist is a perfect and flawless peak martial artist, let alone Chuan Guoxie. Equal weight body guard.In the past thousands of years, the Daoist sect has been able to stand upright, and it is not unreasonable for Wufu to remain invincible except for a few people.

But fortunately, Xu Beiyou is not a pure martial artist who does not understand the art of magic. He comes from the lineage of the Sword Sect, which is one of the three major inheritances of the Taoist ancestor, the Shangqing School.

What's more, if you want to rely on this method to assassinate Xu Beiyou, you must be a monk above the [-]th floor of the Earth Immortal Realm, and even the [-]th Floor of the Earth Immortal is very reluctant. Even if Xu Beiyou's energy is captured, even if he succeeds by chance, his attack method is still painless compared to Xu Beiyou's supreme sword body.

But then again, although Murong Xuan can rely on this method to catch him off guard, but if he wants to rely on this method to make meritorious deeds again and again, that would be a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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