Chapter 955

At this time, Zhu Jiuyin, who had never spoken, finally said slowly: "It seems that I am really blessed today. Not only can I personally kill a sword sect master, but I can even kill another Daoist Daoist, are you right?" Right? Madam Murong."

Mrs. Murong's eyes were gloomy, but she didn't refute, as if she had acquiesced.

Zhu Jiuyin still crossed her hands in front of her chest, and said softly: "After today, I'm afraid there will never be such an opportunity again, what a pity."

Xu Beiyou took a deep breath, and supported Zhu Xian to stand up straight suddenly.

But it was Lu Xinlian who took the lead.

She stretched out her hand, and a round of bright moon rose slowly from her palm, and the sky and the earth were suddenly covered with white.

Lu Xinlian opened her five fingers, and the moonlight filled the air. Even if there was a large array of Zhushen Peak that Zhu Jiuyin opened, it could not cover up the brilliance of this round of bright moon.

Zhu Jiuyin used the fairy miasma to block the bright white moonlight shooting at him, and then waved his sleeves, the fairy miasma directly rolled back towards Lu Xinlian.

At the same time, a handle of Fu Chen appeared in Murong Xuan's hand, and she waved it lightly, "Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable."

A purple Qingyun appeared above her head, as bright as the sun, the moon and stars, it was indescribably wonderful, the Qingyun kept changing, transforming into millions of spirit birds and strange beasts, the phoenix danced lightly, all the birds turned towards the phoenix, the unicorn shook its head and tail, with a naive look, and the dragon appeared The head does not see the end, the clouds spread the rain, and all kinds of auspiciousness emerge, which is extremely mysterious.

According to the legend, the ascending immortal of the Taoist sect has Qingyun surging above his head, three flowers bursting out, and five qi filling the sky.

Murong Xuan put Qing Yun on her head, looked at Lu Xinlian, and said in a deep voice: "Lu Xinlian, don't make mistakes!"

Lu Xinlian calmly said: "I also give you these words, Murong Xuan, don't mistake yourself, and don't make mistakes."

Murong Xuan didn't get angry, just flicked the whisk, the silver threads on the whisk suddenly swelled, seemed to be hundreds of feet long, and swept towards Lu Xinlian.

The silver threads are intertwined into pieces, mixed with billowing miasma, layer upon layer, covering the sky and the sun.

The next moment, countless moonlights lit up in the silver thread and miasma, first at one o'clock or two o'clock, then at a dozen o'clock, hundreds of o'clock, and finally tens of thousands of o'clock, like countless fine needles piercing through the cloth, completely breaking through the silver. silk and miasma.

Zhu Jiuyin originally thought that it would be easy to stop Lu Xinlian with Murong Xuan. Even if Lu Xinlian had some secret magic and treasures, manpower would always be poor. It finally became the end of the battle, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that Lu Xinlian was really not to be underestimated, and she was also different from Xu Beiyou, she never wanted to defeat the two of them, she just wanted to take Xu Beiyou out of here.

Zhu Jiuyin was quite helpless, if a Daoist Daoist insisted on leaving, even if he and Murong Xuan were in a much higher realm, he would not dare to say that he was fully sure.

Just like many monks encountered a strong enemy, they would definitely not be able to fight, but if they wanted to escape, they might not be unable to escape.

What made him even more fearful was that even if Xu Beiyou didn't have the power to fight at this time, the power of a sword was still more than enough. For a sword fairy who stood at the pinnacle of the world and held Zhu Xian, one sword was enough to kill. It also meant that even if Xu Beiyou wanted to escape, he might turn his head back abruptly while escaping for his life, which would make the pursuers feel apprehensive and unable to do their best.

Standing behind Lu Xinlian, Xu Beiyou's sight had long since disappeared, only a bright moon rising slowly, as if it wanted to shine through the sky and reflect the earth.

Lu Xinlian, who was transformed into a bright moon, poured countless silver lights, covering Xu Beiyou, and was about to break through the air.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Jiuyin didn't dare to hold back any more, took out a piece of black jade from her sleeve, and crushed it with pain.

A moment later, twelve thick clouds rose from the peak of Zhushen Mountain. Behind the twelve clouds, twelve huge phantoms could be faintly seen. Clothed with golden scales, human face and tiger body, or with blue wings on the back, bird face and human body, or python head and human body with blue scales, or animal head and human body with fiery red scales, or human body and snake tail, body with nine arms, or Eight human faces, tiger body and ten tails, or bone spurs all over the body, like giant beasts, or human faces and bird bodies, with four fleshy wings on the back, or holding snakes and stepping on dragons, or capturing dragons and hanging snakes, there are all kinds of them, similar to the legendary ones. The appearance of the Twelve Ancestral Witches is almost exactly the same.

Under the oppression of the twelve phantoms, the twelve swords of Jianzong who were originally hanging in the air wailed endlessly, and had to fall back to the ground, and then were put away by Xu Beiyou.

The great formation of the witch religion's defense finally appeared.

This array is based on Zhushen Peak, imitating the ancestral court of Qishan in the past, and setting up the Twelve Ancestral Witch Halls. Each hall forms a small array of its own, and there are many witches and wizards sitting in the town. The twelve halls jointly build this twelve capitals. .

If the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals, which was personally deployed by the Twelve Ancestral Witches in its heyday, would be comparable to the 360 ​​five-star Zhoutian Formation, even if the Great Formation of the Twelve Capitals was incomplete at this time, it would still be enough for an eighteenth Cultivator Lou flinched.

At the same time, Murong Xuan put away the dust whisk in her hand, and a prayer wheel appeared in her hand. With a light shake, it seemed as if thousands of monks were chanting the Great Day Sutra in unison while the prayer wheel was turning, and at the same time , there was another Buddha's light in the void, a bright Buddha opened his eyes in the crimson Buddha's light, and there was a red halo of merit like the sun behind his head, symbolizing the immeasurable light.

The face of the Tathagata!

Dainichi Tathagata is one of the three bodies of the current Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha. This form is complete, standing upright, and his figure can be seen at a glance, but it seems to fill the whole world, and the sun wheel behind his head has also become so huge. It looks like a real red sun.

At this time, Murong Xuan's whole body was shrouded in the red Buddha's light, and she was stepping on the auspicious clouds of the Taoist sect. Although she had a slight smile on her face, her eyes were as calm as a lake, neither happy nor sad.The toga has big sleeves and fluttering sleeves, like a fairy.

Then she pushed out a palm flatly, which seemed to be an understatement, but behind her, the Dari Tathagata made the same movement, covering the sky with the Buddha's palm, and pressed down on Xu Beiyou's position.

Xu Beiyou didn't care about the injuries on his body, he joined the sword and turned into a rainbow and swept past.

The palm of Da Ri Tathagata just happened to pass by Xu Beiyou's Changhong, leaving a huge handprint trace of nearly a hundred feet in the city below, and countless houses collapsed and shattered.

This palm almost razed half of the barbarian city to the ground.

Murong Xuan was about to volley with the second palm.

Suddenly a round of bright and clear moon appeared in the sky, which complemented the red sun behind the Great Sun Tathagata.

The sun and the moon shine.

Zhu Jiuyin looked up at the scene in the sky, looked away, and laughed loudly, "Xu Beiyou, die!"

Twelve phantoms on the sky moved violently, and jointly created a vision of heaven and earth.

In Xu Beiyou's line of sight, there is only a line of high tide falling from the sky, which is several times more magnificent than the big river tide in the tide season. The purple and black miasma billowing in it seems to be endless, covering the sky and covering the earth, as if it is going to overwhelm the entire earth engulf.

At the same time, Lu Xinlian's voice suddenly sounded in Xu Beiyou's heart, "Xu Beiyou, I can only buy you time for one strike, that's all."

Xu Beiyou stopped looking at the magnificent scene of the sun and the moon shining together and the tide above his head, held Zhu Xian, and said softly, "One sword is enough."

(End of this chapter)

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