Chapter 957

It was too late for Zhu Jiuyin to leave now.

The old man in the blue shirt waved his big sleeves, and the picture of beautiful mountains and rivers moved accordingly, and instantly extended to a length of nearly a thousand feet, forming a big circle around Zhu Jiuyin.

On this thousand-foot-long scroll, it is no longer a scene of beautiful mountains and rivers, but a beautiful picture scroll drawn by a heavenly official and immortal himself.

There are vivid figures on this picture scroll, there is Zichen, the old Taoist head teacher who rides a dragon down the mountain, there is Shangguan Xianchen who goes out to sea with ten thousand swords on his feet, there is Qingchen who pinches his fingers and silently calculates the secrets of heaven, and there is throwing whips. Xiao Yu, the founding emperor of Da Qi who broke the river, Xiao Xuan, the emperor Taizong of Da Qi sitting high in the imperial palace, Xiao Bai, the emperor Gaozong of Da Qi with a sword at his waist, Diao Yin, the Xuanjiao elder holding a crutch, and Sitting cross-legged on a lotus platform There is Mu Guan, the abbot of Buddhism, there is Zhang Jiangling, the first assistant of Zheng Zheng who stands in the temple with a jade wat in his hand, Wang Yun, the leader of Confucianism who ascends to the wind, there is Sun Shiwu, a Confucian master who travels to study, and there is a sword box on his back. There is the white-haired old man Gongsun Zhongmou who walks around, Mr. Fu Fu Chen who picks up the chessboard, Xiao Shen who walks with a sword behind his back, and Tianchen who steps on the auspicious clouds...

There are nearly a hundred people on this long scroll, all of whom are the most outstanding people in the world who have reached the eighteenth floor or are close to the eighteenth floor in the past hundred years.

These people have one thing in common, that is, they have all passed away, or they have attained the Tao and ascended to heaven, or they died and went to Jiuyou, in short, they are no longer in this world.

Some of these people are still well-known to the world today, such as the three emperors of Daqi, Gongsun Zhongmou, the master of Xu Beiyou, Sun Shiwu, Qingchen, Xiao Shen, etc., while some people have gradually become legendary figures , such as Zichen, the old head teacher of the Taoist school, Tianchen, the teacher of Zhang Baisui, Shangguan Xianchen, the great sword fairy, Wang Yun, the former leader of the Confucian school, and others.

The reason why this rare heavy weapon was once called "Mountain and River Map" was because it formed a cave of its own, and the reason why it was later renamed "Tianji Bang" was because of the scene in front of it.

Although many people on the list are no longer earth immortals on the [-]th floor, or have become gods in the sky, or simply died, but on the list of celestial secrets, they still roughly maintain the same status as when they were on the list of celestial secrets in the human world. At this time, phantoms appear one after another on the long scroll. Although they are only the phantoms of the people on the list, this battle is probably enough to discourage ordinary earth immortal monks, and it can be called a grand sight.

Sapphire snapped her fingers lightly, "Yinhuo."

The list of celestial secrets began to rotate slowly, and the phantom of Diao Yin, the great elder of Xuanjiao, came to the center. With a crutch in his hand, black flames emerged from nothingness, jumped and burned wildly, and swept away towards Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin is not afraid of being protected by the Great Formation of the Twelve Capital Heavens, and the miasma of immortals above his head is like tassels hanging down, protecting him in it, no matter how raging the Yin fire, he will not make an inch of progress.Moreover, the great elder of the witch religion was not willing to sit still, and waved a brilliant light, about seven inches long, with eyes and wings, and flew out in a whirl, directly landing on Sapphire's head.

Lan Yu snapped her fingers again and said, "Xuan Bing."

The list of celestial secrets rotates again, Diao Yin's phantom moves away, and the phantom of Daomen Master Tianchen, the master of the Taoist sect, turns into the center. With a flick of his robe sleeves, ice emerges from nothingness, stacked on top of each other, and in a blink of an eye, in the blue A majestic iceberg had already appeared in front of Yu, and this iceberg was still growing and expanding. No matter how sharp the brilliance hook was, it kept cutting the ice layer, and there would always be newborn black ice to fill the original position at the next moment.

"The art of borrowing the law." Zhu Jiuyin's face suddenly became a little ugly. As in the past, Sapphire has the Tianji Bang, a heavy weapon that can borrow the law. Even if he has the support of the Twelve Capitals, it will inevitably be exhausted.

What's more, there is Zhao Qing who is watching covetously beside him.

At this moment, Sapphire snapped her fingers for the third time, "Tianlei."

This time, it was Zi Chen, the Taoist veteran teacher, who was the No. 1 Qiu Ye's teacher in the world today, and also the No.

Zi Chen's figure is a bit different from other characters, his figure is slightly blurred, and he is vaguely wearing a purple Taoist priest's robe, and the purple energy around him is pouring out wildly, converging at his feet to form a long river, and then towards Zhu Jiuyin. He stretched out his hand and patted it far away.

In an instant, a hole in the sky seemed to be blasted open, and a purple thunder crashed down, like a purple waterfall, flying down three thousand feet!
Tianlei is the best thing to restrain Yin and evil.

The billowing miasma above Zhu Jiuyin's head only resisted a little, but was directly penetrated by the billowing thunder.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhu Jiuyin managed to move his figure, but he was still hit by the lightning on half of his body, and it was instantly scorched black.

The Great Elder of the Witch Cult was terrified, and he didn't dare to keep his hand any longer. His blood was surging, and his whole body turned into a blood-colored rainbow, sweeping hundreds of feet away.

Sapphire was already prepared for this, and said softly: "The Buddha Kingdom."

Zi Chen's figure slowly dissipated and turned into the figure of Mu Guan. The former abbot of Buddhism folded his hands together, and countless Zen chants suddenly resounded between heaven and earth. With one palm, he became a Buddhist kingdom, causing Xuehong to stagnate for a moment.

At this moment, Zhao Qing, who had been waiting for a long time, finally made a move. His figure suddenly flew to the side of Xuehong, his hands clenched into fists, he swung it high, and smashed hard on Xuehong.

Countless bloody lights suddenly bloomed.

There was a loud bang, like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

Under Zhao Qing's full force, the blood rainbow was completely shattered, and Zhu Jiuyin's figure appeared again. He had never been so flustered, like a bereaved dog, and what frightened him even more was that even if he was like a bereaved dog, He also failed to escape from the dangerous situation. Could it be that Jiazi has worked so hard to stay here today! ?

Zhao Qing fell back to the ground, took a deep breath, and the sound of blood flowing in his body was like the tide hitting the shore.

The next moment, Zhao Qing stepped hard on the ground with one foot, and his whole body shot up like an arrow from the string. In an instant, he came to Zhu Jiuyin, and punched Zhu Jiuyin directly in the face.

Zhu Jiuyin was knocked back nearly a hundred feet by this punch.

His originally pale face suddenly turned extremely bright red, blood flowed profusely from his seven orifices, the blood color was pitch black, and his white hair fluttered wildly in the air!
At this moment, Zhu Jiuyin hated Xu Beiyou, Murong Xuan, Li Fenggu, Lan Yu, and Zhao Qing.

The path to eternal life that hates oneself is almost cut off.

Moments later, Zhao Qing followed closely, his figure was so fast that he almost brought out afterimages behind him.

Next, Zhu Jiuyin fell into the passive position of being beaten completely, without the slightest strength to fight back. Zhao Qing kept punching, and his speed became faster and faster. In the end, he could only see an afterimage floating up and down.


Zhao Qing suddenly stopped his already invisible figure, while Zhu Jiuyin was thrown into the air.

Zhao Qing made fists with both hands, jumped up suddenly, and came to Zhu Jiuyin's back in an instant.

Big drumming style.

The fists hit Zhu Jiuyin's body hard like two drumsticks, making a loud bang.

Zhu Jiuyin exploded in mid-air, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

After Zhao Qing landed, he stretched out his hands to wipe away the blood on his face expressionlessly.

The ambitious Great Elder of the Witch Cult died just like that, and he couldn't die any more.

Zhu Jiuyin, who wanted to change from dominating southern Xinjiang to dominating Shuzhou, died in peace.

If he could regret it, he would definitely not meet Murong Xuan and the others, and at the last moment before his death, the hatred in his heart reached its peak.

The person he hates the most is not Xu Beiyou, nor Lu Xinlian who intervened halfway, or even Zhao Qing and Lan Yu who jointly put him to death, but Murong's wife Murong Xuan who took the first step.

(End of this chapter)

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